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  1. I read threw some of the lawsuits surrounding these guys and some articles in the NYTimes. Wow. Total scumbags. It certainly says something about our society that these guys have/had a large following. They really are disgusting. Have to love that by their own grandstanding and bragging and profile and flaunting of their wealth that they wound up on someones radar. FAFO The shitty thing is that I am not sure they actually broke any laws. There is tons of smoke and a few allegations but, at least what is available at this point, I am not sure they broke any laws. I certainly hope they did and they get buried under the jail. For discussion purposes only, I am curious what the law is regarding the original claims made by the Jane Doe that started the arrest process. It seems the following are the facts that all parties have agreed to: Tate met Doe, a woman from Florida, who was admittedly an Onlyfans model and they met through Seeking Arrangements (funny that there is a long page about Sugar Babies here on the site). They had sex a few times and Tate went back to Romania. He continued to stay in contact with Doe and told her he wanted a relationship with her and bought her a plane ticket to Romania. Upon arrival, Doe says that she hardly saw Tate and that he moved her into a house where women ere doing Onlyfans (or equivalent) and Tate was taking some of the money. At some point Doe contacted a friend who was a marine and texted that she was being "sex trafficked". The marine wanted to go to the authorities but Doe asked him not to, but he ended up doing it anyway and the ball started rolling. Doe claimed to authorities that she was a "sex slave". Tate's lawyer provided security video of Doe and a friend casually entering and leaving the compound at their leisure. Doe acknowledged that she was being paid, could leave anytime she wanted and still had her passport. There are sketchy texts between Doe and Tate and between Tate and others and between Doe and others. Tate was absolutely grooming her and using money and excitement to lure her in. Doe came though of her own volition and she even admitted to the marine that she did not want the marine to go to the authorities until she could go on a vacation/trip that she was excited about. She texted the marine that she was safe. It is very bizarre. Clearly an older guy manipulated a younger woman but didn't do anything illegal as far as i can tell. Immoral as hell. Disgusting. But I don't think illegal. For what it is worth, after Doe's allegations and the Romanian authorities arrest of Tate and subsequent investigation where they talked to all of the women in the Tate orbit and seized phones and computers etc, a high court in Romania said they did not have enough to warrant a trial. Apparently new allegations are out there and hopefully they will get Tate. Also they may be able to get him on tax/money laundering charges like Capone. I am for anything that gets him behind bars.
  2. I agree completely that as of now there is no tie to illegal border crossings and I think anyone making those is being deliberately obtuse.
  3. I can not understand why any parent, obviously unless there are some underlying medical circumstances, would willingly not vaccinate their children. I agree with you that those people are "breathtakingly stupid". It is actually a problem and, statistically, is getting worse. It is a real problem. But, as has become typical for you and others on here, the rest of your post is just wildly inaccurate. https://www.unicef.org/lac/en/press-releases/latin-america-and-caribbean-records-worlds-biggest-drop-childhood-vaccination-over-past-decade from the article: "New UNICEF report shows 1 in 4 children in the region are missing out on vital vaccines, setting immunization coverage rates back almost 30 years." https://www.shadac.org/news/childhood-vaccinations-rate-by-state-ethnicity-insurance Non-Hispanic White children had the highest rate of vaccination at 75.5%, followed by children of multiple races or some other race (non-Hispanic) at 72.8%, Hispanic/Latino children (any race) at 69.9%, and, finally, African-American/Black children at 66.5%. Hard to know the overall reason for the declines. Money? Disinformation? Access? Breathtakingly stupid? Surely a combination of all. But to suggest the problem is "almost entirely" white people is a loser take.
  4. I predict that a large percentage of schools over the next 10 years will implement a 4 day school week. Certainly the smaller school districts. Like any change or program, the implementation is critical and you have to have a Super that is all in, but the results can be pretty good. There is a Super in Wagoner, OK that is sort of creating the mold for the program. Wagoner is a fairly small town with enrollment of around 120 per grade. They are about 60% white and 40% black and hispanic. Some highlights: 1) They have chosen to take Mondays off. Partially because a number of doctors offices and other businesses have limited hours on Fridays. Also, sports, especially football, are still a big thing in small towns in Oklahoma and they wanted the school spirit/pep rallys, homecoming events etc that are usually on Fridays. 2) They added 10 or so minutes per required class and go from 7:45 to 4:00, Tuesday through Friday. Same pay. What they claim is that test scores have gone up across the board, behavior issues have dropped dramatically, truancy has dropped dramatically, teacher retention is greatly improved (they had a teacher leave and without advertising they had more applications than they could get through). They just had their first class graduate that had been in the 4 day program for the entirety of middle school and high school (7 years) and their scholarship pool was around $5M for the seniors versus $750K 7 years ago. They have been very creative on working parents. They had a local non profit offer free babysitting and CPR/safety certification to any students that wanted it and then offered the school as essentially a day care facility manned by students that wanted a little extra money. So parents had the option of sending kids to the school for the day or part of the day for a very nominal fee. When they first decided to go to 4 days many parents were upset but after a few months they only had 5 or 6 kids that showed up on Mondays. The real proof is that they did polling last year and over 85% of students, parents and staff like the 4 day schedule over the 5 day. As for cost savings, it wasn't much. The Super estimated they could retain 2 extra teachers with the savings. They really did t for the benefits mentioned above.
  5. I remember seeing that and it was really cool. Thanks for posting. As for the Departed, I have watched it a few times and I would give it a 7.5-8. Its really good but not great. The last 30 minutes are really jumbled. On the acting: DiCaprio- A Damon- A Farmiga- A Baldwin- A- Nicholson- B. t just seemed like he was playing Jack Nicholson and not the character and his lines were just a series of one liners where some worked and some didn't. Wahlberg- D. I have to actually fast forward through his scenes. He literally can not act when he has to be serious and deliver tight dialogue. Also, while not top 5, the Guy Ritchie movies that had gangster ties (Snatch, RocknRolla, etc) are really fun movies.
  6. You do NOT pass the stoned test.
  7. sheeeit


    Not sure where to put this but this is the safest spot. The male A&M cheerleaders are shockingly gay. They have to know. It’s almost a bit.
  8. For the last few hours I am scoring Ana 1, Jimmy 0. and what the fuck happened to twicehorn? He was smart and helpful/insightful a few years ago and now he is lunatic fringe.
  9. I did some more digging, maybe this has already been hashed out on here and I missed it. If so, it would be pretty easy to direct me to that info. I found TwiceHorn's post interesting. Here is what he said: "Curious that Zuck didn't give that same testimony, in detail, under oath when subpoenaed in that case. See, in particular, Slip. Op. pp. 16-21. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-411new_197d.pdf" I read the case he posted and it made zero mention of Zuck at all. So I researched it a bit but could not find anything, at all, related to Zuck testifying or being subpoenaed in that case. Twice is a lawyer so maybe he has access to sites I am unaware of that detail this kind of stuff, which is why I asked him to respond. I did find the stuff where Jim Jordan subpoenaed Meta (and all the big social media companies) for information and where Jordan threatened to hold Zuck in contempt for Meta not providing the requested info in a timely fashion. It appears Jordan was ultimately satisfied with the info Meta provided. I found no instance where Zuck either did testify under oath or refused to testify under oath regarding any of the censorship claims. That is why I asked Twice to elaborate as he is generally truthful in the stuff he posts. I am certain Zuck was cagey about the issue. Twice called him a slimy little fuck, and he very well may be. I would certainly agree that he was a slimy little fuck if he did, in fact, testify under oath, or refuse to testify under oath, in a different manner than he showed on Rogan. I wanted to see what he said under oath which is what Twice implied.
  10. You are one seriously disturbed dude.
  11. Were you able to find Zuck’s testimony?
  12. TwiceHorn can speak for himself, but did Zuck plead the fifth? How does one "refuse to testify" if they are subpoenaed in a federal case?
  13. I find this whole thing kind of fascinating. Virtually impossible to get all of the relevent information to make an informed decision. You stated: "Curious that Zuck didn't give that same testimony, in detail, under oath when subpoenaed in that case." I have searched as much as I can and can not find anywhere where Zuck gave testimony under oath in that case. Can you show that? It would be extremely damaging to Zuck's credibility if he did actually testify differently under oath than he is stating now on shows like Rogans.
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