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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. I'd like to make Mrs. Mohns username correct...
  2. In the name of the Father, and of the Spawn, and the Ghost of Tom Joad, Amen
  3. Me too, senor. Just one lady, but everyday is like a panty avalanche. They fling 'em from everywhere (not really).
  4. At this time, maybe I'm happy for the assistance of Fredo Sexton. But, I could see him taking a little fishing trip in the future.
  5. Where's your bird figurine? Nice try. Still, Hook 'em.
  6. My only issue with Gideon is all of those years coaching on the field leading to early onset of burnout.
  7. SIAP: you're going to NEED some butt-rest.
  8. Well, she let you nail her on the couch. There are worse things than being relegated to a pull out, like children possibly. Get drunk and talk politics, that always cheers everyone up!
  9. Merry Christmas you resplendent, churlish guttersnipes.
  10. But look at all those winning seasons! ~TH
  11. Middle picture, I would have put the bullseye a bit higher---but that's a matter of preference.
  12. @JOSEYWALES66, I hereby invoke the Surly Charter, previously known as the Shagna Carta, and demand to know the name of your avatar. Yours In BDE, TS
  13. If your night crew pecker/clitoral energy chakras are misaligned, this will fix you up.
  14. No, it's a blues singer to me.
  15. Just don't see why this should be a continuing problem. @immamac turned a major shithole into this veritable Taj Majal in one night, with nothing more than three Mcribs a six pack of White Claw and a little black tar heroin. I'm even giving strong consideration to contributing my tree-fiddy in appreciation.
  16. Tweeting about the McRib? Surly, she's on to us!! Quick, straighten this place up. Somebody change the title of I'd Pee In Her Butt to Model Trains I Covet.
  17. I'm disappointed but not shocked that Little Big Man has received zero votes. Philistines. P.S.: Urban is a Longhorn
  18. I was just learning to speak Dangersnax when he disappeared. About as useful as Esperanto now.
  19. You better Czech yourself before you wreck yourself.
  20. That's it. I changing my pecker's name to Katy.
  21. Narrator: " They didn't shut it down."
  22. So... he's the coach for simple farmers? Common clay of the Midwest...?
  23. I thank the gentleman from Minnesota for his kind invitation, though I regrettably must decline for COVID reasons.
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