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Everything posted by 686

  1. Got our first bobcat trail cam photo last week in Lampasas, pretty cool.
  2. When I’m hunting in a remote area (no cell signal and/or hours for an ambulance), I always carry a tourniquet. I don’t worry too much about band aids /blisters, etc. But fractures resulting in ruptured arteries or an incidental GSW to a limb that results in bleeding out are catastrophic problems that I’d like to have a solution for.
  3. @Hamttx Very cool. In what decade was he a PH and in what countries did he do most of his guiding? Any interesting stories? PH and hunting guide stories can be pretty great.
  4. @Hamttx feel free to indulge us in living vicariously through your journey sir if you have a hunt or are planning one for this new rifle purchase
  5. I put 20 rounds through my 375 last weekend. I have decent reloading experience with it and have been hunting with it several times over the last 6 years. I’m actually looking at doing a new 375 rifle build in another year or so. There’s options beyond Winchester I can list if you’re interested, and I’m at your service if you have any questions. Africahunting.com is also a great resource.
  6. Here’s a pretty nice US made one on GB with dies, etc. The seller says the new production models are foreign made. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/1084635776
  7. @USCATX A: I’m seeing a lower leg when I zoom in, highlighted markup below. B: the buck is standing with perfect posture and his weight pretty evenly distributed, and they tend to show some really weird posture if they’re missing a leg, like that photo above.
  8. Have the protein timed to open during times when hunters are in blinds and hopefully the deer will be at your place getting a snack instead of getting shot at the neighbor’s.
  9. My experience: my folks bought 180 acres low fence about 7 years ago. It had not been hunted for about five years prior. It had a good number of nice framed eight pointers but nothing beyond eight points. We started feeding protein (timed, not 100% year-round) and putting in fall/winter food plots and the next year we had 9 pointers, the year after that we had 10 pointers. Two years ago we had a small framed 14 point, and other nice bucks. We have mostly decent neighbors that don’t shoot everything that walks, but the nutrition worked. Now we have too many does and my dad won’t let me get the doe numbers down to correct proportions, which definitely can also become an issue IMO reducing your buck’s quality. We only had one 9 point and maybe one 10 point this year. Here’s a good one from a few years back:
  10. For Federal being such a big manufacturer, they have been almost an afterthought in the precision / higher end rifle cartridge market. The honest feedback Federal needs to hear is this IMO: “Hornady stubbed their toe with the 7PRC by not being able to source enough Reloader 26 powder to meet demand. They had to drop down to different powders at lower velocities, which disappointed a lot of adopters of the 7 PRC. That said, if handloaders or alternate suppliers had Reloader 26 available (like Federal did) they were able to generate the specified velocity (3000fps with a 175ELDX from a 26” barrel) and accuracy (sub MOA) that Hornady advertised. Regarding the 7 Backcountry: If Federal doesn’t have tight enough QC regarding this high-pressure ammunition to keep their velocity standard deviations for a normal shot string (6-10) below ~25ft./s and maximum velocity spreads below ~60 ft./s; this cartridge will be dead on arrival. The long range hunting and shooting community are very detail oriented, shoot with chronos and they will not tolerate inconsistent ammunition. So if there’s a problem, Federal needs to get it fixed immediately and not send out inconsistent product.” The Allterra video laid it out really well: basically it doesn’t really matter if the bullet from the 7 backcountry has X inches less drop and more velo than the 7 PRC at 800 yards; if the ammo won’t shoot sub MOA, you’re going to fucking miss a lot, and people will not tolerate that. Hornady understood this and publicly said “we had to source different powder and slow the velo down to keep the accuracy, which is the highest priority”. I assume if you told a Federal guy this they would react as though you’re telling them their baby is ugly, but that’s the truth IMO.
  11. These are all good points to consider. Our bucks don’t dominate the feeders, as I believe we have too many does. The fawns stand with the does and pick up the protein that falls to the ground at our place. It looks like this a lot:
  12. I have two of the Hammer timed protein heads on my protein feeders (the units that Krivoman uses), and I have had good luck with them with the exception of some very dry low protein feed we got once that tended to clog up the drop pipe, other than that, good reliability.
  13. Also, according to Shoot2Hunt, RCBS has paused tooling development for reloading dies as the steel casings are so hard it takes about 12 passes through dies to reload. So probably a non-reloadable cartridge between that and Federal I believe said the powder they’re using isn’t commercially available.
  14. I’m one of the target customers for Federal with this 7 Backcountry and I was really intrigued at first ( 7 PRC velocity from a 16-20” barrel vs a 24-26”), but one of the included rifle builders (Allterra) showed that the accuracy / consistent velocity isn’t there with the 7 Backcountry ammo that they’ve shot. Yikes, and embarrassing for Federal. Feel free to skip forward to the range session in this video:
  15. @Anastasis what county is your place in? What is the soil type that the coastal field is growing in? The reason I ask is that fall overseeding some of that coastal field might be a great option for you. Happy to discuss that more, but for protein supplement, cottonseed or protein pellets can work great. Last I checked, they were about the same price in my area (by weight). I’ve seen some places feed both, which isn’t a terrible option either. Cotton seed can be fed pretty simply by just dumping it in a ring of wire net that is inside a barbed wire feed pen and secured in place with a t-post. Obviously it gets wet in the rain, but it doesn’t seem to matter. If you don’t want it wet, there are feeders available that keep it dry, or you could put something over the wire net ring. Alfalfa bales can also be fed simply in a similar manner, but are about the same cost as protein pellets by weight the last time I checked in my area. I started feeding pellet protein almost twenty years ago, and I like timed protein feeders that will allow you to control time of access to the protein and quantity of consumption. Feeding in the winter through spring green up is great and then during a hot dry summer feeding will help with body condition and antler development. Free choice protein feeders are less expensive, but you can go through a lot of protein really fast and it can get fatiguing to the wallet and the psyche feeding that much protein to low fence deer. I really like All Seasons feeders:
  16. Yeah shooting does is all work / no fun. The best way is to make it more of a work hard / play hard weekend. Like “pull the trigger on a doe and then come back to the camp and grab a beer and watch the game while the steaks cook”. Also it helps to have some young guys out who will help clean a bunch of deer.
  17. I like doing mandatory doe shoots on opening weekend. Get them out of the way before the rut.
  18. I’ve had that happen this time of year. I think maybe dependent on the rain if the winter grass comes in the deer would rather be eating the new winter grass rather than corn. We had 1.75 inches of rain before New Year’s and the winter grass is about 2 inches tall at our place and I saw way less deer than normal this weekend as well.
  19. Ran out to my folk’s place and finally got a shot on one of the boars that’s been hitting the feeders.
  20. ND executed that 11 off and on play; meanwhile we’ve been completely unprepared for very predictable fake punts in huge situations against GA and ASU; along with the multitude other ST fuck ups. Banks sucks at prepping the guys, and obviously doesn’t have them ready at the moment in-game. People bitch about Sark, Ewers, and in the past PK; but Banks is fucking killing us.
  21. @Horns99 great buck and nice hog! What does your son shoot? Did he get any buck fever? What county?
  22. Some things that helped my kids: I set up a little steel silhouette target “game” and let them shoot 22’s at it - they’ll burn a couple hundred rounds on that. Make it fun. I shoot the bigger rifles first so they can see what it’s going to be like. Suppressors and tripods help a lot. Sometimes they are scared to shoot at an animal, so I’ll shoot a deer or armadillo or something to break the ice and then the my are less intimidated. I let them play on their iPad or Nintendo in the deer blind. I don’t like this, because it’s not at all like what hunting was like for me growing up, but if we make it too boring they just won’t be interested. I actually played one of the last Texas games on my phone in the blind so we could watch while waiting for deer/pigs to come out.
  23. And what is the wind direction forecasted? I would setup taking the wind into account.
  24. Rifle hunting from the blind?
  25. Yeah that is fucking rough. For those without the stomach: Aggy hires a fucking quack professor who turns out to additionally be a sadistic bitch that tortures horses to death while also running bullshit quack treatments on hundreds of horses. Finally she was convicted on animal cruelty charges and had her license revoked, but only after footage was leaked showing her shock a slung horse with a cattle prod over 1000 times in the most vile and disturbing manner imaginable. Hopefully she spends eternity in hell being trampled and bitten by horses.
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