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Everything posted by 686

  1. Right here. Sarajevo 1992. Time is a flat circle.
  2. Ruskies put out a fake story that the they killed Wali, but he’s still rockin’ on. Story gave his folks and his old lady a scare. Also dudes he fought isis with sacrificed a goat in his honor. /I’m kind of a big deal/ Wali http:// https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/wali-alive-despite-russian-disinformation-1.6393191
  3. Western G20 members want to kick Russia out of the group, and Poland is interested in taking Russia’s spot. Poland has the 21st largest GDP. Poland feeling their Wheaties with NATO backing. http:// https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/poland-pushes-call-russia-be-excluded-g20-2022-03-22/
  4. The optics I’ve seen recently are some vintage 3.5x scopes on Mosin-Nagants. Rifle and optic probably 60+ years old. I’m guessing these guys are Separatists in the east and had these guns in country already and are not invading orcs.
  5. From all indications, the Ukrainians will completely destroy the Belarusians post haste. I think all sides probably know this by now, which is why: NATO won’t do anything (no need, let the Ukrainian meat grinder keep turning); Lukaschenko hasn’t sent them (he loses everything he sends into Ukraine and then maybe the folks at home turn the guns on him); and why Putin hasn’t demanded it (won’t do any good at this point, just shows more weakness and takes one of his pieces off the board with no sacrifice from the Ukrainians/NATO).
  6. Cameraman looks like he sweeps about half the unit with the muzzle of his rifle. General vibe felt a couple degrees away from straight panic.
  7. I wonder if the Ruskies use Testers glue on their drones or rubber cement? Would have been cooler if they had taken the time to apply the decals too; sure sign of cutting corners…
  8. Exactly, darlin’.
  9. Hopefully a tractor tire shop foam filled the tires for him, but I don’t know if they have anything like mesquite thorns over there.
  10. Got a scope mounted on the titanium Weatherby I bought off gunbroker and took it to the range Sunday. Groups tightened up at about the 20 round mark; I need more range time with the gun, but it’s a lightweight handy rig. I probably should have gone with medium Talleys instead of the highs, but the scope picture/cheek weld works for me with the highs.
  11. Bunch of looks to be newly ODG painted Abrams on the rails today in Temple. Haven’t seen this many green Abrams in awhile.
  12. To state the obvious, Zelinsky is becoming Ukraine’s Wallace. Fucking Legend.
  13. It would be great if someone could sub Putin’s head in for Reynold’s
  14. The thing is - it’s way beyond just NATO sanctioning him at this point - is he going to declare war on half the world? And all the private companies exiting Russia (for both purely economic and social reasons) - he can’t make them come back at gunpoint and it’s going to take a long time to lure them back without big regime change/reversing course. As others have said, “he came to fight a 21st century conflict with his 20th century mindset” and he’s going to set his economy back 30 years. It’s going to be a hell of a show. I hope to hell the Ukrainians can hold on and bleed the Red Army and the Russian economy to the point that he gains effectively nothing and has to “declare victory” in defending Donbas from Nazis, and slink back across the border.
  15. Just to recap some of the obvious here: Between the currency devaluation, banking lockouts and seizures, Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal exiting, imports stopping, etc. etc.; seems like basic daily business would have to be getting interesting in Russia very soon. Like barter system, setting the economy back ~30+ years interesting. The description of detonating a financial “atomic bomb” in Russia as I’ve heard it is seeming more and more accurate. I would think it’s costing the West/most of the rest of the world very little per capita to keep supporting Ukraine compared to what Russia is losing going forward, so I would think the countries opposing Russia could keep this up for years fairly easily, even if Russia shut off O&G exports. Really hard to re-jigger an entire economy, especially if Russia keeps all of the social media shut down (hard to make supply meet demand when there’s no communication going on but what goes through official channels).
  16. PayPal and Samsung out https://mol.im/a/10580361
  17. Big time Full Metal Jacket vibe here. http://
  18. Ukrainian lady checking out an abandoned multiple rocket launcher. Looks like a few rockets fired. I thought the whole battery went off when you lit the fuse in these things so maybe a lot of duds? http://
  19. Got damn these civilians are brave. Laying on the street and standing in front of the trucks while automatic rifle fire going off. http://
  20. http:// High rises getting shelled, posted earlier today
  21. SIAP. The last few days been like this Also the official St. Javelin site has nice stuff and has raised a bunch of money for charity aid: http:// https://www.saintjavelin.com
  22. Yeah I’ve been watching dudes buy used Weatherby rifles on GB for new or higher than new prices; it’s been really irritating. This was a welcome deal. Regarding this gun, if I had my choice, I would have bought it in Weatherby 6.5RPM; but with 6.5 Creed ammo will be more available. And if I really want the extra 300fps with the RPM at some point, I could just order another barrel. Should be a great high altitude gun for antelope/mulies/caribou (I want to make a few trips in the coming years), and a nice light whitetail gun if I didn’t want to shoot one of my 300’s. Will also look sexy in the safe next to my Accumark.
  23. Won my first gunbroker auction yesterday. We’ll see how the transaction goes, but I’m pretty happy so far. A pawn shop had listed a “Weatherby Mark V light weight 6.5 Creed More” [sic] with some not great pictures. Looking closely, it’s a Mark V Backcountry Ti (titanium action). Weatherby doesn’t write titanium on it, so you wouldn’t know unless you know. Listing says it’s “mint” and from the photos, looks like it’s never had a scope mounted or the action cycled much. MSRP $3300, I won it at $1500. Light weight is an understatement - 4.9 lbs. Should be fun; I don’t have a Creedmoor yet, so lots of new things to check out. Here’s one of the lousy listing photos, I’ve turned it 180 so the receiver is legible. Here’s a photo from Weatherby of what they look like in a nice photo. Carbon fiber stocks are really nice.
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