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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. Very similar. Negligible in fact maybe depending on platform. Standard 45acp is about 10% less I’d guess. You can handle either.
  2. Sounds like the right remedy for bad guys with missiles is good guys with missiles.
  3. Do you have a newsletter?
  4. Good stuff
  5. Today Ive done nothing except sell them. And they’re flying out the door. When I find someone that shares my thoughts on gun control I will donate to their campaign. I’ll even let you find them for me and I’ll share my campaign contribution with you. That should make you happy. And we can be friends again.
  6. Ok roy4. Man you got me - what have you done today to curb gun violence. Let’s see if your talk is being backed up. Don’t stray too far - you got suspended last time for running your mouth. What have you done today?
  7. As figured - the voice of your resident arms dealer has not been heard.
  8. I don’t think that’s true. I, the resident arms dealer, have mentioned multiple times that I favor that. But it doesn’t matter if we don’t alter other laws. You don’t want to hear that I know - but it just doesn’t matter. When many of ya’ll talk about common sense gun reform and then in another breath speak of getting rid of them all - you’re clarifying your real intent and I am starting to appreciate that more and more.
  9. Texas used to have the option of gifting a vehicle - but everyone was abusing that. I think they shifted to applying retail value for tax purposes and if that is true - you will have to pay the tax.
  10. So when he landed in Japan he had a team of guards around him. One of the lead guys lived in texas after the war and my shop got his Clark custom 1911’s he used for competition. I got a bunch of his shooting gear.
  11. I am a coward because I won’t go to Chicago to get in shootouts? Am I hearing that right? The more you talk, the more unhinged you appear to be. I don’t think you’re stable and you should get help. You keep trying to provoke people and ridicule them, even when there is evidence of agreement on some of the gun control things you desire. You deliberately state the opposite, provoking others to engage in your lunacy. Get some help. Maybe you need some time off - blacklab and immamac could help with that.
  12. 22lr is 18+ Any 22 is pretty much 18+. 22 short can be shot out of rifles.
  13. My grandma was named Ura Dean. Want to know why I didn’t name my daughter that? So she wouldn’t be embarrassed and bullied for having a weird name. My dad use to say “ura dean, im a dean, everybody’s a dean” lolz
  14. That doesn’t scream technical difficulties. That screams something is wrong in the org - money, being acquired, lost their license, etc.
  15. I’m trying to wiggle myself into the conversation. My agent has reached out. Full disclosure - my agent is my golden retriever.
  16. I’ve said multiple times I don’t support that. Why do you keep saying I do?
  17. I do have an idea. It isn’t hard. I would not have fired my weapon. You don’t believe me and that’s fine, just stop bringing it up. Why do you support 9 year old kids being able to transition to another gender?
  18. I don’t shoot people stealing things that aren’t mine. It’s a simple concept. I am surprised you don’t understand it. I don’t constantly attack you for supporting 9 year olds electing to transition without parental support. Why are you the way that you are?
  19. Pew! Pew Cowboys! It doesn’t say they had Teslas. So they prob weren’t charging teslas. If they were charging teslas and now we have one less Tesla owner is that a bad thing?
  20. Are you pre-med? You sound like you’re pre-med.
  21. Older guns had bob and Ted doing quality control, not Ricky the robot. The tooling also led to a sometimes better product alone. Give me an old 1100 over a new one anyway. I see them all the time - I would t buy a new one. Safes - buy a bigger safe. Fuck all that tech.
  22. My lawnmower was stolen out of my garage last week. I need a new one now.
  23. Major hail in Georgetown
  24. I want so bad to believe it’s the FCU. Glock should have gotten that contract.
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