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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. Hey wait just a second. We’re desperate too, maybe even more.
  2. So now if he goes to tech it’s because that is what his plan was before he hit the portal and sark isn’t to blame? Is that what we’re running with now? If sark hadn’t laid bare his bleeding, infesting vagina for all to see this season we’d be landing QE.
  3. Most of them got 243/30-30/etc.
  4. PSA- Academy stores are getting in shot tons of ammo. 100,000+ rounds. 30-30 270 30-06 Creedmoor 243 Shit tons of ammo.
  5. It appears as though: Sark can’t recruit milwee can’t recruit coleman can’t recruit choate cant recruit Joseph can’t recruit not great.
  6. Got damn you know that’s right. We could prob separate them from the PUF right now for Pennie’s on the dollar. They’d spend it all in 90 days and we could pick up A&M computers, desks, etc at the local pawn shops by summer.
  7. Eh…..doesnt really apply to Texas lol
  8. Question: I’m not really a deer hunter. Hogs and coyotes are more my speed. Does a whitetail always remain a 4 point or 8 point or whatever? If I see a big 6 this year who is young, would he always be a six or can that change to an 8 or a 4 or a 12 or whatever?
  9. Rumor (I think) is he prefers the college game. I could be wrong.
  10. I do t think we’d go and try to get our rivals coach- if we fail it kills recruiting. Same way we should go and offer Elko 5mm but we won’t.
  11. 300BLK is the correct answer here.
  12. And then, 1 of 2 things happened: 1 - sark shared the convo so he could make sure he got it out there so he could sabotage his efforts or, 2 - the BMD got it out there so his money that he is donating to the university would be wasted. Brian Jones sucks dick.
  13. Multiple fatalities. Bus had band members.
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