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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. http://www.secondcaptains.com/2018/08/10/episode-1236-gary-neville-and-second-captains-premier-league-night-with-cadbury-2018/ Great shit right here. Interview with Gary Neville on the best soccer podcast known to man. All things United, and great insight from someone who know's his shit.
  2. Same shit different year. Pogba is lost and lazy. Lukaku can't finish his chances. Alexis kill attacks going forward by taking the ball into the middle every damn time. Our defending is atrocious. De Gea is our lord and savior. God bless the Spaniard and Real Madrid for choosing the wrong keeper to buy. Fred looks like he could be a spark, but I am weary of getting too excited. Mika looked like a genius at the beginning of last year. Happy for Shaw to get a goal, but he had a 10 minute spell that should have cost us. 2-0 is great for the points but it should've been 1-1 draw or worse. We have all the talent in the world, but we do not look like United. This season will be another grind. I might as well just start watching mid table Serie A matches and fall asleep in the middle (Forza Grifone! Genoa Genoa Genoa!). Fuck me.
  3. Looks the same squad as last year. I can't stand this shit style and Mo. There are going to be some painful watches mid season. Fuck my football watching life.
  4. Understatement of the last two seasons. I'd say at least 25.
  5. Standard United kit is Red White Black I'm not sure how I feel about this version. It's not bad. We've worn Red-Black-Black in the past, but mainly in Europe.
  6. Wolves are the sleeper of the year. Way too low on those rankings. Half the damn Portuguese national team are on that squad. They'll be salty
  7. Come on United! I pray to the football Gods that Fred is worth shit, Pogba keeps his value to sell next year, and we find a defense somehow. Thats all I ask today. Greatest day of the year. Fuck Friday matches they shouldn't ever happen, but whatever, United are on. The pride of all England, the cock of the North!
  8. Manure? Really? I've never heard that one before, but it's sad. So happy the PL is back. Let's get this shit on! Alexis was horrible last season. He is the greatest of all time doing the same thing over and over. Get ball out wide left, immediately cut inside, kill all space in the middle, stop flow of attack, then run like mad to gain back possession. At least he hustles I guess. I miss Mika, but Jose didn't like him and he wasn't happy. Sucks. The deal was kind of a wash to me. This whole squad will have to be changed again when Jose leaves.
  9. I have come to realize their defense strategy is have his attorneys admit to the crimes one by one so we just get overwhelmed and don't care anymore. It has worked with propaganda and getting people to believe the policy lies, but I have pray it doesn't work with the law. I love following this stuff, but the "wow! this is unbelievable!" shock at admitting to crimes has worn off. The case is so massive I forget some of the shit that happened.
  10. Good stuff. It's amazing how it works. We were reading the part at the end of Bill's story where he talks about fellowship/AAs all around us the other day in a meeting and it hit me. I sure as shit wasn't a believer in God when I first came in, and still don't care much for organized religion, but I'll be damned if everyone at that beginners meeting, especially the anxious new folks struggling to sit still aren't a little piece of God. There's hope in those rooms and I can feel it all around. When I'm worrying about some work/external bs and look at men/women who a few days ago had been overwhelmed with despair, hopelessness, or whatever horrible thoughts brought them in to seek something different, it makes my soul happy. Hope and the will to live is a beautiful thing, especially when you know what the other side looks like. Much love.
  11. Ha! I wish I was that clever. I'm all in though. If any fanbase could do it, it would be United. The forming F.C. United of Manchester is still one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed in professional sports. I hate that the Glazer cunts own United, but such are the times. For the most part, all of the big clubs now have shit ownership, but it beats a sheik or a dirty Russian. Hehe. If we have a slow start to the campaign it will get ugly fast.....and Jose will blame the players and lack of transfers. I love his cockiness, but his lack of willingness to take responsibility for anything is insufferable. I hope money starts pouring in.
  12. I love Valencia, he is the man, don't get me wrong. My point is how long can he continue to play the minutes he does and still be effective. Mo has killed Luke Shaw, but brought in shit with Lindeloff (I don't care how its spelled, he sucks), and doesn't know how to build talent. Home grown talent mixed with big purchases are the hallmark of United and Mo really doesn't care to continue that culture. He wants "professionals" he can just plug and play his boring football. He was never a good fit and can't wait for this era to be over. I understand he brought some standing in the transfer market after VanGaal, but it was always going to be short term. Leave that revolving door shit for smaller clubs, this is United. Evra's years of passion and great play are the only thing that has almost allowed me to forgive him for his Champions League debacles against Barca. He was awful in those two finals.
  13. WTF is a "Bold"? As in, Bold decision to have a team play in the sticks? Bold and terrible color scheme? Wow
  14. Plus the fact they were running the game together for so long. It's not like Gates got popped for something else and is rolling to get out it. This is a long term intimate relationship that goes back years of crime of which he has already confessed to in court. I think that helps his credibility.
  15. Gotcha. There had to be a reason. He makes some incredible saves when he's on, but thats rare these days. His confidence is shot and there is nothing worse than that for a keeper. I still can't believe Karius is even training with Pool. Shocked the club hasn't at least sent him on loan somewhere for his own safety.
  16. Lulz. Somebody paid money for Joe Hart. You can find better keepers in the MLS than that poor guy. He's mentally fucked.
  17. He could go back to Italy at any time if he wanted. His style and player preference are suited perfectly for Serie A. I don't know what other big club would want him as the game is on a swing towards more open play (thank God). If I were PSG I would think about hiring him, tons of cash and desperate for a Champions League. You can play shit football and still when Ligue 1, their owners just want the respect that comes with a CL victory. Most important is that Mo is gone. He's special for being an asshole and parking the bus, that's about it. This squad has plenty of attacking talent to be very good, but still lacks a midfield playmaker (come on Fred) and solid leadership in the back. Smalling has never been the man nor will be. Valencia and Young are up there in years and Lindelof is the worst signing in years. It's hard to win on a defensive philosophy when your D sucks. Anything can happen during a season and we could ugly our way to a lucky title, but I don't see it happening. I see more unhappiness and frustration in the squad with Mo throwing gas on the fire and throwing temper tantrums. Getting Pochettino would've been brilliant, but that didn't happen did it. Another season of pain for us.
  18. I didn't see a United thread. Only a few talking points ahead of what will most likely be another boring campaign with equally boring football. I'm ready for the Mourinho era to end hopefully sooner than later. It would be nice to have someone at the club with a vision, instead of trying to sign older players. United have always produced great talent, but there is no future for the young players under a cunt like Mo. Hope is gone soon. There is no vision for the club at the moment. What to look forward to... New signings? Wow...Fred! Not much going on there. Could be a good one, but I really have no clue. Lackluster offseason to say the least. Noting else really to look forward to. I see more defensive football and nothing that looks like United style of going for it. I don't have a lot of hope for the season. Hopefully a top 4 and maybe a run in the Champions League. We are a distant 2nd tier behind City. Liverpool got better. Don't know what the fuck is going on a Chelsea. Tottenham should be better now the young ones have a year under their belt. Arsenal are a wild card. We could honestly finish out of the top four is we have a poor start to the league. I pray that Lukaku has learned to finish for the club, but who the hell knows. If Pogba doesn't have his shit together by the Christmas break, please sell his ass. Tired of watching him out of place. If he's not running free on long runs, he's wasted. After all that being said.... U N I T E D! United are the team for me! Can't wait for the fucking thing to get going. Come on United!!!
  19. It's a giant nothing burger to hide income from Russian oligarchs for your work putting Russian friendly leaders in Ukraine. This has nothing to do with his work as a simple convention manager for the trump campaign. He just knew how to count votes and make sure the convention ran smoothly and folks could interact. It's so obvious that this has anything to do with the Russian witch hunt. fuck me.
  20. Last night watching "This is America" Sacha Baron Cohen's new show when we got to the Bachelorette girl. "Wait, are you telling me these two episodes were real people and not in on the joke? Even the racist guy showing his ass? That was real?" Holy fuck, it took her until watching the reality show girl get owned to realize what deep shit this country is in.
  21. It's fairly liberal at the moment. There were some shenanigans that the board overseeing the implementation of Medical was trying to pull to restrict it, but the backlash was swift. I believe it will be fairly liberal in the end. Lawmakers want the mishandling and drama of rules setting to end. Already have the Director of the board of Pharmacy attempting to bribe the attorney from the Health Dept who oversaw the writing of the rules/regs to put a "pharmacist in every dispensary". They now have charges against them. It's been a shitshow and most lawmakers just want it to go away. I have my doubts on recreational passing and unfortunately it won't be on the ballot in November. That is too much of a Democratic GOTV for Republicans to allow during a gubernatorial election that is already going to be close. It will likely go to a special vote in the spring or some random time that makes it more difficult to pass.
  22. As soon as he accepts the invitation, we know the extraction plan is in motion.
  23. It's an apt description. The amount of dollars and opportunity on the R side of lobbying and campaigning blows away anything relative on the D side. R's have the ability to cultivate their young talent in a way that spots "business minded" folks (looking to get paid well) and place them into a decent paying jobs (lobbying firms/PAC's/Chambers of Commerce)with serious career growth opportunities that foster a mercenary mentality (loyalty to the paycheck). D's lack this loose structure of like minded groups that can actually pay a living wage. Non-profits, environmental, grass roots campaigning just doesn't allow to pay off student loans while learning the ropes of the game. You never hear of Republicans "selling out" because that is how it is set up in the first place. You are not there for a cause or the greater good, but a paycheck. Simple really.
  24. “Driving Without Vodka” is my awesome band name for the day. 6 months. Grateful. Much love gentlemen. Push on.
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