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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. The guy is the best in the business and was originally hired by Republicans worried about Trump. He was the damn station chief for MI6 in Moscow. People don't pay you that type of coin if he just makes up shit. He's not some political hack in Florida looking for weirdos who fake their Liberty University degree to be a State Senator. This guy is the real deal and I seriously doubt he's going to screw his reputation and future earnings potential to make shit up. He's a professional spy with serious contacts. If its not true, he's not going to put it in the report people pay a lot of money for.
  2. I'm pretty sure we can put you on the record as "nothing happened" from the very beginning of this entire shitshow of Russian interference, conspiracy, hacking, porn star payoffs, obstruction of justice, campaign/transition officials working in a capacity as foreign assets, and pee pee tapes. You're just waiting for the facts to come out. We got it, and both sides have probably done it at some point.
  3. And there will be show after show on American trash TV proving they're real. It would be the only thing I can think of that would keep a news cycle going and proving all the other horrible stuff he's done is real. An embarrassing and, more importantly, emasculating moment that can actually get the attention of the average American.
  4. They can justify it because most of the words were over their heads during Helsinki, they can say he was just posturing, or they can choose not to watch it. The pee tape will be on every Hollywood Reporter/Current Affair/Access Hollywood type show where they get most of their news.
  5. And everyone that voted for him must be forced to watch it when it comes out. I know most of the repressed evangelical freaks will be down for it, but the otherwise low information Independent voters that broke for Trump because "it doesn't really matter anyway" must have a three watch minimum. Primetime national broadcast on all the major networks, cable news channels, and CMT. I'll argue the dossier is more influential and a bigger story to Joe Sixpack voter because of the pee tape in the long run. The super sensational part of a serious intelligence piece that slowly trickles out (intended) is just the thing to drive home the point that we have a fucking President that is a Russian asset. It's so unbelievable that we are in this situation that only something so crazy can get the 40% attention. "No way that's true!" they say. Bullshit, we even having him enjoying pissplay with some underage hookers in Moscow. The guy is truly a sick fuck and there's tape, of course he would sell out his own country.
  6. Gary Johnson voters hate Goldwater.
  7. Absolutely it is and I give two shits for the haters, I'm used to the abundance of hate. It is the biggest story of the season unless somehow Pool decide to go on and actually win the League. I guess I have a twinge of hope now that we have one of our own who knows about making a winter run of wins. Problem is we still have a pretty terrible squad, but I loved to see Ole say that everyone has a clean sheet and will see time. Hopefully he can bring some confidence back and flowing attack. I can handle 2-2, 3-2, 2-3 type matches if we are going for it. Fuck it, nothing to lose really, and we have De Gea to win a match or two. Only uphill now that Mo is gone. You're probably right about Woodward, but they're foolish to let him keep making decisions. He's part of the problem. Clean fucking house, including him.
  8. I love that you used that. Rumors is 8th all time in sales and it sucks. How it sold that many I'll never know.
  9. I haven't seen Fleetwood Mac or Journey on here yet. Both terrible, yet considered great these days because drunk chicks like to sing along and feel like they're in a cool scene from a movie. Bon Jovi has been mentioned along with Def Leopard. Both unlistenable even in nostalgia.
  10. Resource, but maybe I need to get that clarification from him. I did not agree with my coworkers argument. Part of the argument I was making is that there aren't the same amount of 'mom and pop' conventional/vertical wells being drilled, especially in Oklahoma now that it's legal for lateral wells to go out 2 miles. The big boys drink all the milkshake, when in the past there was a lot more land around the horizontal wells to pick off profitable scraps. Those cheaper vertical wells were much more risky than the big rigs, thus the success rate was lower. Now a lot of that game has slowed.
  11. Random question, office argument/conversation. With tons of new technology, what percentage of dry holes are drilled today vs 2012ish? Co worker says it's around 25%. Seems high.
  12. Nothing shocking, but just the official news that Trump has completed his takeover of the Republican brand. The RNC is now under the Trump umbrella for 2020. It's mind-blowing how fast he moved on them like bitches. If you don't actually stand for something you might fall and break a hip, or just get out conned by a better con man. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/18/trump-machine-swallows-rnc-1067875
  13. It's not the same club that hired Fergie. United fans wish that it were, but the fucking Glazers came in and did what billionaire reactionary idiots do, make bad long term decisions, but hey! marketing and uniform sales!
  14. Perfect caretaker hire. I can't believe the Glazers did something right for a fucking change. We'll see what they do next, but I hope they learned their lesson to not get in the rumor mill too loudly and scare off a quality hire. Solskjaer is a fucking legend and was coaching youth durning Ferguson's last few years. Respect from the club, fans, and hopefully the players. If they can't fight for a guy like him, they deserve to be sold. Come on United!
  15. Zizou is good for a year or two tops, I'd love him as caretaker for the rest of the season, but not what we need now. This is a club crisis on a massive scale and needs a Pochettino type that will build something from the youth system up and stays for 10 or so years. I've said it before that United aren't a club that can withstand a long period of losing because there isn't a sheik/Russian/Asian and we aren't in London/Madrid/Paris and can't just pay out the ass to redo the lineup every 5 year cycle. Sure it's one of the biggest clubs in the world, but it was built that way through the leadership of Busby and Ferguson. This doesn't have to be a flash hire, it must be the correct hire. The club is fucked long term if they get it wrong again. I unfortunately don't have a lot of faith in the Glazers to do the right thing, they already fucked up not getting Pep when there was a window. Plus, could you imagine how miserable Zidanne would be in northwest England? He's spent his entire life in some beautiful places in France, Italy, and Spain. I don't even know if the dude speaks English to be honest. The language isn't as big a deal as it used to be, but long term culturally, he's not a fit.
  16. Happy fucking days!!! The cunt is dead!! I have no idea who you bring in or who is even available. I don't care at this point as long as they come in an put up a fight, and play some semblance of coherent attacking football. Just enjoying the moment. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that his gaslighting bullshit is over and the ego maniac no longer has control. The owners need to look in the mirror(if they're capable) and bring in some new folks to run the show, make the transfers, and build long term. Ed Woodward needs to GTFO was well. The club is fucked right now, but not beyond saving.
  17. They had the House and Senate and a massive presence established on social media. Trump, Bannon, etc. get their own network and they go down the propaganda train. At the same time they get to pin anything back spin on Hillary and divide the country even more. It has and always was going to be a win win. They had to try something because you know Hillary was going to sanction the shit out of them.
  18. United are (it's plural because, Miami Heat are, OKC Thunder are) a steaming pile of rudderless shit looking at a bottom half finish if they don't bring in a caretaker to at least get them into Europa League next season. That derby was the most uninspired tactical match confounded with a team that doesn't care. My buddy who is getting into watching matches after years of playing FIFA looked at me and said, "Do they always just play long balls like that and hope for a break?" No, we used to not. We especially shouldn't when Pool has one of the most impressive young back lines I've seen in a long time. Van Dijk is a beast and made Lukaku his bitch from the first whistle. To make matters worse and the commentators said as much, there is not a single guy out there that gives a shit. You're being embarrassed by your arch enemy and you can at least go in hard out of anger. No fights, elbows, nothing? The locker room is fucked and Mo better be gone soon.
  19. No stone unturned nor thread bothsided. Bravo, keep up the strong work.
  20. I just had my first legitimate acid flashback after watching the "British marines take acid" video on the "Drinking out of cups" thread. It's been 20 fucking years since I've tripped but I couldn't stop laughing and my chest tightened up with anxiety here at work. I've never had anything like that when completely sober. Fucking awesome.
  21. Glad you new guys are here. I'm grateful for everyone in this thread, but especially for you all that are new to this. Its a brave step to walk in the door and try a different way of life. You area great reminder of the hopelessness that I once lived. I need that or I will eventually trick myself into believing I don't have this disease. May you find peace and surrender. Thank you to everyone who's kept this board going. It was here when I first needed it and I'm forever grateful. Happy days, much love.
  22. Roger Stone comes to mind immediately so they must exist. Yuk- You're right, it is an identity and nearly impossible for these folks to ever admit being wrong about something. I just can't fathom not having that moment of self awareness when the whole fucking thing is falling down around you. Then I drive through the rural areas of the state and realize they live in a different reality where their "leaders" are in on the con and will not be made fools of by the big city educated types. Fuck. FoxNews bringing out Napoletano to start easing them into the seriousness of this matter will lead some to possibly have that brief moment of clarity. Most will chalk it up to the WAP they never much liked anyhow. Going to be a fun ride. Nice thing is I had resided myself to the Brisket train to hell, but that has changed now D's have the house and the indictments are starting to roll in. Anything that isn't an all out civil war will be a win.
  23. Because the deep state has some very bad democrats working in it and lots of people were saying things at that time. Could have been anyone. The amount of evidence that Justice, FBI, etc. is going to have to bring to convince the rubes will be ridiculous.
  24. The fun thing about this "I love Wikileaks!" part of the investigation is it's all being aired out for us to see. Old groveling men getting busted lying to everyone while trying to get their story straight and failing miserably. It's great entertainment. The real investigation continues with the two people who know everything, Cohen and the CFO. Those two are walking Mueller down the paper trail that will ultimately be the foundation for busting open the big conspiracy. The years of money laundering, international wire fraud, Russian oligarch/mafia ties, the Grand bargain. It's all coming fast. *Fuck! I guess Cohen stuff is now coming out. I'm not that smart. It's so fucking on.
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