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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. The hell you will. He's got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody's Elko's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the grail championship already.
  2. "Murfdogg" seems the sound you'd make with your face in some DD's.
  3. It's like Flowers for Algernon-the drug will wear off and they'll revert back to the less self-aware stages of gomerdom very soon.
  4. Man, this campaign is so refreshingly competent.
  5. I met one of Cornyn's longtime staffers at a neighborhood gathering. Affable guy who dreams of retiring in Portugal---they have the BEST ! healthcare system. I had to do the mental equivalent of an aggy nut squeeze to keep my trap shut.
  6. Well, someone should make the Harris Campaign aware that this is an important election and Pennsylvania is an important swing state.
  7. Walz is going to go NUTS NUTS EYES THROAT TITTY TWISTER TITTY TWISTER on Vance tonight. I hope
  8. She would treat him or Rogan like a naughty but redeemable nephew and it would go over great. That's the story that show's whole demographic tells itself: "I'm the loveable rascal who exasperates the women in my life, but they love me anyway". I think it is completely in Kamala's wheelhouse to be the favorite aunt who smacks your hand for trying to sneak a taste before the table is set and tells you to get the hell out of her kitchen, with a smile. A great opportunity to dampen enthusiasm against her in that audience, and maybe to win some voters she couldn't convince through any other means.
  9. That pendejo will go to a McDonalds and drop one basket of fries in the grease and then leave. For weeks after, we will all have to listen to him go on and on about how he knows "Culinary" perhaps as much as Ray Kroc or Thomas Keller, and some people might say more. It was the perfect order of fries they said, all equal, none out of place how did he do it---and that fryer, I can tell you this, that fryer did not run on WIND...hot apple pies, who doesn't love a hot apple pie...
  10. She's an SA real estate agent. There was never a doubt the kid would be aggy. The grandfather has buildings with his name on them on campus.
  11. Dark Side of the Rainbow...Thanks for the reminder.
  12. So, spent a fair amount of time growing up with half of my extended family attending rural SBC-type churches, another part of my youth spent around the Church of Christ etc. . So my question is, what happened to the major issue of demon-possessed music artists making music with subliminal devil messages that you can play backwards on a record player??? Like, the technology actually exists now where you could easily produce music with nefarious hidden messages, but you hear nothing about it. We used to play the Beatles and Blue Oyster Cult backwards and be like, "Holy shit, that's some spooky stuff!". Record players (largely) went away, but still it seems like they could revive that one.
  13. In the greater sense, you're right @Tex Pete. It could have used some workshopping and the statement looks like it belongs on the Atheists board. Sorry for the offense. I'd delete it if I knew how.
  14. That's right, bitch, the Jesus you worship and have trusted with all of your ostentation and pious self regard made it a part of His divine plan that you and your teammates should lose yet again to the Texas Longhorns. Go get some Chick Fil A, it'll make you feel better. Oh wait, better check if they're open.
  15. Hell of a voice though. Gotdamn shame
  16. you get a donkey punch and YOU get a donkey punch
  17. I got two gotdamn things to say: 1) I get that, in daily life, we should all try to allow our better angels to mostly run the show. However, in a situation like being in a committee hearing with MTG----or any other of these bad faith treasonous disrespectful pieces of shit--I'm glad there are people to stand up to their bullshit. This song by the late great Kenny Rogers comes to mind: 2) Met her last weekend. Jasmine Crockett is absolute smoke and I'm glad she's there to stop and lock the door
  18. Allow me to translate my understanding, whether accurate or innaccurate: " It seems that some time has passed since I was first introduced to A&M's much ballyhooed Hall of Champions, and I must say that I have still seen nary a football trophy. Of this fact, I cannot dissemble but must chuckle ruefully at my chosen lot in life."
  19. That guy sneaks into your room at night to ask if you want to play tummy sticks
  20. I live in the Museum District, but was in temporary housing in the area for much of last year. There are good short term rental options in the area, which is highly walkable.
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