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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. This is the perfect way to describe him.
  2. To be a woman, one must have a soul.
  3. Hey, white male lawyers matter.
  4. Wow this really sucks. The last thing Tyler needs is fewer dentists.
  5. We should put some big ass mirrors on the west coast to allow us to have more sunlight all the time.
  6. the House still needs to consider it.
  7. Heads up in a sit and go, about 20 BB on the table. You're the effective stack is 9 BB. You're in the BB, and your opponent has been aggressive post flop, consistently barrelling all three streets when in position. You've made some big folds on terrible runouts. Opponent limps the button, and you check with K of clubs 8 of hearts. Flop is 8-8-3, diamond club club. You check, opponent bets 1/2 pot, you call. Turn is 7 of clubs. You check, opponent bets 1/4 pot. Call or raise? I called. River is 6 of clubs. You check, opponent bets 3/4 pot. It's 2/3 of my stack to call. Call or raise? What if you're deeper? I called. He had A of hearts 4 of clubs.
  8. Really enjoyed it. Parts of it were excellent. I liked the different take on the character, and it was nice to see Batman be an actual detective.
  9. Why do you think it's a criticism?
  10. Yeah these mRNA vaccines were quick and have saved a lot of lives but people aren't going to want to keep getting shots. I wonder how far away we are from the second generation vaccines coming out.
  11. No, you get one McDonald's french fry.
  12. Lol.
  13. I wonder what would have happened if Rampage had gone all-in on the flop after Garrett checked.
  14. I don't understand what Rampage was doing here. Link should take you to the hand.
  15. This is the part where you say that you're poor and if only a fat fuck failed businessman was President then things would be so much better for you.
  16. Life is so tough, isn't it?
  17. No fucking way I'm buying a used car any more. Call me a moron. I don't really give a shit.
  18. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but at least I've never sunk a big-ass ship.
  19. She'd like to speak to the manager of the criminal courts.
  20. If I die in a nuclear strike, it was nice knowing all you assholes.
  21. In all fairness to her, she thought "Press Secretary" meant that she'd be typing up documents for the Press, answering phone calls, getting them coffee, etc.
  22. And let's not forget all the oil and gas bankruptcies under Trump. I have clients that simply can't afford to drill wells now that oil is over $100/BBL. Trump bankrupted their businesses like his own.
  23. Yeah if I have QJ I'm only calling against a decent player. I'd figure a raise would only fold out worse hands.
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