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Everything posted by TxEx99

  1. I don't understand. This isn't the first church shooting in Texas. You have to know crazy is out there and completely willing to kill. So you have a gun and still refuse to carry it inside? Why? I mean statistically speaking you'll never need it. Nothing will happen and no one will know you've got it on you unless you narc on yourself but I do not understand how you justify to yourself leaving it in your car knowing that you just might need it and then not have it. Because there's a sign on the door, saying no? Your pastor might disapprove if he knew? Please run down the logic here.
  2. Tax reasons alone would justify leaving California for Wyoming.
  3. Just a good ole boy, never meaning no harm
  4. Russia lying about their fuckup that kills people. Say it ain't so.
  5. How bout because a gun isn't the root cause of the mental illness that leads someone to actually shoot as many random people in a random place as possible.
  6. What's their play here? Do they believe that countries don't want to go to war so they'll negotiate? Do they think their nuclear ambitions are a deterrent? They've been fucking with the Japanese, the British, USA, Saudis etc. How many nations can they fuck over before somebody starts dropping bombs? And am I a bad person that I'm extremely grateful that this happened to the Brits and not us. Though we're bound to get involved. This is a shitty game of chicken.
  7. his look at the end. Like what the fuck do I do now?
  8. Oh hell no. Going out the front door...if that's what he did, is dumb if you think someone is shooting real bullets. I'm not defending that action. I am saying that staying inside may not be all that safe either. The family was put in a terrible situation by those kids, full stop.
  9. And if he did have vinyl siding and he doesn't know they're paint guns I'd be real worried about pass through while hunkering down in my home. How many times have you heard about people dying in their homes from a drive by. If he doesn't have brick I imagine the sound of the paint splatter was loud and terrifying when woken from sleep. Had those been real guns riding it out inside may not be all that safe in some houses.
  10. Yes assaulting someone's home at midnight in Texas seems like a good way to increase your odds of winding up dead. Kids are probably going to claim harmless joke but anyone shooting shit at your home, while probably yelling and creating a scene to call out your teenage son, cannot be surprised when things escalate. How can anyone be surprised when dad comes out shooting? I know teenagers are dumb and don't think about consequences but for god's sake a mob, and that's what they were, were looking for a fight. They wanted some and they got some good and hard. Count me in the camp that says play stupid games win stupid prizes and that parents obviously need to tell their dumbass kids not to use paint guns to attack homes at midnight. Fucking hell has the world gotten so damn dumb or is it that we hear about all about these idiotic things because of instant 24/7 news?
  11. Edmonton is the 5th most populous city in Canada. It doesn't have to make any sense to still be true.
  12. Driving recklessly is in no way comparable to let's throw a kid, a complete stranger of a kid, off a 3rd story balcony. He has a lengthy history of abhorrent behavior that led up to this. Drunk driving or even drag racing has the possibility of others getting hurt. It's not a certainty and those people aren't intentionally setting out to harm anyone. Throwing anyone off a 3rd floor balcony is always going to result in grevious bodily injury. One is stupid and reckless, the other is malicious and quite frankly evil.
  13. I don't care if he can be rehabilitated he doesn't belong in society. He's lost that right. Besides someone please enlighten me on how to fix someone who thinks it's okay to throw a 5 year old down three stories? No amount of therapy can fix his obviously warped view of the world. Nor should society ever have to take its chances that his anger issues can ever be fully "cured." Tons of people have defensible opinions against the death penalty but I gotta agree with Jkwellborn, the world would be better if this monster just got a bullet to the back of the head and we were all done with him forever.
  14. He needs to be found guilty and sentenced to a day of community service. Yes in this hypothetical what he did was wrong but no jury or judge should demand he serve time. Dude would need counseling though.
  15. Solid movie. Like that they showed everyone having an issue with killing in cold blood but at the end of the day acknowledge that Bonnie and Clyde needed killing. It boggles my mind that people mobbed the car with the dead bodies inside. WTF is wrong with people?
  16. How else are they going to rack up those body counts just like every other socialist nation ever has? Maduro is behind. Millions have fled, 10s of thousands will die and Bernie Sanders will say he just didn't do socialism right. Rinse and repeat.
  17. Fuck no the LGBTQ doesn't get to decide his fate. He smeared white men and falsely accused presumably conservative persons of committing a hate crime. That's illegal and immoral. Fucker needs to be in jail and his career ruined. Then once he's out the LGBTQ can decide if they're dumb enough to date his lying ass but he doesn't get off scot free because he's a black gay man. Lying about white people doesn't give you a pass. What if this had happened in the summer and there was a riot or violent incident because someone believed him? Actions should have consequences.
  18. My question is once you get it in the bag then what? That mesh isn't so think that it can't strike through it so you've got to what roll a blanket or some other thick covering to protect the people but that thing is 17' long, it's got to be heavy, not to mention awkward to lift as it's you know constantly moving too.
  19. I've never seen pigs but I'm not surprised. You can't throw a rock in a "rural" area and not hit a damn wild pig. Hope the cats eat them all. As for snakes, go down toward the banks of the river and you'll find snakes when it's warmer.
  20. River Legacy backs up to the nature preserve and flood plain. There are a ton of possum, racoon, squirrel, fox, coyote, birds, snakes, and rodents that the predator population has grown and there's still plenty of food for everyone. Nice part is since it's a flood plain they're never going to build on it so there are miles of land for bobcats to roam and they've learned that the humans in the park and riding on the roads in bikes aren't going to bother them. Cool pics, y'all.
  21. My furnace died out Monday morning. I need a whole new system. They're installing it Saturday. Thankfully I'm in Arlington and while it's cold it's not below zero. It was however 57 Tuesday morning and 58 this morning, in the house. The two space heaters make a difference and the weather here is warming up. TexasHooch's problem makes me feel much better about mine though I've got to drop $4500 to replace everything including the ducts.
  22. Ain't going near no spider, that looks anything like that, so kinda cool. Still, nature you scary.
  23. Fuck Maduro. Take all the money you've already stolen and get the fuck out you piece of shit dictator.
  24. I am not clicking that shit. Nope. Nightmare fuel for life. Rip out the entire septic system. It's the only way to be sure.
  25. I know a couple who were heading to Strasbourg to visit the Christmas market. I really, really hope they're not there right now and are alright. I think we would have heard by now if an American or two was shot there. I hope they find kill the shooter when they find him. It won't be enough justice but it's really the best we can all hope for.
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