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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. "Jimbo and Aggieland is a dangerous combination.." I mean, once recruits learn that can play for Jimbo AND be able to eat at any chain restaurant they want in a cultural wasteland, WHILE also being able to be around chunky small town girls who chew Garrett and wear overalls and camo crocs...well, look out Nick Saban.
  2. My god, @Texifornia, a good heroin dealer knows how to nurse his addicts along. Before my first taste of your aggy tears, I was living beneath a veneer of middle class respectability, now I'm laying face down on a pee and bloodstained mattress, I smell of another man's feces and I have no workable veins left. The tears are just getting injected directly into my jugular and it's horrible... These are from Sunday, do you have any that are fresher?
  3. x 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!
  4. Live look at South Austin's mom's hole.
  5. Re: ridiculous financial commitment: As the genius football mind SEAL once sagely opined, "You're never going to survive unless you get a little bit crazy." I'm just glad we barged into the asylum, stole Saban's tapioca pudding and slapped his favorite candy striper on the ass. LFG.gif
  6. A ginormous circle jerk with only one spot behind Nicole44.
  7. The alternative spelling brings to mind uncontrollable and endless flatulence combined with consistently bad luck---an accurate description of the last 11 years, but maybe not the best slogan to start with going forward. Neg away in good health, for grammatical alignment!!
  8. I'm not a cardiologist and I didn't stay in any budget friendly hotel last night, but I believe I can 100% confirm a arteriosclerosis diagnosis.
  9. Guilty. "Check out my glizzy, fellow fuccbois!".
  10. Great podcast gentlemen, thanks!
  11. Perhaps this is too technical a question as the collectivization of our assholes is in the brainstorm phase, but what would the maintenance fees be in the proposed Surly Asshole-Share program and what time of year might I expect to use the Surly Asshole? I know that's two questions but the concept has me quite excited.
  12. Yeah, don't knocker. I'll show myself out.
  13. Excellent. Got 'em shaking in their crocs.
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