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Everything posted by 686

  1. During some time I spent in Romania, my host told me that one reason the Romanians hate the Russians is that a Russian plan to defeat some kind of NATO invasion through Romania was to detonate nuclear bombs in the depths of the Black Sea, bringing huge quantities of hydrogen sulfide to the surface and in effect creating a massive chemical attack that would basically kill everything within some distance of the coast. A little far fetched, but that’s what the man said. And there is really high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide at depth in the Black Sea, which is fatal at fairly low airborne concentrations; could really complicate any salvage operation.
  2. Oryx posted a good longer form article reflecting on the Moscow sinking. Worth the read. “The catastrophic saga of Russia's attempt at subduing its neighbour must have not only astonished those following the offensive, but also Russia itself. Once thought to be amongst the most powerful armies of the world, the biggest enemy of the Russian Armed Forces turned out not to be NATO, but the Russian government itself. The incompetence, corruption and complete denial of reality so deeply embedded in its way of governing not only contributed to dragging yet another country into a senseless war, but also appears to have eliminated the Russian Armed Forces as an effective fighting force. In this sense, the sinking of the cruiser Moskva, though a seemingly isolated event, is a symptom of far larger problems. Ukraine might derive little direct military benefits from it (though a boost to morale of this kind is perhaps one most beneficial events any military can enjoy), these problems are certain to continue to hamper any Russian attempts to win the conflict militarily. Whether the Russian political and military leadership is capable of eventually tackling these problems to some degree is unknown, but their ability to do so will likely be the single largest determinant in the outcome of Russia's war of brutality.” http:// https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/neptunes-wrath-flagship-moskvas-demise.html
  3. Maybe Vlad will add some Hall and Oates to his repertoire now Everybody's high on consolation Everybody's trying to tell me what is right for me, yeah My daddy tried to bore me with a sermon But it's plain to see that they can't comfort me Sorry, Charlie, for the imposition I think I got it (got it), I got the strength to carry on, oh yeah I need a drink and a quick decision Now it's up to me, ooh, what will be She's gone, she's gone Oh I, oh I I better learn how to face it She's gone, she's gone Oh I, oh I I'd pay the devil to replace her She's gone, and she's gone Oh why, what went wrong?
  4. I’m sure Miller posted this, but Tapatalk is really struggling to load and I didn’t see it: Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation Igor Osipov arrested. He was said to have been arrested by people in civilian clothes. http://
  5. Seriously - I don’t know why Putin has these puppets out there spewing this rhetoric. Honestly, what are they going to “bomb” Kyiv with? They can’t fly bombers over as they don’t control the air; their cruise missiles get shot down at a significant clip; maybe use the handful of hypersonic missiles they have left? It’s like he wants these folks out there trying to foment (via dog whistle to this point) the “launch the tactical nukes” rhetoric to paint him into a corner so he can finally do what it seems like he really wants to (start using nukes) with the excuse of “the public demanded it”. If he wasn’t so crazy, he’d have these folks using the sinking to lay the groundwork for the turning point/walking back of the “operation”: “it was an accident/tragedy/major setback/our guys fucked up/this is going to really screw with our operational effectiveness / we need to step back and reevaluate/ maybe this is just too costly right now.”
  6. I’m pretty sure those are dry grain storage. I’m all for screwing up the dock, but cruise missiles coming from the north I would think would have a good chance of being hit by Russian SAMs (I mean you would think the Ruskies would stage anti air defense around their port, but maybe they were counting on the Moskva for that?…) How many Neptunes does Ukraine have?
  7. So thinking about trying to sink the Moskva; I was looking at where they’d take her in Sevastopol. Looks like when Google flew it earlier this year she was docked just down the way from the big dry dock they’d probably head for. Lots of tall buildings and shit in the way to try and hit her again in the harbor; I’d try to hit it again tonight while she’s still at sea.
  8. Yeah but that Finnish PM seems like she’s into some kinky / fun shit.
  9. Good article in that twitter thread: http:// https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/04/12/ukraine-military-culture-advantage-over-russia/ “an 1854 article in the Economist explaining Russia’s early defeats in the Crimean War — also fought primarily in Ukraine — reads eerily like an account of Russia’s current military travails… The Economist ascribed these pathologies to the “inadequacy of despotic power.” It noted that “cheating, bribery, peculation pervade the whole tribe of officials,” that “there seems to be no conscience, and not much concealment, about it,” and that “regard for truth or integrity has no part in the Russian character.” The Economist wasn’t pulling any punches in 1854.
  10. Finnish PM is giving me this vibe:
  11. Yeah for sure don’t know where it’s all going to/coming from; but stuff is moving at a lot higher rate recently, and lots more OD green on the rails than I’ve ever seen.
  12. I’m in Temple some for work and I’ve seen 4 trainloads of tracked vehicles presumably heading out from Hood and another Surly poster saw a loading operation in port of Houston on potentially a fifth I believe. I’m not there everyday so I could have not seen several more. I’ve seen a load of freshly painted OD M1s (below), a load of OD painted self propelled howitzers, a mixed load of desert tan and OD rolling stock, and today a load of camo BFVs.
  13. Bradleys on the rails today.
  14. Zelenskyy was good on 60 Minutes tonight. Obviously tired/drained but focused and thoughtful. He said we shouldn’t fear Russia’s nukes. Also would like more weapons more quickly; said he gave Biden a list. He was not remorseful about telling NATO they are being weak (stop fearing Russia) or about telling the UN Security Council it shouldn’t exist if they can’t do something about this situation. Both maybe correct, but pretty strong statements. He justified it by saying he doesn’t have any more lives/emotions/time to put into diplomacy that is more bureaucracy than results. When asked how they’ve been so successful against the Russians, he said the people, the armed forces, everyone came together as “one fist”. Pretty good line. Also, more dead bodies shown in prime time than maybe ever on US network TV. Had some other good interviews and good camerawork on the ground. Worth the time to watch.
  15. @deadshank you weren’t kidding about it being dry there. Glad you got the water stations set up
  16. From one of MillerEP’s links. This is great, maybe the best orc water crossing Fail yet, and they published the video themselves:
  17. Learned from dad how to operate in the safety factor of every tool/machine available.
  18. That’s really nice! I wanted to build a trailer to hold two 330gal totes, but haven’t had time for it yet.
  19. Hold my beer good sir: Caveat: I don’t fill it all the way; but the rated load capacity on these mules is 1100lbs I think. I go slow and work flat ground. I think I put over 200gallons it it once and it was ok. I was watering trees:
  20. I thank God we have two ponds/tanks on our place which never run dry. Our high fence neighbor is trying to install a water system now to some of his feeder locations as he can’t keep up with the water hauling during a prolonged dry spell like we’re having now. Are you going to haul the transport tote in a truck or UTV? Are you going to use a transfer pump or gravity?
  21. Great thread from Hertling, makes me feel better about Ukraine’s chances in the next phase
  22. A trainload of self propelled artillery was on the rails today in Temple.
  23. Orc drivers botch another water crossing. This has got to be approaching double digit instances of this stuff.
  24. This was bad ass, also very lucky that the chopper loitered too long
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