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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Talk me out of a Wildwood 914CE Taylor...I've it in my head they're too bright. The right white dog is telling me the 28 is just fine.
  2. Old dudes bickering...but he's not wrong on about Stills. Give a listen to "Special Care"...still blows me away. tbone...interested in your take or 2
  3. Used to hit the Carrollton GC Platinum Room just to plug in to a stack like this. They due sound glorious.
  4. Traded a Blonde/Wheat Twin in on a Supro Black Magick Cream Cab and Head...didn't take too bad a beating and got to lay the piano mover off.
  5. Still curious about a Jr...
  6. We may all eventually have to rely on BogeyGored.com inventory...
  7. Liking the 53...thinking we ordered (early December) right under the chip wire.
  8. Heard a musician at a Taos music festival say minor chords were a sign of weakness...riddled me but I laughed with everyone else....csb
  9. And, according the he interwebs she was 57 in that pic (2016)...fetchin'
  10. NSIAP...good history lesson
  11. It should not have been that hard to locate the stud for that neck pickup...
  12. Would that I could noodle like Mr. Freed....
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