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Everything posted by 686

  1. Jesus these guys are flying low. http://
  2. Russian ambassador to US saying we’ve given them three conditions to negotiation, including “repenting for everything they’ve done”. Video in the article. Also indicates some split in the Kremlin over Ukraine https://mol.im/a/10818047
  3. Good Trent Telenko thread where he says Russia has basically lost the US equivalent of Fort Hood. http://
  4. There was a Reddit link of this maybe posted yesterday, but this is a better edited javelin launch clip: http://
  5. Dicks. Russia is really, really intent on martyring the folks still in Azovstal. Probably not much flammable material left to burn at least. http://
  6. This shit is weird. Its like they are bragging about how screwed up things are. http:// These two seem like they aren’t thrilled. http://
  7. Another Russian heavy weapon here for interest’s sake. 240mm mortar they are using against Azovstal. supposedly has guided projectiles, which maybe that’s the 3pieces popping off to allow fins to deploy off that big damn shell. Hope the UA finds a way to get the Azov people out or push the Russians out very soon. Feels like Azovstal is their Alamo to some degree. They have held on for an amazingly long time.
  8. I like Khodorkovsky. He’s lucky Putin hasn’t killed him. http://
  9. I’m using Tapatalk and it does weird shit sometimes, especially in this thread, it can’t handle the number of imbedded tweets.
  10. This is a pretty good video from inside a Russian tank that shows basically what you’d expect; no one seems to be in charge, they are getting fucked up by the UA, are having mechanical issues, and the driver is surprisingly (?) calm about it all. http://
  11. Alright, we got another good drone grenade video: http:// https://v.redd.it/21nwkmj8kaz81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd&v=1&a=1655072657,N2M5YmY2ZDBmMTllMjk1OGMyZjZiMzJkNDhjYTRmNjIyNWI1ODE2ZWY5MjkxNDk1MzI2MzQwMGNhZWU1NjdmZA%3D%3D&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  12. The article says they’re only able to get 1.5MT per month exported on rail currently, where could do 5MT/mo normally. Moving 3.5 million tonnes/month would need ballpark 12 full 100-car trainloads leaving the country every day, I don’t think they have the rails to make that happen. They would only need about 2-ships leaving per day to get the grain out; and Odessa’s port looks to have at least 10 docks for grain loading. The Turks need to do the right thing and tell Putin the shipping blockade is over - no warships are going through the Bosphorus, but that grain is coming out.
  13. Yeah I’m sure Russia may be thinking it hurts Ukraine economically not exporting that grain; but if you think a few moves ahead, it all falls apart. As you say, Russia will be blamed for (another) famine; but I don’t think it would even get that far - If global food supplies do get stretched, somebody (potentially Turkey) is going to send ships to get that grain, with a naval escort. Firing on a NATO vessel would illicit a massive response. It’s another No-win situation, that’s also a distraction from any achievable military gains.
  14. Wondering if Snake Island was/is really helpful to Russia keeping up a naval blockade of Ukraine from a goods export perspective and that’s why Putin has kept pounding blood and treasure down that hole: http:// Russian blockade hits exports of Ukrainian agricultural products https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-blockade-hits-exports-ukrainian-agricultural-products-2022-05-13/ “Ukraine can export no more than 1.5 million tonnes of agricultural products a month because of a Russian blockade of its ports, First Deputy Agriculture Minister Taras Vysotskiy said on Friday. He was quoted by Interfax Ukraine news agency as saying that before the blockade Ukraine could export more than 5 million tonnes of agricultural crops each month. Ukraine is now sending its products abroad by rail.”
  15. I want this guy in the fox hole behind mine. Sound On: http://
  16. UA Tractor Brigade doing work today. http:// http:// http://
  17. Stug Bugs in the field. Somebody on twitter coined the name, wish I could take credit. http:// http://
  18. I personally have no problem with gore, but this isn’t a gore thread, so the preferred method is to warn folks who don’t like seeing people killed or mutilated bodies.
  19. tokamak is getting a bunny in his pot
  20. This is a good thread on current situation: http://
  21. John Kirby Pentagon pressers are really enjoyable to me these days. White House pressers are just a argumentative shit show that i have no interest in, but this guy handles direct questions and lowers my blood pressure while giving me some interesting info/perspective/news. http://
  22. There is some weird stuff in that guy’s thread. Why telegraph some of it to the world? Also kind of doxxing yourself. he also seems way off on the casualty amount and then posting his PayPal was awkward. That said, bully for him if he scouted it out and called it.
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