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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. Did he have A-A or A-T?
  2. This is not a serious response. I don't know who the fuck you think you are.
  3. I'm a serious person, and it may or may not be true, but I don't find this to be at all obvious. Do you have some authority?
  4. Yeah, when they announced it years ago they said it was going to be a horror movie.
  5. Pussies. Why y'all even using air conditioning?
  6. Things got a little out of hand. It's just -- its just this war and that lying son-of-a-bitch Johnson!
  7. I have an etiquette question. I was in a home game with complete strangers. One guy was a bit older (60+) and obviously had bad eyesight. A few times, when I wasn't in the hand, I read the board to him because he clearly had difficulty seeing it, even though they were jumbo Copag cards and he was in the middle of the table. One time he called a river bet and said "I didn't see the flush." Fast forward an hour or two, and the older guy raised preflop, bet the flop and turn in position, and then faced a river donk jam on a four-heart board. He called, his opponent said "straight, do you have a flush?" He said "no" and maybe he mucked his hand but right in front of him. I did not think he had mucked, and I said "You don't have a heart?" He checked and he did, indeed, have a flush. His opponent threw a fit, saying he had already mucked. Maybe he did or didn't, but the guy was mad at me for saying anything. Did I breach etiquette there? What if I had said something like "there are four hearts out there"?
  8. The new Bronco looks like a Jeep.
  9. I'm shocked he didn't have A-2 suited.
  10. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. I think it could have been longer.
  11. He used to carry around his Bible in law school, and if you met him it took him about 30 seconds to tell you he was rich.
  12. I really enjoyed the first few episodes but then it was kind of meh.
  13. As a general rule, if you don’t know the right lies to tell you don’t get to be on the Supreme Court.
  14. Congress should make all Supreme Court records subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Show the public how the sausage is made.
  15. When I was just learning to play I stacked a guy 200+ bb deep with 3-5 of hearts on the button. He had A-T of hearts. Everyone limped preflop. Flop was 6h 2h Jd. Checked to me and I bet. Turn was the 4h. Checked to me and I bet. River was Td. I was visibly shaking when I 3-bet shoved the river. It was a .25/.50 game and it was was a $200+ pot.
  16. Yes. Don't forget that lawyers are extremely good at lying.
  17. That was a marginal tax rate not an effective tax rate. And that was back pre-Reagan when this country believed in paying its debts.
  18. And wasn't there a time he made a soldier hold an umbrella when it was raining?
  19. Lino Graglia passed away in January. https://law.utexas.edu/news/2022/01/31/in-memoriam-remembering-professor-lino-graglia-texas-law-faculty-member-for-50-years/ I did enjoy his Con Law class.
  20. Don't forget he also disgraced the office by putting his feet on the desk.
  21. I don't understand all the teeth gnashing. We voted on this in 2016. Remember all the pussy hats?
  22. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/05/03/us/roe-wade-abortion-supreme-court?action=click&pgtype=Article&module=&state=default&region=footer&context=breakout_link_back_to_briefing#republicans-celebrate-the-draft-opinion-with-muted-optimism
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