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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. Bumping this to say, we still suck, Mo must go, and the problems are as deep as predicted. Last minute Fellaini winner at OT against New Boys! How exciting. The depths of our sucktitude have yet to be revealed. Sitting 7th in the league and 8pts down from a Champions league spot. Normally I would be looking forward to Christmas, we always used to make our run then, but this has a chance to get ugly if we don't bring in a central defender and an effective striker in January. Not going to happen. Who the hell is going to join this mess of a squad when a Champions League spot is doubtful next year and Mo is still being crazy in charge. I don't see any free agent Ibras just hanging out waiting to save our ass. Mo out!
  2. That's the part you don't understand. He's being played and has been played by Russian's for years because he's an easy mark that cares about nothing more than his money and his perception of winning. He's dumb because he let his kid take the meeting in Trump Tower. He's dumb because he hired Manafort/Gates to run his campaign after they spent a decade doing the Kremlins work in Ukraine. All he saw was the shiny object of winning the 'reality show' of being President and didn't give a shit how it got done. He's dumb because he assumed he could cover it all up once he ran the country and "his" Justice Department. That's now how it works, he's dumb. He doesn't understand that what he did was illegal because he's been scamming the IRS his entire life. He's dumb because private business is different than being an elected official and is subject to an entirely different level scrutiny than his shady real estate/vodka/fake university etc. deals he's always done. He's dumb for a number of factors, but mainly because he thought he could get more than 40% of the country to believe his shit. Granted, 40 percent is a lot of fucking rubes, but not enough to do as he pleases. This isn't some shithole country like he wants to believe.
  3. Went to RightStep in Euless three years ago. It wasn't a 5 star yoga, massage, froo froo place, but there was great counseling, decent food, and all I know of treatment. It did the trick medically and mentally for me. They'll take you to meetings around DFW if you choose to go. GO! I haven't needed to go back to treatment again so that helps. It's so much of what you put into it.
  4. Dems won the only possible seat they could. OKC has changed a lot, but the rest of the state is horrible. The Trump candidate, "business outsider" real estate sleaze ball, just crushed in the Gov's race against a moderate, gun toting, veteran, former prosector Dem. It wasn't even close. OKC will continue to turn blue, along with Tulsa, but they'll have it Gerrymandered in 2020. R's aren't losing power anytime soon and the dumbs, meths, and religious folks ain't leaving the state.
  5. It's sad that Oklahoma has a system that hasn't had a controversy in my lifetime. Backwards ass Oklahoma, think about that.
  6. Depends on how willing you are to risk it. I give it a 50/50 chance. Easy Jet out of Madrid is a little sketchy on timeliness, but it is the morning flight so they will try like hell to be on time as to not screw the rest of their day. I'd check the typical arrival/departure gates for those flights. If you land in the secure international you could just work your way over to the gate and it won't be an issue. I doubt it will be the same place because, US flights/our BS extra security checks, but worth the risk if you don't mind missing the flight home and hanging out in London an extra day. Plenty of cheap suburbs to crash in around Gatwick if you miss the flight, I've done it before. You don't have any luggage so you could easily just stay out all night in London and make the flight the next day. Just remember they don't do refunds for the missed flight if you're coming in on a different airlines. That risk is on you. Doable, and a fun adventure. Good luck.
  7. I assume federal is the same as state. Oklahoma made massive cuts to the DA's and Judges so the counties/municipalities just raised fines and fees on all their court cases to keep the system moving. It's fairly easy to make a place basically non functioning, the State Dept. for example, just by cutting the budget. Happens all the time. Not sure if there are minimal requirements for SCOTUS/Dept of Justice, but I doubt it. Folks forever just assumed the right thing to do is fund them. New world we live in now.
  8. Not really. The guy was 'King' of his family business and got away with cheating on taxes ("allegedly"), money laundering ("allegedly"), and not paying his debts for years (proven). He assumed he could do the same in the public sphere because he knows no other way but to cheat, lie, and scam. When you do that during and election or in office, it is illegal. Simple really.
  9. I'm so fucking grateful to be sober today. Regardless of the outcome, and the election results will have a direct impact on my employment, I will be fine. I have been given the gift of serenity and been stripped of worry. I'm excitable at the moment and alcoholically laser focused on the races that matter to me, but this is just one day. A fun and anxious, yet fleeting experience that will all end well if I take care of myself, and kick any resentments ass that may try to fuck my world. The unknown is fun when you've experienced true hopelessness and made it out alive. Much love. Grateful for those on this board.
  10. It would be savage and he would have the cred to do it. I was driving the other day and realized there is no music, film/TV yet about what is going on around us. It's as if most of the world is still in shock and hasn't come to grips with it. I guess we still haven't gotten the official report yet from the election and every is waiting to accept the truth. Those of us who've had the stamina to follow this since October 16 realize we're just farting in the wind and it's pointless until there are daily hearings in Congress. Come on Bob, quit raping and drop some knowledge.
  11. Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. -George Carlin
  12. This was a part of the conversation I had with a very well connected Republican lobbyist this morning. They tried to make the late push with being "for pre-existing conditions" and its backfired in the latest internal polling. The public is dumb, but not dumb enough to know R's have voted over 60 times to repeal the ACA/Obamacare and that most families(extended) have one person in it with a pre-existing. House R's know that it's over and many are making plans for their future on K street. Take it for what it's worth, but my friend has been doing this for 40 years and he's not a bullshitter.
  13. The reason they believe in voter fraud, paying protesters, conspiring against the US with foreign agents, planting fake news etc....is because they do all of those things. Thank God most of them are unsophisticated fools with rubes as followers. We'd be in trouble if they could pull off half the shit they try.
  14. 9 months yesterday on this second go round and its flying by. I'm not fighting anything this time. Surrender has been everything. I kew my life was unmanageable and came to believe in a power greater than myself the first time so I could get well, stay alive, and not have people mad at me. This time has truly been a psychic and spiritual change. I just had to let go of who I thought I wanted to be without alcohol, and be who my higher power has in store for me. I have no clue what that is yet, but who I am becoming is pretty fucking great. I hate that I had to go through crazy again to get here, but I guess that was just in the cards. Grateful.
  15. Does anyone know where to find the final registration totals? I found the article in the Chronicle from the end of September, https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/politics/texas/article/Texas-sets-voter-registration-record-with-1-6-13258057.php, but I'm curious if there is anything new. There's no fucking way any of the Independents that registered did so to vote for Ted. Beto could win this race if turnout gets over 40%.
  16. Lulz. I guess I'm stupid because I'm not being purposefully dense. Thank you for bolding and highlighting some more for my comprehension and understanding from where your butthurt comes from. I didn't realize that it was so serious to say 'need' to be reminded of how shit we were on a message board would get you that upset. Again, it's colloquial. I'll change my statement for you so it doesn't get you so riled up. I believe it is a good thing to be reminded of how low we actually sunk last year. I hope that fans will continue to hold USSF accountable and not follow whatever bs they feed us. Cleaning house was a great thing, but I get the feeling that came from sponsors losing an assload of money more than anything. I believe the soccer governing body community is worse than a good ole boys system and it stinks to high heaven. I also believe that many fans will shell out cash no matter how bad of a product is put out there (MLS is included) out of some bullshit idea that they are helping to build a system that should already be in place. Having a youth training system that is in tatters and doesn't help the average young player after talking about it for 20 years is ridiculous. We continue to allow MLS owners and USSF to insulate themselves from consequences (no relegation for example) while fucking over smaller markets and the youth systems they represent. I had high hopes 20 years ago that some of this would someday be resolved, but I'm sick of it. Again, I think it is a good idea to be reminded. You think that is stupid or dense. We can agree to disagree.
  17. I somehow missed this before. Were you on the team or somehow associated with USA soccer? I'd love your opinion on what went wrong behind the scenes. Thank you for the unnecessary semantics in explanation of groups v confederations. I understand how it works, it's colloquial and no one says "we qualified through our confederation". It does make me think you did work for USA soccer. I have a buddy who used to work there, but left right before the debacle to start a franchise. Numbers don't mean shit when talking about qualifying. I wouldn't feel nearly as bad losing out on a WC spot to Japan/South Korea or some of the African teams. The CAF is arguably the hardest qualifying "confederation" outside of UEFA/CONMEBOL. We lost out to fucking Honduras, Panama, and Costa Rica. Shit squads who wouldn't qualify in Asia or Africa.
  18. Oceania is not even a real group. They have a playoff game to qualify. Sorry you mad.
  19. We need to be reminded every year until we make the WC again. Hold the US Soccer Federation or whatever its called accountable for not qualifying in the worst group in the world. Fuck that was sickening missing out to a bunch of awful teams -Mexico. We are not good yet.
  20. Hope. It's the one thing I got out of the Chapter to the Agnostic when I read the BB the first time. I was reminded last night how fucking hopeless and desperate I was when I knew I needed to do something different in my life. I didn't relate with any of the drinking stories the first time I read them, but the simple question of "am I willing to believe" allowed me to open my mind to try something different. I would've fucking done anything to quit drinking because things were really bad, but the God thing repulsed me. If I could've quit drinking with medicine or logic, I would've easily taken that road. What I really needed was hope. Being able to be willing to believe in something, anything, was what worked for me. Life is hard enough as it is without me fucking it up. Life if miserable when I have no hope. I wish the best for anyone out there losing hope today. Find a small piece of hope and hold on to it. It will slowly grow. Try something different. It will get easier over time. Much love.
  21. If Mou comes over and manages USA soccer I'm going to have to become a full-time Ireland or Australia fan. Some type of underdog that has a little bit of talent and an outside chance to make the WC. It would be so fucking fitting though. A one time super power on the decline trying to show the world that old thinking and pulling back in defense is an effective strategy against the free flowing, wide open attacking play of the present world leaders.
  22. I never pay attention this time of the WC cycle anymore, it's pointless, unless you care about the Gold Cup. Meaningless International games are best spent taking a break and enjoying a fall weekend without having to get up early. We'll know who the USMNT is in about 2 years, unless you watch the Bundesliga. I guess I used to care when there was very little soccer on T.V., but now that we have access to every league, it's better to just watch high level soccer instead of the crap we're putting out there.
  23. Good on you little man. Mo has spent a lot on shit (Lukaku, Sanchez, and Lindelof) and that's on him. It's on the board that they didn't spend to get a center back (Maguire, Alderweireld). Mctominay has no business playing back there as a fill in. It's unacceptable and that comeback win might have kept this turd of afloat longer than need be. Three points I guess and still alive to make a Champions League spot, but winter is coming and it will be a long one playing like we are. Cut the fucking cord and move on. If only a board takeover were possible as well. Clean house in one giant shakeup.
  24. Holy shit! I just realized that menudo is called "callos" in Spain. Absolutely love the stuff. Add spicy cured chorizo and nothing is better in a chilly/rainy weather. I will now order menudo at the local Mexican joint. Mind blown.
  25. He's owning libs, taking on the deep state, and is a victim of the liberal media. Of course he's winning in a heavy R district. Trump out front shoulda told you. November 6th can't get here fast enough. This has felt like the longest year of my life in terms of news and constant noise. Time to have a congress that will hold actual hearings/investigations so the WH can't manufacture a new scandal to get out of bad news stories. I do believe public hearings will go a long way in toning down of the Trump reality show. It will be true must see TV if done correctly and can guide the news narrative away from Twitter. God help us all if R's retain the House.
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