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Posts posted by 686

  1. Want to add to our boat toys since my son 10 is having trouble skiing and my daughter 6 is still too little to ski. I found a deal called the Zup  board and was wondering if anyone has tried it or has any better ideas for something they both can enjoy.



    Mine love the Zup. Great for guest kids that have never been behind a boat also, because the board is big enough for an adult to ride it with the kid.







    It’s also neat that you can stand up on it with the kid:



  2. 2 minutes ago, dcbc said:

    That's no fun.  How are the lake levels?  Here in the state's northeastern block, things are getting close to August levels.  No bueno.

    Lake is in pretty good shape at 94% full, only 2' below "full pool" elevation. This is of course my fault, but it would be nice if there was a buoy on that rock ledge.

  3. Yeah.  $500.... If you go the steering cable route, get one that lets you grease the zerks... Since you mentioned rocks, I'm guessing Austin area?

    Good info, thanks! We were on Belton today, down in the deeper part of the lake, I was just unfamiliar with how far this rock shelf went out:


    Normally on this lake if you’re twenty yards offshore you’re in way over 20’ of water:
  4. Did you find the rudder, you know, to make a trophy later....
    Anyway, that sucks.

    Trophy hunting crossed my mind, but we had a ~15 knot wind blowing us toward a rocky shoreline and 90 degrees from our desired course towards the closest ramp (which was about 1/4 mile away), I had some pretty concerned girls/women on board, and no potential tow help in sight. Needless to say, I was up to my eyeballs.

    I know where I hit though, so I’m going to try to find it at some point.

    It could have been much worse, thank the Lord we didn’t have any hull damage/weren’t taking on water fast or anything like that.
  5. Yikes!  How's the shaft?  .... Call the insurance company.

    Shaft is bent. So I’m at least looking at new rudder, prop, shaft, seals, maybe the mounting struts/hubs and seals too. Over $1k in parts, I’m guessing $1k in labor. I’ll probably do the steering cables as well.

    Here’s my policy limits, I haven’t had many insurance claims, I guess this means maybe I’m only out $500 for this :

  6. We had a rough day on the lake, exploring a different area and hit a rock berm (about 100 yards off the bank) All souls accounted for, did have one minor casualty:


    Used a wakeboard to steer back to a dock and called a friend to take me back to get my truck.

  7. Counterfeits and I don’t need to hide money from a wife I’m cured of that and no tax on this bc I paid more. There’s zero reason to take 300 hundred dollar bills. He said he’d bring a cashiers check.

    Am I being stupid?

    Y’all would really take a sack of cash?

    I’m kinda shocked.

    Legal Tender for all Debts public and private.

    Once my folks sold a piece of real estate (around $50-60k) and the guy paid with a bag full of cash. It was kind of an event at the small town bank when my dad brought in that much cash.
  8. 22 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    For example, in 2012, Val Patterson, a scientist from Salt Lake City admitted in his mostly lighthearted obituary that he didn’t have a doctorate in engineering — and that he hadn’t even graduated from college:

    “What happened was that the day I went to pay off my college student loan at the U of U, the girl working there put my receipt into the wrong stack, and two weeks later, a PhD diploma came in the mail. I didn’t even graduate, I only had about 3 years of college credit. In fact, I never did even learn what the letters “PhD” even stood for.

    For all of the Electronic Engineers I have worked with, I’m sorry, but you have to admit my designs always worked very well, and were well engineered, and I always made you laugh at work.”


    That guys sounded fun:

    "Now that I have gone to my reward, I have confessions and things I should now say. As it turns out, I AM the guy who stole the safe from the Motor View Drive Inn back in June, 1971. I could have left that unsaid, but I wanted to get it off my chest. Also, I really am NOT a PhD... Now to that really mean Park Ranger; after all, it was me that rolled those rocks into your geyser and ruined it. I did notice a few years later that you did get Old Faithful working again. To Disneyland - you can now throw away that "Banned for Life" file you have on me, I'm not a problem anymore - and SeaWorld San Diego, too, if you read this.
    To the gang: We grew up in the very best time to grow up in the history of America. The best music, muscle cars, cheap gas, fun kegs, buying a car for "a buck a year" - before Salt Lake got ruined by over population and Lake Powell was brand new. TV was boring back then, so we went outside and actually had lives. We always tried to have as much fun as possible without doing harm to anybody - we did a good job at that."

  9. 12 hours ago, Brew said:

    Trailer tires suck. I bought my X1 two summers ago. Pic 1 is on the way to the lake Labor Day weekend that summer. Pic 2 is on the way home from the lake Labor Day weekend that summer. The worst part was I didn’t have the right sized lug wrench, so I had to call a roadside tire shop to fix it. I had them put the blown tire on the spare spot assuming I could take it in Tuesday and get my buddy to change them out. Instead I had to call the same guys Monday night to do the same thing over again and replace all 3 tires on the side of the interstate.

    Ouch man, that is an ass whip.

    I have a tool box on my truck/tow rig in which I always keep:

    • Set of SAE and metric 1/2" drive deep impact sockets up to 1 1/8" (for lug nuts, etc.)
    • 1/2" drive breaker bar (non-ratcheting socket wrench for breaking nuts/bolts loose)
    • SAE/metric 1/4" and 3/8" drive socket set
    • Set of SAE and metric wrenches
    • SAE and metric allen wrenches
    • Wire nuts, small gauge electric wire, electrical pliers, zip ties, electrical tape
    • 4-in-1 screwdriver, assorted pliers, vice grips, 3 pound sledge, gorilla tape, rags, rope, tire pressure gauge, 12v tire pump, tire plug kit

    Stuff I usually have in there but not as vital:

    • cordless drill, cordless driver, hot battery, battery charger
    • big drill bit set with nut drivers/socket adapters for cordless driver, torx/star bits, etc.
    • assorted nuts/bolts/hardware

    Stuff I need to add:

    • assorted automotive fuse set
    • 1 quart 10w-30
    • ???

    I take this truck out to the ranch, etc. where I need tools much more often than I need them for the boat, but having my tools with me when I'm towing anything is my security blanket that gives me peace of mind. 


  10. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    once we find her a new car (which is apparently going to be a small Lexus sedan, don't ask me why 4Runner -> sedan, I don't know).

    I don't go "Cheap Bastard" on everything, more of trying to find good value everywhere. Eight years ago, I bought my wife a three year old Lexus, and its been a very good car, not great ROI by "Cheap Bastard" standards, as it still had some depreciating to do, but definitely not a money pit either.  It stills looks/drives/sounds very nice and is 11 years old with 160k miles.  I have done almost all of the maintenance myself, you can get on youtube or car forums and find answers to most issues, and I like amazon or rockauto for parts. Lexus actually sent us a letter saying they were recalling the dash boards in her model because they were cracking, and so we took it down and had it replaced for free (on an 11 year old car!). I had budgeted to replace her car this year, but now I'm planning to keep it another several years. In hindsight, I probably would have looked for one a little older to reduce the depreciation I absorbed even more, I just underestimated how long the car would last (we wore out other manufacturer's vehicles much faster).

  11. I am never clicking on this thread ever again.

    This must be what people who post in the cloak room feel like.

    Yeah there is some shit in here that will make you lose faith in humanity. Who drove you over the line - the crazy fuckers who think Caddyshack is bad or the crazy fuckers that think Saving Private Ryan doesn’t hold up?
  12. I was out on LBJ last weekend with friends, and we had a little longer residence time on the ramp ourselves. Trailer tire completely delaminated in the ~2 miles from the locker to the ramp (buddie’s boat and trailer, not mine). Took it slow and easy, got the boat off the trailer, got the wheel off the trailer and over to Discount and remounted, back on the water in about 2 hours. Weekend turned out great.




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  13. Got the 98 Ski Nautique out this weekend.  Had to replace the battery.  But otherwise, it ran perfectly.  Water was low.  Ended up on the fender getting it back on the trailer.  Had to dunk it again.  No gel damage.  Wooden fender pad may need to be replaced.  We were having other issues at the ramp.  So I didn't stand in the back of the boat pulling it out to make sure it went on straight.  Quirk of this trailer.

    Minor issues for first run of the year. I thought you had that boat on a lift?
  14. I have some shitty questions. I'm curious what you cheap bastards' stances are on toilet paper? Do you skimp? Single ply? Splurge on a bidet in the name of saving TP?  How many times do you fold over to get additional wipes?



    Serious answer: Women use about 10x the TP of men, so if you have them in the house, it doesn’t matter what your preferences are, they are unilaterally driving the costs. Save your powder for worthy, winnable battles.


    Regarding other paper goods, my household buys the least expensive paper plates, napkins, Kleenex, and select-a-size paper towels available.

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