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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. He violated a court order and moved a $28 million yacht out of U.S. jurisdiction, and now he's asking for relief from a U.S. bankruptcy court.
  2. Yeah the river checked through. UTG had AKJJ. Button was chasing a flush on a paired board. I think AKJJ calls a 1/2 pot bet there, and I missed a value bet.
  3. PLO question: 8 handed, UTG raises, everyone calls, you have 8-8-J-T double suited clubs and spades in BB and call. Flop is 8-T-K, two hearts. You check, and it checks around. Turn is a K. You bet 1/2 pot, UTG calls and Button calls. Are you betting that turn out of position? If so, what sizing? River is a Q, giving you bottom full house. Is this a bet and fold to a raise, or a check-call? If you bet, what sizing are you using?
  4. Apparently they're going to complain to the judge that the NY AG is unethical.
  5. I wonder if Rudy feels any shame.
  6. Six years ago I had receding gums around one tooth. Never was sure if it had anything to do with my smokeless tobacco use, but yesterday I went to the dentist and everything is completely back to normal, and has been for some time. Take care of yourself out there, and stop thinking of tobacco use as a “bad habit.” It’s a nicotine addiction and should be treated as such.
  7. Can you imagine being someone like Donald Trump and pissing away all that inherited money? All he had to do was put it in the stock market, never work a day in his life, and he'd be worth a shit-ton more money. Some people are just deadweight losses.
  8. Nobody thinks you're a piece of shit because of how you feel about any policies. Jesus Christ. Do you actually believe that? And good job on the philanthropy.
  9. At the beginning of the quarantine, I did something like this but on a much, much smaller scale, because I was buying the albums. Anyway, I ended up getting Billy Joel - The Stranger and it's a really great album.
  10. I'm pretty sure that Dan Patrick would be the attacker in that situation.
  11. Were they all in preflop or something?
  12. Lol that road rage shooter is claiming he was standing his ground. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/02/01/man-arrested-for-road-rage-shooting-on-i-95-tells-his-side-of-the-story/
  13. Florida will all be underwater in 200 years.
  14. Stacey Abrams is black, so at least we know that Johnny Sack doesn't despise her.
  15. Some of the best alumni we have only attended graduate school or law school.
  16. Yeah did they not get to see the track before the race?
  17. Yeah I don't think I've ever filed suit without checking the Secretary of State records first. That would be pretty embarrassing.
  18. Seriously, you should buy this book. https://www.amazon.com/Euclids-Elements-AU-Euclid/dp/1888009187/ref=asc_df_1888009187/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312152840806&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15082432616669827638&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028071&hvtargid=pla-458586331851&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61316181319&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312152840806&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15082432616669827638&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028071&hvtargid=pla-458586331851
  19. I only play pocket pairs. Sometimes suited one-gappers.
  20. Wait until you learn about squares and rectangles. Your mind will be blown.
  21. Ummm, yeah. We have these things called "prisons," and there's probably one near you. If you go there, you will find more than one person convicted of those crimes.
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