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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. What do you think the reason it’s $200 cheaper is? Did you buy it from Brandon?
  2. Yeah I dont like them.
  3. It is. I don’t like shoulder holsters. I think they’re stupid. And can be dangerous That would be unfortunate
  4. Not sure what your talking about. Send me the post.
  5. I dont see any cowboys or Indians. Feather or dot.
  6. When his hand goes on his weapon and he unholsters it is when your spidey senses go haywire. These are pretty easy. Keep them coming. As an “arms dealer” I can use these scenarios in discussions with my arms purchasers.
  7. At one point is your holstered weapon pointed directly at me a threat to my life? Any cowboys or indians care to chime in? Never. That was pretty easy.
  8. Academy no longer sells AR’s. Haven’t for a while.
  9. I think if you look at his posts and my posts regarding this one of us comes off as unstable and unhinged and it’s not me lol. Carrying my Easter gun today - Glock 43 IWB - at a little brunch spot.
  10. We’ll if I am a mad man then don’t meet me in Home Depot parking lots for ammo anymore and avoid me at Tonya’s house. I am surprised you made it out of both encounters alive.
  11. Sure. Out of the 4,000,000 instances that day of people coming in to contact with each other while packing heat across America, this one ended in tragedy. I probably came across 4-5 people carrying today and we had no shootouts. I’ve been in situations where if I wasn’t carrying I would definitely had responded differently to the situation. But I was, and I excused myself from what was going on. Nothing violent or criminal, just not wanting to engage someone/something that wasn’t worth it. That’s not why I carry.
  12. I can’t. But I’d rather have a Bergara with a can. Probably cheaper all around. The Bergara with cf barrel in semi is fucking sick.
  13. So you have a built rig under 16”? If so you should already have a brace on it. If you don’t then whatever you do don’t take a picture of it. Put a cheap brace on it and get a free tax stamp if you so desire.
  14. What do you need? I’ve got more stuff.
  15. Dude I got cymbals. What do you need.
  16. Didn’t sell an AR today. But I did stop a straw sale.
  17. I did not work in the shop today. I’ll be there tomorrow.
  18. Photographer made sure to put “Amanda” front and center.
  19. Oooohhhh- reverse psychology. You’re a master strategist.
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