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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. Lincoln Riley quotes Steinbeck during his press conferences to make himself appear thoughtful and deep.
  2. I root for the Euro's in the Ryder cup. Fuck getting behind a bunch of rich entitled prima donnas. The Euro's celebrate with their fans and enjoy the competition. Could you imagine Spieth, Tiger, or Bubba letting some random fans carry them up on their shoulders or even appreciate a pat on the back? You can't because it wouldn't happen. Go Euro's, keep the cup until we get some relatable golfers.
  3. Truth form Neville. The whole club is fucking lost right now. It's a sad day when I enjoy watching the play of Pool, Chelsea, and City more than my own side. I was against sacking Mo early in the season just for stability, but Saturday's performance show's that no one is in charge. It can only get worse if it continues like this and player start bad mouthing the club to the outside world. We're already at a disadvantage because we're not London based, but now City has the coach, facilities, and money to compete with players that don't mind shit weather. A Giggs, or someone along those lines, caretaker role for the season wouldn't be a bad thing. I really don't know what you do because it's never been fucked like this since the late 80's.
  4. The dude sounds like me when I'd be drunk and get caught by authorities. Deny, get angry, emotional, and cry when I now the gig is up.
  5. For whom? I think it's obvious a "cloud of doubt" has been there for several days and it hasn't slowed anything down. It's not a good enough excuse for the R base right now. A real excuse is, "There seems to be a mounting pile of accusations that I believe needs to be sorted through and investigated." He didn't say anything like that. Maybe he's saying that so he can say I told you so when the Kavanaugh impeachment starts in a couple of years.
  6. Both side attack. The process tomorrow seems fine and we will go ahead and vote. No big deal about how any of this is being handled. Listen and have an open mind. Weak ass sauce...again.
  7. Hughes would certainly have nostalgia on his side and he commands respect from his playing days, but I've never seen him as the one. Maybe it's generational, but I'd prefer Keane if we're going with underperforming coaches who are United legends. Keane would immediately bring a different mentality to the club, but I don't know how many top skilled foreigners would want to come play for him. I always thought that Solkjaer was going to be the man, but I don't know where he's even managing now. I'm all in for a young unknown who can build it back. I'm willing to wait a couple of years to get it done right. We have money, but we don't have crazy sheik/russian/asian money that we can turn on and off. The club has made it's own money because of stability, marketing, and great football. Marketing is cheap these days, we are in desperate need of the other two. Yeah, bad look at training right now. I'm so fucking sick of those two drama bitches. I did love Jose's "Second Captain" reference yesterday, fucking brilliant.
  8. These are our consistent values and principles now. The country has no clothes.
  9. That was such a strange deal. Dude never got a full shake, but he also looked shellshocked from the beginning. Huge difference between the second tier clubs like Everton/Tottenham and the Liverpool/Aresnal/United types. I have no idea who you bring in next. I always wanted Guardiola but they fucked that deal up. I don't follow enough continental football to know who's doing a great job elsewhere. I do know there's some young baddass that almost made the Champions League group stage from Sweden/Norway or some shit. The next hire is the most important in United's history if they want to continue to be the biggest in England. Shit is very sketchy right now.
  10. Good. He hates getting back on D and only brings his best attacking against shit opponents. He also whines when he gives up the ball stupidly. There has been a lack of leadership for a while now and I don't know where it's gong to come from when Valencia leaves. He's not even a vocal guy, but at least gives a shit every match. I was hoping for Matic to fill the role, but he just seems like a "get the job done and go home" professional. There is no fire on this squad and no one who commands respect. I could see grooming Luke Shaw a couple of years ago and there is still time yet, but he's not there right now.
  11. Possible, but that's a serious gamble for a guy who has yet to take stand on anything. 20 years ago you have a great point and I'm with you.
  12. He wouldn't make it through the primary. R voters would never forgive him for a no vote of any kind for the precious. SC seats are all a lot of their base has left for identifying as R's.
  13. Ha! Only if we're fighting against relegation at the end of the season. I would like to start using the word "bungs" again.
  14. For now, United fans suffer and all the rest of you all can enjoy us sucking and losing clout as the greatest club in England.
  15. It's not the kill shot unfortunately. He might be dead man walking, but it will be a minute before the firing happens. The chairman is weak right now, plus, who the fuck do you bring in? Everything I've heard is that they are finally starting to think about a long term solution rather than a quick replacement/stop gap. That would make sense right now considering the fanfare around Sir Alex's return to OT on Saturday. He has always wanted an actual successor instead of the 3/4 year type guys that Mo represents. It will be interesting how it plays out, but I don't see an actual new manager until next campaign. There might be an interim some time this year. I've said it before and again, but the Alexis signing was shit and that's on Mo. I don't see him breaking out anytime soon and having a great year. He's money lost. I don't have as big of a problem with Lingard's scoring woes due to him not playing in a system that works for his skillset. Mika is great at times, but lazy. He's not even in the Arsenal starting XI and Arsenal aren't exactly loaded with talent. You're right about wages though. It certainly helped Arsenal's finances.
  16. If an FBI investigation is what you've maintained, then I apologize. It seemed to me by your reaction to the previous poster that you felt that her accusation was politically motivated as the other poster insinuated. If that is not your position, and you believe she is doing this out of her honest conviction to get the truth out, then I was wrong in assuming so.
  17. You did. You said it is about her doing this for political purposes and not for the truth that she believes a guy that tried to rape her shouldn't have a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. She wasn't asking for the political stuff, I was talking about it. All she asked for was an investigation.
  18. Exactly. They had a list of 20 folks from the Federalist Society that are more than plenty conservative and more than likely don't have a rape accusation in their past. Trump used his stable genius powers and personally added him to the list of judges. The Senate isn't going to bat for just any old conservative on this, they think he is special for them and their personal future.
  19. I choose to take her accusation seriously and hope it is investigated by the FBI or whatever means necessary. You don't because it might hurt your team and choose to believe she's a liar. If you were skeptical, you wouldn't mind an investigation to happen. Instead, the marching orders are the confirmation must proceed as fast as possible.
  20. Absolutely nothing normal about the hearings. I don't think a political protest by activists is anywhere remotely close to an attempted rape accusal. Your comparison and downplaying the seriousness of the accusation is weak.
  21. It must be miserable to think Ford is doing this as a partisan game, as you do. Politicians do controversial shit that is part of the game. Normal people don't bring this much shit into their lives, basically ruining it, unless they know the event occurred.
  22. That's a pretty big person to question don't you think? The FBI has resources to do it due diligence. The committee has every incentive to not do it's best to figure out if her allegations are true.
  23. Lulz. The FBI would go out and question the other witnesses. The committee isn't going to subpoena or question any of the other relevant people. That's a big difference. It's a crime to lie to the FBI, which they still convict people for. It is technically is a crime to lie to Congress, but we've seen that no longer matters.
  24. Problem with that is she asked for an FBI investigation so it doesn't look totally political. I don't think it's her that wants the R's to look like shit, it's me. I'm sure she still believes this is a serious thing put on by the Judiciary committee. If it was serious they would take their time and do an investigation like she originally asked for. They won't.
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