I’ll try to address some of these: 1. I am sure I could research a number of cases where applicable laws were not enforced. I don’t have that kind of time. Hunter Biden lied on his form and isn’t being prosecuted. I bring that one up because it’s in the news. 2. The laws in you’re asking about are not state specific but federal. We can’t sell to anyone we believe under the influence (we declined one Friday), under 18, under court order, etc. those are questions on the 4473 which is federal. In regards to private sales (f2f) you have to follow 4473 rules but you don’t have to run the background check. So you don’t ask if they have been dishonorably discharged or under court order or whatever - but if you know those things to be true then you cannot complete that transaction. I am in favor of background checks for private sales. 3. Inheriting guns in texas - you don’t need to do anything. You are in legal possession of this guns and nothing needs to be done. However, if you have some inherited weapons that are class 3 or banned (Italian street sweeper) then you will go to prison if caught with them. If you alerted the atf - no big deal. If you have a concern on any of them I’m happy to look at them (pics). We had this scenario a few months ago: Guy brings in a gun to sell. It’s rare. Real rare. so we did some extra research to make sure we were right and confirmed it was banned years ago. So we talk to the guy and he inherited it from a family member and thought it might be illegal so just wanted to get rid of it. In fact a customer in the store looked at him and said “you need to go home right now”. So we call atf- atf tells us to lock the gun in our vault and let the guy know he wouldn’t be getting the gun back. Atf comes in the next week with the file - mugshot is in there - and gets the gun. He knowingly admitted he knew it was illegal and that is what got him in trouble. You probably don’t have anything illegal but if you do you need to know.