I've gone by what all 4 of my Dr friends showed me when they got there placements, plus a friend who recruits for a large hospital system. The ortho and the urologist each started out at 500k in Oklahoma and now pull in 1 million plus 7 years out of school. The anesthesiologist started at 400k and the one GP started in OKC at 300k, but has built a million dollar practice. The GP basically gets to pick and choose his patients, doesn't accept shitty insurance because there is such a demand for family Dr's in the Oklahoma City area. In 7 or so years he's at a place where he doesn't take new patients unless they are friends. It may be hard to recruit to some areas, the medicare/medicaid rates don't compensate what they should, as well as shitty insurance, but these guys have all been good business people. The recruiter never brings any GP into the system for less than 300k and that includes part of rural OK.
Without going cloak on this, the system sucks and some Dr's get screwed, but this is a business. I don't feel bad for the money issue when this is your chosen profession. I'd love to go to law school and fight the good fight, but it doesn't the pay the student loans. You have to earn your place defending insurance companies, other shit corporate types, or have an established family practice to make a living starting out. There is also no guarantee that you will. Every Dr. I've known in America feels entitled that they're going to be very wealthy and that the system owes them. I've never met one that is willing to change the system or go against what possible future earnings are they believe are coming to them. Good on the ones that do, but I'd love for them to step up and be heard.