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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. This is dangerous for me to know. I have bags of dog shit to dispose of everyday and that's a three minute drive. Meanwhile, in my subsconscious...
  2. Well, those chicken fucking bastards can insert it into every part of their scabies encrusted rectums. That made me feel better. Thanks for listening.
  3. Jesus, Junior you're to bed. Go the fuck drunk.
  4. See, that's the thing; if they ever summoned the emotional wherewithal to adopt an attitude of "Fuck it, let's go.", they'd be well on the way to culturally and institutionally un-fucking themselves. The biggest problem with aggy is that they are never who they constantly and loudly profess themselves to be. I'm sure it has been said before, but the Wake Forest(?) bowl game they chickened out of is a great example. How cool would it have been if aggy had tried to live up to their 12th Man legend and showed up to play the game even though they were short-handed. They could have actually played walk-ons, tried running the wing-T, put in an offensive lineman at QB, I don't know...any kind of crazy shit to try to be competitive. Sure they would have lost, but if they truly left had it all out on the field and took their ass-kicking with dignity and grace, then they could be rightfully proud about how they dealt with a challenge under tough circumstances. If they acted that way on a consistent basis, maybe people would capitalize the A in aggy. PS: there is a short story called "You Can't Kill the Rooster" written by David Sedaris about his foul-mouthed but loveable little brother. The Rooster is the type of little brother they ought to try to be.
  5. They only did that because USC was on a a huge winning streak with two Heisman winners and playing in their home stadium. Aggy thought there was no way the Horns would win, so they pretended to be magnanimous, all the while fantasizing about they would offer consoling words to their Longhorn acquaintances with barely concealed shadenfreude after the inevitable loss, while reinforcing their sense of moral superiority. Then, our beloved Horns went and won arguably the best college football game of all time, and their dream turned to shit and they were forced to face the probability that their own school will likely never experience a moment like that in their lifetime. All of those shirts were burned immediately after the game and zero aggy made a congratulatory call. TLDR? I said "Fuck those putos".
  6. Yes, that's right Clem. It WAS completely unfair that the rankings were set up from "year before" where (checks notes),,,let's see here...the Longhorns finished the season with an 11-1 record and a last second victory over Michigan in the Rose Bowl, with Vince Young returning for another year...Yep, totally unfair that the sips were highly ranked and didn't deserve all they achieved after.
  7. Thanks @TwiceHorn, inmaterubbinghandsinanticipation.gif.
  8. So, talk to me like I have serious mental deficits and have been making my way through life on a combination of false bravado and glib humor. Did Trump fuck himself royally in his own prolapsed rectum by renewing the defamation out of office?? It seems like he may have... <littlegirlcrossingherfingerssohard.gif>.
  9. Jesus, that unathletic fuck, or maybe they don't play catch on his home planet. Catch that thing, pop the top, down it, crush it, can flip...President Cruz. But, then again, if Rafael possessed those abilities or instincts, he might be the type of guy that a young daughter would be happy to see when he gets home from a week on the campaign trail. Edit: not that catching beer cans and chugging are qualities a daughter needs to see in father in order to love him. More that maybe if he was able to do things like that, he might not have become such a weasle-ey preening asshole. PS: The guy next to him must be his progeny. Not even close and actually helps Ted get beaned.
  10. Let the Surly-record reflect that @YGIFS makes FDA approved MRNA vaccine in his bathtub and that fraud "Dr." Peter Hotez just calls YGIFS when he wants statistics for COVID deaths etc. . Thank you, sir, you are are true American hero.
  11. I was at a benefit honoring Dr. Peter Hotez recently. In his speech he said the number of needless deaths due to anti-vax propaganda was calculated at 250,000.
  12. I met a young guy and his wife at a wine bar yesterday happy hour. Find out in conversation that he is a Mississippi State grad and talked a little about football and sports in general but didn't offer yet that I went to UT. Talked about how State is the far less racist choice in his home state etc. The he goes, completely unprompted, "Man, the Aggies...Oh, sorry, you're not an Aggie are you?? Oh, good. What with those people and, like, their strange stuff? They say they have all of these military connections with their band...I mean I googled them and it turns out that's not true at all and a whole lot of other weird shit as well." Word is getting out gentlemen. Excellent work.
  13. Navy Blue was very good last night. I had the tuna crudo, one of the best caesar salads I've had, and the snapper.
  14. The eggrolls for sure. Fried eggrolls that are gluten free is something I haven't had in like 12 years. The rest of the menu looks great but I just keep ordering the eggrolls. The wagyu skewers are incredibly good though---highly recommend.
  15. I'm gluten free (celiac), so haven't tried it. Dinette's regular menu is all gluten free, though they don't advertise it.
  16. New to Houston, still in transition but am looking in the area. Might be a future neighbor to you putos. Dinette is great. Hanoi eggrolls with the lettuce herbs and pickled veg are dynamite. Wagyu skewers with betel leaf served on rice noodles with fish sauce out of this world. Tamarind sticky wings are awesome. Pretty good fried rice. Haven't tried Xin Chao yet, but will sometime soon.
  17. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/11/11/watch-san-antonio-police-body-cam-footage-of-officers-encounter-with-councilman-clayton-perry/ Met his Chief of Staff at an event not long ago---retired cop. Barely a minute into our conversation he mentions he is aggy and shows me his ring with a look of true pride. I don't mention UT, just move on to another subject. A minute later he volunteers that the councilman is aggy too. Golly, you don't say! I guess the vaunted aggy network is the real deal! Got away from him as quickly as I could. Three months later, the councilman is being questioned about a hit and run. Call me a cynic, but from the video it seems like they may not take the Code of Honor as seriously as they let on.
  18. SIAP: Saw this article: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/new-harbor-bridge-at-risk-of-collapse-under-current-design-txdot-says/503-5a483133-d207-4c46-b478-298e761b799e?fbclid=IwAR08RdxyUNOKbS_GaTbrXUbJVPqbiFlIbZAaV3vNoxPf1EmqtbYkynD1eVQ And immediately thought aggy. So, I went into RD mode and was disappointed that the CEO is from Spain and definitely not aggy. But THEN, I did some more research and... https://www.linkedin.com/in/kurt-knebel-b127127 Fuckin that's a bingo.gif ! Wherever there is gross incompetence combined with totally unjustified arrogance... I'd say don't ever change, but that's when they are building unstable structures that just kill themselves.
  19. I love this one. Multiple misuse of the words there, their, and they're? Check. Unnecessary use of "QUOTATION MARKS" and random capitalization? Check. Bonus points for making up a nonsense phrase? "Mental demeanor". That's a bingo! This conversation is a perfect *chef's kiss" from the aggy Handbook of Style.
  20. Glad you're having a good day, pardner! Hook 'em (but fuck you if you're Chip Brown)!
  21. Down here at for the 3rd time in the last two months, getting the family place ready after 4 years. The Cinnamon Shore effect is real: more traffic, they sell gluten free shit at the IGA, and most restaurants are reservations recommended on the weekend especially. Venetian Hot Plate is awesome service and great food. Tortuga's is great, though prices rival a nice dinner out in any large Texas metro. The wine list is surprising, though I am typically a by the glass guy. They have Palmaz---the heart stent guy from Texas who took his doctor/invention money to Napa to make really good, expensive (to me, I'm no R.N.) and not easy to find wine.
  22. Looks like a man whose poor colon is crying out for him to try just one bite of fucking vegetables.
  23. I'm in Port A right now, so this hits close to home. I had considered posting that the town seems unusually infested with aggy before I saw this. Thanks for the public service announcement.
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