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Everything posted by 686

  1. I would say Bonnie was one of the US’s first sex symbols (in a modern sense). She was hot, photogenic, had style, and a ride-or-die / “F the banks” attitude that spoke to the zeitgeist. That’s probably a big reason why they made it so long, the LEOs kinda dug her to a degree and didn’t really want to gun down the “it girl” of the time. Good trigger discipline too.
  2. I’m not an economist, but I don’t see how Russia is only going to have a ~8-12% GDP reduction this year. I definitely don’t understand the Russian economy, but I understand moving product, and when your biggest customers stop buying, shit goes bad fast. Here’s some year 2020 GDP reductions. Those 12-18% numbers sound more like what I think Russia is cruising for. Lose most of your external revenue that props everything up and have to rely on crappy internal economics, FAFO.
  3. From that twitter thread. Is this where Ramjet got his Bert meme, or did Al Qaeda steal a photoshop from Ramjet?
  4. Also, the hammer and sickle on the tank is the Chef’s Kiss.
  5. Turret’s popped, tank is made from paper mache, Crew is terrified, stereotypical Rooskie pushing them where they don’t want to be, Russian public is nonplussed/not interested. It’s perfect.
  6. Accurate depiction of current state of affairs: http://
  7. Drones dropping grenades on Orc positions. Not as satisfying as the sunroof shot, but that was probably a high point not to be reached again. The crazy thing to me is that the Orcs still don’t look up to try and see the drones, they either assume it’s mortar fire or haven’t gotten the message. http://
  8. James Vasques’ boys rolled the tracked vehicle they had purloined. Apparently this Russian armor is just looking for a place to roll, haha. One minor injury he says in the thread. http://
  9. http:// https://v.redd.it/k54g0epnwnx81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?a=1654574986,OThiN2I3NDVkZDk3NGZiMDQ1YTNhMjUzMzAwZmE5NzYwZjgxOTY5MDM4OWE5ZjRkN2JhOTE0ZjZmZGRiNmEwNg%3D%3D&v=1&f=hd&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link
  10. burning enlistment station in Russia with Molotovs: http://
  11. Russian video showing the operation of a T-72, including the loading of the carrousel with ammo. It really is right under the crew. Yikes. http://
  12. Decent ATGM hit on a moving vehicle with orc bailing out in this one: http://
  13. Ukrainian artillery chasing Orc infantry around. This had to be terrifying. http://
  14. Ask, and you shall receive: http:// https://v.redd.it/70sit89w0gx81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd&v=1&a=1654400168,MmQ4ZWRhNTdlODdhM2M0ZjMyODUxMjBkZjQ4ZmUzY2MyMTY5OWVhNDZjMGQwMTNhN2E2YzI1YmJkNDBkNDllOA%3D%3D&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  15. The flight times of their Satan missile that would make “no more British Isles” was also thoroughly discussed.
  16. Yeah I’m no historian but I think we got the nukes moved out of Cuba, got the Wall torn down, “won” the Cold War, and absorbed a bunch of the USSR into NATO, so I think we’ve done ok going head to head with Russia. Proxy wars, etc are more mixed.
  17. The Irish are not amused by the Russian nuclear torpedo wiping out Great Britain and would like that walked back. Do we want the Irish in NATO or would they fight too much with the Brits (and everyone else) to make it workable? http://
  18. Bizarre hostage situation. My guess is she’s been bringing in the vapes whenever she’s over there, she had VIP status before so it was noticed but overlooked, now, Putin decides to grab her to use as a hostage. Not an ideal hostage pick though; US public opinion isn’t hugely sympathetic towards her; and, at the same time, Putin just looks like more of an asshole jailing a foreign national female athlete for an extended period over something fairly minor.
  19. Occam’s Razor. It was all about the money. Putin was scared shitless of the Ukrainian O&G development drastically reducing Russian revenue and margin/leverage over time; and, if he actually had conquered Ukraine, that’s 40M more client state residents sending taxes to Moscow, being forced to buy Russian shit in lieu of western stuff and a shitload of Ag products that can be skimmed during export.
  20. I thought Xi loaded up on grain and metals (bought like 75% of available copper on the market if I recall) after Putin tipped him off on the war, so Xi may be well stocked on grain. Bunch of 3rd world counties will snap it up though and are going to be hurting if Russia fucks with the harvest more than it already is.
  21. No, IMO. We didn’t control when Stuxnet implemented itself into the VFD’s on the centrifuges; it took the right person picking up the right “gimmie” thumb drive, and putting it into the right computer. Took a long time to all happen. This stuff we’re seeing currently is internal de facto protests IMHO. ~If I can’t stand in the square and hold a poster, I’ll burn the damn factory down.
  22. Pretty big advantage to know your opponents weapon systems inside and out and then bring in newer tech to exploit the weak spots. I believe the phrase “borderline erotic” would be in order.
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