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Posts posted by sheeeit

  1. 5 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    So your points are funny, because the person arrested by the van was someone arrested because they were previously (15+ minutes ago) standing next to someone who started being violent. Shit, I even CITED the relevant case law supporting my argument that you cannot arrest someone for only being adjacent to a person of interest. Which is the case for the man getting disappeared into a van by the feds.

    I truly hope you are just pretending to be a lawyer.  I specifically agreed that the arrest of the dude in the van was bad.  Are really that stupid? 

    The case you cited has absolutely nothing to do with people currently at a protest being detained or arrested.  Maybe you are channeling George Costanza who always wanted to pretend to be an architect and always wanted to pretend to be a lawyer.  You posted, multiple times, that people getting detained at a protest was unconstitutional and illegal.  I merely pointed out that you are dead wrong on the constitutionality and legality of those detentions and arrests.  Read any of the reports from all media.  In the cases of people being detained and/or arrested (again with the exception of the dude in the van) the police acted legally.  Once any type of violence occurs- breaking glass windows/doors, starting fires, using fireworks, throwing bottles etc- the cops have the legal right to call the protests riots and unlawful assemblies.  They did that.  They announced it over loud speakers.  They waited for people to disperse and, when they didn't, they legally cleared them out.

    I do not like what is happening on either side of the protests.  I am not making a judgement on the morality of the situation.  I can see good arguments on both sides.  Protesters going too far and law going to far.  But the law folks did it legally under our current laws.

  2. 46 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    All your photos date back to May.  At least one of them is from Eugene.  Another one is from, I believe, Minneapolis.  Sure, in May and early June, there were several days where riots destroyed property across the USA.  Temporary curfews were put in place and then lifted.  Peaceful protests resumed nationwide.  Today is July 28.  The feds arrived in Portland in early July in order to attack peaceful protests.  They did not arrive in response to anything you posted, all of which occurred 2 months prior.

    Lulz.  https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/07/portland-protests-continue-thursday-after-police-contract-vote-calls-for-change.html

    Portland police declared protests "riots" on the day before the feds arrived and the day the feds arrived.   

  3. This is such a weird and interesting topic.  Especially from the lawyers that selectively cite the law.

    Dude getting arrested by the van, definite problem and he most likely had his rights broken and should get some justice.

    But, it is hard to even have a debate when people keep making obvious lies about the law, especially when they claim to be lawyers.

    On 7/23/2020 at 1:18 PM, Captainant said:

    It is established case law that being adjacent to someone committing an unlawful act does not create probable cause for detainment, even temporary detainment.

    On 7/23/2020 at 12:32 PM, Captainant said:

    This is making excuses for unlawful and unconstitutional arrests.

    More authoritarians on this site than I would have thought. 

    This is just not true at all.  To be clear, I am not saying what the cops/feds are doing is right, I am saying that it is legal (with the caveat of the case I cited above with the van).  Just standing in a protest actually can be grounds for being detained or arrested in many instances and the case law is unambiguous.  Just off the top of my head you have the following:

    1) As soon as a protest becomes violent or dangerous, the police can clear the area and arrest those involved.  This one has some grey area to it and "violent and dangerous" are subjective terms but, legally speaking, the police can act, including detaining.

    2) Once the cops declare a protest dangerous, they can legally declare it an unlawful assembly.  They have to announce it, but once announced, if you do not leave, you can be detained and arrested legally.

    3) Curfew- Portland is and has been under a curfew at different times.  8 pm.  I do not know the exact dates of the curfews and how they correspond to arrests.  Again, not claiming an action is right or wrong morally, but legally you can be detained and arrested for violating a state imposed curfew. 

    At almost all times in the Portland saga, one or more of these scenarios existed.  Perhaps the law should be changed, but it is current law.  So yes, if you are just hanging out in a protest that has turned violent or dangerous or that the police have determined is unlawful assembly, you can legally be detained and arrested.

  4. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    I absolutely agree. I just think legally, it might be more technical than this. The driver obviously will argue self-defense. He will have to state a case of his life being in danger. Were people surrounding his car, banging on his car, a person legally carrying a weapon enough to prove his life was in danger? The state will have to disapprove his life was in danger. If the state or jury determine his life was in danger, then so be it.

    I'm concerned about the implications of this case legally. I think this case has large implications to the application of Texas open carry law and subsequent case law. If a citizen legally may carry a rifle, and approaching another citizen with that weapon is grounds for another citizen to fear for their life, and thus is legally allowed to use deadly force, then that changes my understanding and I'm sure many people's understanding of the law. 

    Is it possible to approach another citizen with an open carry weapon? How close can you get?  Can you only walk and not run? Where is the line of deadly force?

    Do you see what I'm getting at? Yes, the driver turned the corner, and might of realized he got into some shit. He sees a dude with a weapon. At what point in that situation allowed him to use deadly force? I want to find that line, legally, that is. 

    I get your point and agree to some extent that it is a fine line.  However, imo only, the caveat is his finger on the trigger and him approaching the car.  Lets take a situation where someone is sitting in their car and, for whatever reason, the car can't move.  If some stranger is approaching with their finger on the trigger of their rifle, I would never fault the driver of the car for shooting them.  However, if the gun/rifle were holstered or slung over their back, the situation would be different.  But when you put your finger on the trigger, there is no grey area imo.  

  5. On 7/21/2020 at 12:52 PM, PilotsError said:

    I stopped going to theaters for a while, and then they brought in recliners and reserved seating, and it changed the game.  Going to movies became much less of a chore and I started going to more. 

    Agreed.  Some films are just better at the theater.  I like going but only seem to find 3-4 movies a year I am into.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. On 8/9/2018 at 2:11 PM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Rounders did a bad job explaining how Mike went from starting with 10K in the final game to winning over 60K.    KGB obviously must have kept buying back in to stay in the game because Mike had zero additional money.  Mike stated that he finished at >60K  so KGB was responsible for >50K.  Would KGB wouldn't be quite so cocky.    KGB was being destroyed.  

    How much did Mike have before the final hand?  It had to have been a minimum of 30K since he looked to fully covered KGB's all-in and Mike says he ended up with over 60K.   going into that hand, he owed KGB 15K, the law professor 10K and 5K to the Chesterfield.  he was a fool to play it.  Pay off the debts, and get a job/money from Knish to start building up the bankroll again.    Otherwise Mike could have easily run into bad luck and had Grama kick his ass or worse.    Mike didn't really learn a thing from the first scene.  Worm was right in that Mike was delusional in thinking his [Mike] moves were noble and smart.

    And of course, the most inexplicable part of Rounders is when Mike turns down Petra (Famke Janssen) when she was at the top of her game.  Kicks her out of his apt after his girlfriend had dumped him.  

    Watched this again a few nights ago.  Thought about this old thread.  The only explanation I can find for the $60K total is that at one point Mike tells KGB to feel free to reload at anytime.  Presumably KGB took out another $20K.  In the last hand, Mike had KGB covered but not by that much.  I'm guessing the stacks were around $33K to $27K or so.  If Mike loses the hand he is not out obviously but down to $6K and he owes $15K to KGB and KGB would have a huge stack advantage.  Great flick.  And Petra looked just as good.

  7. 5 minutes ago, TexLonghorn said:

    So no regard for the teachers, custodians, administration, bus drivers, etc?  Just grandparents and compromised care givers.

    That was fully addressed above.  I was responding to a specific post. 

    In short, there is no greater risk to school staff than any other profession.  We still have regular bus drivers going to work.  We still have almost all businesses open for work.  

  8. 5 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    It's fallacious reasoning to use the fact we can't totally prevent people from spreading it to conclude we shouldn't try to limit it as much as possible.

    I'm not saying I have the right answer to the school question. I don't even have kids. There are real downsides to keeping them out of school. I simply don't think your reasoning is compelling because the concern is not just the health of kids, but limiting the transmission of the virus generally. 

    You said your two articles had titles of "Miami-Dade ICU beds over 130% due to Covid" and "Florida cases go up but hospitalizations remain steady" and implied that you found them contradictory. But those could both be true (if it was possible to have more than 100% of something). 

    Ok.  It is very easy for people to disagree on this subject.  Currently, the best available science says kids rarely transmit the virus.  Virtually every pediatric association is recommending schools opening.  I feel pretty certain these pediatricians understand the need to keep the spread down but, based on the actual science, they say the risk of the virus spreading or causing greater harm is very low.

    I get you now on the articles.  Yes the headline said Florida so I went to the source data and found the specific rate for Miami-Dade so I could compare it to the other headline.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I am pretty certain my kids won't die from COVID if they contracted it at school.  I'm not so certain they wouldn't pass it on to my mom and kill her if they contracted it at school.

    This is kind of the rub.  Although the science is relatively new, the doctor say transference from kids to adults is very rare.  But I understand your point.  My question would be what is in the best interest of the whole.  If your mom is compromised, she really should not be around them at all right now unless they have been strictly quarantined since February.  But is school more important for kids or being able to be hugged by their grandparent?  I think that is a personal choice.  I think most would say school is more important, certainly in the short term.  So maybe grandparents will have to social distance from their grandkids for a period of time.  And, again, if the childs primary care giver is compromised then that kid may be best to stay at home.  But that is the extreme outlier.  It only really applies if that care giver is strictly quarantining.  If not, and virtually no one is, then they are at risk everyday for covid in greater percentages than getting it from their child.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    1. A 0.3% chance of dying and an even higher one for having serious illness are odds I probably wouldn't take if I didn't have to. 

    As mentioned, I would not fault anyone for keeping their child at home, but I think you probably represent the vast minority.  Also, the numbers are just not there to support closing schools.  For instance, in California, people under the age of 18 make up 22% of the total population.  As of 7/19/20 ZERO people under the age of 18 have died from covid in California.  Based on the Texas dashboard (hard to trust it) there have been ZERO covid deaths in Texas under 18.  I hate trying to compare covid to the flu because they are different, but people under 18 die of the flu all the time and we do not cancel school during flu season.  Right now, no kids have died of covid.

    16 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    2. Regardless of the fatality rate, the reason to close schools is to limit the spread of the virus. 

    I get this angle but it just does not jive with reality.  Kids are not staying at home.  Kids parents are not staying at home.  We shouldn't have lame measures.  if we are truly scared of the disease as a country we should shut everything down.  But unless every single person obeys and every person from other countries obeys then the virus is going to remain.  So have to open cautiously.  Opening schools is extremely cautious.  The Pediatric Doctor association has no qualms with schools opening.  I am quite certain many of those pediatricians have kids of their own.  Again, we either trust the science/doctors or we don't.  If the pediatricians say open the schools, we should open the schools.

    According to the pediatricians also, kids are very unlikely to be contagious.  Scientifically speaking and medically speaking, teachers and staff are much more likely to get covid from the grocery store than from a kid at school.  Thats according to the science.

    22 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    3. Many of the 90% of school staff that you estimate can return to work with no risk other than a basic illness have families that you don't seem to account for.

    Of course I account for them.  Do you think most school staff are currently sitting in their houses?  They are not.  As I mentioned, if a teacher is worried for themselves or a high risk family member or whatever, then let them stay home.  

    24 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    4. In your news example, as you've written it, it seems you're conflating Miami/Florida stats as well as ICU bed occupancy/hospitalization rare. 

    Not sure how I conflated anything.  But perhaps it read differently to you?

  11. Not going to go through the entire thread so I apologize if this has been covered.  I am sure it has been pointed out that getting real and accurate data on covid is pretty difficult.  So there are 2 parts to my post.

    1) School's Opening- People are just tearing into politicians about re-opening schools and it just seems completely political at this point.  Not a left or right thing, but both sides are total hypocrites when it comes to "trusting the science".  The CDC, in the latest update I can find which was July 10, is now estimating that the covid infection fatality rate is .68%.  Pretty low number.  Further, the CDC acknowledges that older people with preexisting issues skew the number higher and that younger people most likely have a covid infection fatality rate of less than .3%.  Obviously, the rate is not zero but it will never be zero even with Covid gone.  If a parent is overly concerned that their child might be the unlucky .3% then, by all means, they should keep their child at home.  But the vast majority of people will send their kids to school with a fatality rate of just .3%.  If we are truly to believe the science, then why would we close elementary and high schools?  I understand the possible impact on teachers and staff and do not have an issue with any teacher/staff that is over 60 or has any underlying medical issues being given time off, with full pay, if they choose.  But 90% of the school staff can safely return to work.  And by safely, I mean they aren't going to die.  The may get sick but people miss work for sickness everyday.

    2) News Coverage- Please do not turn this into a fox/cnn/msnbc/breitbart whatever debate.  It is not that.  It is just simply amazing that the reporting is so varied.  I am saying all news agencies want to create sensational headlines to get eyes and they all manipulate the data to that end.  As an example, I went to one prominent news site and the headline was (paraphrase) Miami-Dade ICU beds over 130% due to Covid.  Sounded horrible so I read the article and then clicked on the link they were relying on for their data.  It was to Florida's covid dashboard. Nowhere on the link, that I could find, was there anything, at all, that backed up their claim.  It was worthless.  I did another search and found a headline that read "Florida cases go up but hospitalizations remain steady".  Sounded better and I did the same thing by clicking on their link.  Their link went to the AHCA Emergency Status System, which I am sure the doctors will attest is a much, much more reliable figure.  They show Miami-Dade at 85% capacity and, essentially, unchanged from a month ago.  Further, they say the ICU capacity is typically at 90% and since they started elective surgeries again, a large percentage of the current ICU patients have no connection to Covid.  

    It is just getting really, really, hard to get accurate information from news sites.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    You have to stop there.  You can't just fill in the blanks with what you think probably happened.  It is just as likely that Hampton made the decision to avoid opening up Pandora's box by allowing Cummings to fully testify prior to seeing her affidavit.  When he filed the ineffective assistance claim he was aware of the real possibility that it would be met with opposition.  He could have decided that the facts associated with the police investigation and DA's handling of the case were sufficient or more persuasive than the full legal representation facts.

    I actually don't care.  You can believe whatever you want from what you took from the documentary and what you found online.  Your speculation holds no more weight than mine.

    Well if my speculation was based on additional/more information than what your speculation was based on (you apparently did not know Cummings went over her testimony with Hampton prior to the hearing) then I actually think my speculation would hold more weight than yours.  Just as your's would potentially hold more weight than mine if you had information that I did not have.

    You know about these types of hearings.  A guy is in prison and he gets this one shot.  No continuations.  No second bite.  No new information after this.  This is it.  Put yourself in this situation.  You have worked for years on this particular case.  You have interviewed a very, very key witness for your case and, based on that interview, have formulated your strategy.  Then on the day that witness is supposed to testify, they change their story and decide to include things that they never brought up before and that are going to be detrimental to your client.  And this is not some jail house snitch or someone not totally aware of the ramifications of their actions.  You would rightly be extremely angry and would consider that witness a chickenshit piece of shit.

    Do you think it is even remotely reasonable/likely for Hampton to have based a large part of his defense strategy on Cumming's testimony if her testimony to him would have been hurtful to his client when they prepared it?  Hampton would have to be one stupid lawyer to do that.  

  13. 9 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    You still haven't answered my questions about the physical differences between Jonathan and Greg and how a prosecutor would attack that theory. She considered that angle and determined, after interviewing Jonathan multiple times and consulting with Greg, that it was not the best strategy. "Greg put his pee pee in my mouth" and "I wish my pee pee were big like Greg" are huge hurdles to overcome. 

    Do you know how dumb this sounds?  She interviewed Jonathan multiple times?  I am shocked in her interview of him he did not admit to the crime.  She consulted with Greg?  Please show us where she told Greg that her investigator found evidence that Jonathan could be a suspect but she told the investigator to stop looking.  How could she even possibly consult Greg about Jonathan without even investigating Jonathon?  This is completely nonsensical.  


    14 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    How do you know about her supposedly changing her testimony on the day of the hearing? Where are you getting this information?

    See above.

    15 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    I'm not missing any point. You are missing the point that there is a legal standard to show a conflict of interest claim and the fact that she had simply represented family members of the McCartys at various times between 2005-2007 is not evidence of an ineffective assistance claim from a conflict of interest. The clients she represented, N.D. in particular, were never suspects or investigated by Cedar Park police. She never represented Jonathan. So please explain how this meets the legal standard. 

    Surely you realize that situations change during a case right?  Discovering a potential conflict does not always come up when you take the case.  I am sure it never even entered Cummings mind that during the course of the defense that the son of the woman that referred her to the case would emerge as a possible suspect.  

    What I am saying is that when Cumming's investigator said they needed to look hard at Jonathan as a suspect based on evidence the investigator found, that Cummings was derelict for stopping him from looking into it.  I am further stating that whether or not Cummings stopped the investigation into Jonathon as a result of her relationship with the McCarty family, doesn't matter.  I am saying it is a reasonable legal assumption to present to the court.  None of us get to be inside Cumming's mind.  But that is why conflicts are in place.  Cummings does not get to decide if she was conflicted or not, the court does.  

    What I am saying is that if my son were on trial for child molestation and his lawyer's investigator said there was sufficient evidence to look into someone else for the actual crime, then I would fire that attorney immediately if she forbid the investigator from proceeding.

    You keep saying Cummings thought the other strategy was the best one.  How the hell would she  know?  She forbid her investigator from looking into it.  What if they got Jonathon's phone and found pictures of his penis in the kid's mouth?  Do you think the defense strategy might change?  What if they found links to child porn on Jonathon's phone or computer?  You think that might change the strategy?  Again, I am not talking about a fishing expedition or some slander campaign against an innocent person.  I am saying investigate a known lead fully for the benefit of the client.  We aren't talking lots of money and time here.  Cummings own investigator said he was fully prepared to subpoena Jonathon's phone and computer and do what investigators are supposed to do and that Cummings told him to stop.  Inexcusable.

    38 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Cummings thought that the "Jonathan did it" defense was a greater gamble than attacking the legitimacy of the interviews themselves and the adult investigators involved.

    This is the whole point.  She could not possibly make that determination without doing an actual investigation of Jonathon.

  14. 32 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    You seem to have much more information than what was revealed in the documentary.  Do you have some connection with the case?  I haven't seen Cummings affidavit and it is my understanding that affidavit was sealed.

    35 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    So you're just spitballing here based on what Hampton says on camera. You have no idea about what she was initially planning to do or if she "changed her story." We simply do not know what she detailed in those affidavits. Wrt Cummings I am inclined to give deference to the concurring opinion in the CCA ruling than what we are presented in Outcry. 


    I have no connection or information other than what was in the documentary and available online.


    This is a copy of one of Cummings' affidavits where she tells the judge she met with Hampton previously to answer these questions.  I already said that I have no way of knowing what was asked and answered between Hampton and Cummings at the first meeting but it really is impossible to conclude that Cummings gave answers that would be harmful to Greg at that prior meeting because after that meeting between Hampton and Cummings (and obviously others were present) Hampton still planned to call Cummings to testify and his team, as well as the state's team, spent hours and hours preparing to question her.  

  15. 34 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    If I thought there was a potential conflict, I would have advised the client of it and would have had the client sign a conflict waiver.

    I get where you are coming from and I did not go this route to try and put you on the spot at all.  Just appreciate your insight as someone that does this for a living.

    Having the client sign a waiver is obviously the prudent thing to do.  But, can you imagine any possible scenario where you would go to your client and say- my investigator on your case has come to me and has some raw evidence that possibly shows that your best friend is the one that may have committed this crime but I am forbidding him to look into that evidence any more.  As a result, I want you to absolve me from any conflict claims since I know his mother, I represented his brothers and she is the woman that referred me to you.   That just seems ludicrous.

    Is there any reason whatsoever, for the attorney to prohibit her investigator from investigating another viable suspect?  Isnt that kind of defense 101?  Again, she doesn't ultimately have to use it but to not even investigate seems criminal to me.  And, with the benefit of hindsight, it would almost have certainly resulted in her client getting off.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    We agree that Greg Kelley is a victim here, but he was not victimized by Patricia Cummings. He was victimized by the Cedar Park police department and the Williamson County DA.

    I believe he was victimized by all 3.  As to Cummings, first when she told her investigator to not investigate a possible other suspect after the investigator ALREADY found enough evidence to warrant a deeper dive.  Absolutely zero excuse for this.  Second, when she changed her approach to her testimony on the day of the actual hearing.  Absolutely no excuse for this.


    13 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    How is that a conflict of interest? She had no demonstrable allegiance to any of them over her then-client, Greg Kelley.

    You keep missing the point.  She had no conflict when the defense started.  She had no way of knowing where the evidence would lead her in her defense.  But when it did lead her to the son of the woman that referred her to the case and the brother of people she had defended in the past, then she absolutely had a conflict.  


    18 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    She considered that argument and thought it was weaker than the argument she ultimately chose because she believed that a jury was highly likely to believe the children's identification of Greg Kelley. He was named by both children multiple times. Plus, victim one named "Greg" to his mom. That is a tough hurdle for any defense attorney to overcome. And can you not consider what the prosecution would do if she had presented Jonathan as an alternate suspect? They looked a lot alike, but they weren't twins. They were noticeably different in height and they had different voices and they had been around both boys enough that the prosecution could argue the two boys knew Greg vs Jonatha

    I think this is horseshit.  Of course the prosecution could and would argue that the kids should know the difference between Greg and Jonathon.  But that actually weakens their case.  You keep ignoring (intentional?) that one of the boys named Jonathon twice in his CAC interview as the one that abused him.  Twice.  Impossible for the prosecution to argue that the victims knew the difference between the 2 teens and also argue that one of the boys got the 2 mixed up in his interview.  That is completely nonsensical.  

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  17. 49 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    Do you have some information that Cummings changed her approach the day of the hearing?  Up and until the start of the hearing, Cummings was facing an ineffective assistance of counsel claim in the form of the writ Hampton filed on behalf of Kelley.  She had a copy of the writ and was prepared to fully address the facts and allegation of the writ.  That is what the assistant DAs had been preparing for because that is something that routinely, if not almost always, happens in these types of hearings.

    Keith Hampton changed his approach the day of the hearing because he didn't want Cummings to fully testify as to the facts underlying her defense strategy in the case.  I cannot get into his head but I suspect that he felt, at a minimum, Cummings fully testimony could have been problematic with getting Judge King and the COA to rule in Kelley's favor.

    Again, you are the attorney, but in Cummings affidavit she states that she had met with Hampton at least once previously to discuss the case.  Obviously, you would met with your witnesses prior to the hearing to know what they are going to say and prepare your case.  

    Of course we do not know exactly what transpired at the previous meeting but we do know that Cummings did not have an attorney present and that after the meeting, Hampton fully prepared to call her to testify based on the answers she gave.  According to Hampton, on the day of her testimony Cummings suddenly had an attorney and the affidavit Cummings wanted to introduce at the hearing was much different than what she had said in their previous meeting.  

    Hampton called Cummings to testify based on what she said at the previous meeting.  Suddenly on the day of her testimony, she is changing her story.  Or, perhaps more accurately, she is adding to and enhancing her story in a way that would be harmful to Hampton's client.  Cummings is smart and is certainly aware of how her testimony will be received by the judge and appellate court.  Certainly way more aware than a lay person.  She does not want her reputation tarnished in public and she absolutely knows that if she files this last second affidavit that Hampton will likely have no choice but to not call her.

    As I have been saying, Cummings could have been completely truthful about what she was willing to say at the hearing at the very beginning.  Hampton could have then proceeded with his strategy accordingly.  But she did not do that in the beginning.  She played along and offered help right up until the very day she was called to testify.  Chickenshit at best. 

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  18. 24 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    I think that she characterized their relationship as friendly not that they were friends.  I'm not going to say there was or wasn't a potential or actual conflict, because we don't have sufficient facts to make that determination based upon what was shown on this documentary.

    If I recall you are an attorney?  If a person that you were just friendly with, not close, and was someone that you had worked for in the past representing their family members (assume you did a good job for them since they are referring you) and in the course of your investigation it became clear that one of their kids might have actually been the perp, what would you do?  I would guess that you would investigate that angle aggressively.  Perhaps assign another attorney in your firm or your investigator to do it so that there is not even the slightest hint of a conflict.  The one thing I would not think you would do, would be to shut down your investigator from even looking into that angle.  I agree of course that hindsight is easy, but, as we have come to find out, when they got Jonathan's phone there were pictures of naked little boys on it.  Jonathan admitted it but said it was his cousin or something.  But, as the defense attorney for Greg, wouldn't you consider that evidence to be extremely strong and extremely beneficial to your client?  This was not some fishing expedition either where it had the potential to smear an innocent kid.  Cummings own investigator found the evidence that Jonathan might be a suspect.  At a very minimum, she should have told her investigator to get everything he possibly could on Jonathan.  Doesn't mean she had to use it or that it would have been found.  But to stop it in its tracks( again even if it were in her best professional judgement that it would not help her client- which is absurd since she did not allow the investigation to continue) just looks horrible based on her previous relationship with the family.

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  19. 6 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    She said they were "friendly" not that they had a personal relationship. There's a big difference.

    Well I am sure that distinction is a great relief to the guy that sat in prison for 3-4 years.

    Again, how would anyone feel if their kid was on trial for child molestation, and their attorney failed to pursue a potential alternative suspect, and you later found out that your attorney had previously (even if it was years ago) defended members of the family, was recommended to you by that family and had an admittedly "friendly" relationship with them?  I would certainly think that any reasonable person would realize that it would be very hard for Cummings to aggressively go after the kid of the family she was friendly with and that had recommended her for the job. 

    Again, we are talking about the defense strategy.  It does not matter one bit if Cummings thought that Jonathon had anything to do with the crime.  Not one bit.  It only matters if pursing the angle helps her client.  You will never convince me, or any rational person, that if there was another person that had the exact same access to the kids as Greg, was present at the house when the crimes likely occurred (especially since your client was not present at that time), that looked similar to Greg and that one of the actual fucking victims named directly 2 times in their interview as the one that did it, that that would not be incredibly powerful to the defense.  I assume you saw the video interview of the kid who said Jonathan did it?  Said it twice.  That is probably reasonable doubt all by itself.  Not innocence necessarily, but certainly enough doubt that, absent of any physical evidence (or really any evidence) other than the word of a child, that the child may have gotten it wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  20. 13 minutes ago, Gourmand said:


    She had been hit with an ineffective counsel claim. If you go back to pg 3 of this thread, Frank the Tank hits the nail on the head. She was put in the position by Keith Hampton where she now has an adversarial relationship with Kelley and Hampton. She legitimately believed in Kelley's innocence and her defense of him. So now that Hampton has her in his crosshairs, what the fuck is she supposed to do, let them dog her reputation?

    Maybe you are just being obtuse, but you are completely either ignoring my point or just do not understand it.  I clearly stated that Cummings was well within her right to not want her reputation tarnished.  I would not do it that way but I can understand why someone would.  What is impossible to understand is the fact that Cummings worked with the defense team over a large amount of time and actively participated with the defense team on the case.  She was a huge part of their legal strategy and she knew it.  She then sabotaged them right before the hearing which prevented them from using a different strategy.  That is text book chickenshit behavior.  

    Further, her lame excuse that she would have to divulge certain things that might be harmful to greg is also ridiculous.  She only had to answer the questions she was going to be asked.  Both the prosecutor and defense were on the same page and both wanted the conviction overturned.  No one was going to ask any questions that would require her to tarnish her former client.  

  21. 35 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Why? She never represented him, she interviewed him, she had no personal relationship with him or his family. Why would Jonathan's name being mentioned by her own investigator necessitate her recusing herself from her defense of Kelley? I don't follow. 

    We have conflict causes for very good reasons.  I believe that most people can do their job without the necessity of being conflicted out.  But human nature is human nature.  Cummings admittedly and clearly had a professional and personal relationship with the McCartys.  She admitted on the stand that they were "friends" before this ordeal.  How can you not see that if a "friend" recommended you to defend someone else and in the course of that defense there existed evidence that would require you to essentially accuse your "friends" son of being a child molester that there might be a conflict?  This isn't even a close call.  

    How would you feel if your child was on trial for child molestation and you found out after the fact that there was credible evidence that another person may have been responsible but your attorney decided not to pursue that angle and then you found out your attorney was friends with the family of the other person?  I would hope you would be so mad you would have to be restrained.  

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  22. 8 minutes ago, Gourmand said:


    He filed ineffective assistance claims against her, of course he believes that and he is not going to admit in a documentary that it was just a tactical maneuver on his part to get Kelley a new trial. He declared war on her and she fought back. Her fight was not with Kelley but Hampton.  I don't understand why anyone would expect her to act any differently in defending her professional reputation, especially in light of the fact that she adamantly believed in her former client's innocence and did express those regrets you alluded to after his conviction. She made a tactical legal mistake, that is self-evident but it is also with the benefit of six years of hindsight. I suggest you read the concurring opinion you'll see that her defense of Kelley at trial was not as incompetent as Hampton claims it to be. 



    This line of thinking is completely ridiculous considering how Cummings changed her entire approach the day of the hearing.  It is inexcusable.  She leads them on for hours and hours and hours of work and prep time and strategy etc preparing for the hearing.  She is a huge part of their case.  She knows this and is helping all the way up to the end. Then at the last minute decides her professional reputation is more important than her client getting out of prison for a crime he did not commit.  

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  23. Pretty good show.  I have to really disagree with people defending Cummings.  If the following is correct (hard to remember everything) then she absolutely should have withdrawn.

    The McCarty's, apparently, recommended Cummings to Greg.  This seems fine and logical as the McCarty's had used her before.  Nothing sinister.  However, when Cumming's own investigator said they needed to look at Jonathan, she should have recused herself.  The argument that she asked Greg about that approach is not credible.  He is not an expert in criminal law and criminal defense techniques.   At one point in the interview with the second victim the victim actually said the person that he was with was "Jonathan".  He was asked again and said the same thing.  A decent defense attorney could get that tid bit in while still claiming the acts did not happen.  It just shows how tenuous the memories and testimony of small children can be.  It also gives the jury a possible other suspect if they believe something did happen but not sure it was Greg.  No reason at all not to get it on the record.  Conflict is not always obvious but it helps to look at it from the other perspective.  If it were found out later that the prosecutor had a personal relationship with the McCartys and had evidence that Jonathan could be involved and buried that evidence, everyone would rightfully be outraged.  

    The timeline is also something she should have gone after.  By seemingly all accounts, a sexual assault crime reported in mid July was almost certainly to have occurred recently.  This should have been pressed much harder.  Again, it can be easily incorporated into the "no crime occurred" angle.  The boy accused Greg at a time when Greg was no longer there.

    The thing about juries, and people in general, is that everyone has their own opinion about things and different evidence is viewed differently by different people.  As a result, every potential angle that sheds doubt should be included.  

    Lastly, to me, the really shitty thing Cummings did was her testimony at the hearing.  People are now saying she neeeded to preserve her reputation etc.  Those are not invalid points.  However, she was interviewed by Hampton many, many times about what she would testify to.  There was a clear understanding of what she would say.  Then, on the day of or day before the hearing, she changed her tune.  That is bullsht to me.  If she did not want to get involved or wanted to protect her image then say that in the beginning.  Not after hours and hours of prep work by all involved.  Total chickenshit move. 

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