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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. The last time I watched the news was after the Boston Marathon bombing, when it was obvious they had nothing to say, but that didn't stop them from filling the airwaves with bullshit.
  2. - It was out four weeks, and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it. - They should be fuckin' killed man. No trial, no jury, straight to execution. - Boy I wish I coulda caught him doin' it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doin' it. It woulda been worth him doing it just so I coulda caught him. - What a fucker! - What's more chickenshit than fuckin' with a man's political yard sign? I mean, don't fuck with another man's yard sign! - You don't do it! - It's just against the rules!
  3. Someone stole my Harris yard sign last night. Buncha savages in this town.
  4. I'm preparing myself mentally for Trump winning. Does anyone have any drugs?
  5. Back in the 90's US News had A&M better than UT for one year, and Texas Monthly had a big article about it. I knew one Aggie who bought like 100 copies of that magazine.
  6. Three business days after receiving my demand letter my clients have all their money. Funny how that works. It’s almost like the bank was putting up unnecessary obstacles.
  7. The amounts are quite significant. It should not be a big deal to close an account and withdraw the money. Maybe there are legitimate security reasons to set up such roadblocks, maybe not.
  8. It's because Trump voters literally don't care about you at all.
  9. Twice this year I have been contacted by elderly clients wanting a lawyer to help them close financial accounts and withdraw their (significant amounts of) money. This is not something for which legal assistance should be needed, and I am curious how big a problem this is, how long it's been an issue, and what is causing it. I'm thinking of writing a letter to my state senator. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  10. He literally fucking admitted to shit like this on tape in October 2016. His voters do NOT care. They love that about him.
  11. Hour and a half, but I’m done.
  12. How do people like this have money? It must be all inherited.
  13. These stupid fucking assholes even texted about it. https://www.expressnews.com/news/article/james-cotter-brad-simpson-san-antonio-19855198.php?utm_source=marketing&utm_medium=copy-url-link&utm_campaign=article-share&hash=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhwcmVzc25ld3MuY29tL25ld3MvYXJ0aWNsZS9qYW1lcy1jb3R0ZXItYnJhZC1zaW1wc29uLXNhbi1hbnRvbmlvLTE5ODU1MTk4LnBocA%3D%3D&time=MTcyOTY4NzQ5MTczNA%3D%3D&rid=YmVkZGU4OWQtYWMxNS00ODEwLWEwZTUtOTliMTQ4ZDg2NzYw&sharecount=Mg%3D%3D
  14. In case anyone is interested, I found this article: https://crushlivepoker.com/articles/reading-complex-low-boards-in-omaha-8-revealed
  15. I would laugh but this is who we are.
  16. Yeah it's almost like he completely missed the point.
  17. Yeah, of course. It's the opposite of losing. If they can't identify what "winning" is, then this is probably all over their heads.
  18. You don't know what winning is? Seriously?
  19. OU had more yards and more first downs. If the Sooners had scored TDs instead of the scoop and score and the pick six, this is a different ball game. Sooner fans should be patient until this thing flips.
  20. You just file it. The clerks let you file anything.
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