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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. I always had a hard time empathizing with the environmental terrorism of previous years. I get it now.
  2. In practice I don’t recommend the manifolds, especially for the hot side. Adds a ton of water volume before you get hot to the fixture.
  3. My wife got tested for immunity during her last pregnancy. She has to go get a booster, as her immunity had waned. Apparently that’s a thing.
  4. Ok. I didn’t know Ross but knew a few that did. I also don’t claim to know the full story, but as I understand it Silk Road was a marketplace for everything from mail order weed (IDGAF) to hard drugs, criminal acts for hire and worse. Meaning it’s almost a certainty normal folks were directly affected in a negative way by his facilitation of this marketplace. And he was convicted by a jury of his peers, appealed and lost. Meaning he gets a get of jail free card, and those of us who live their lives by the rules of our social construct probably wouldn’t get that “do over with 650 million in an offshore bank” if we did the same things he did. I’m genuinely asking, why is that cool, because to me it seems a bit the opposite?
  5. Can you expand on this?
  6. I’m guessing most of the ones that survived were sealed attics. I’d put money building code is changed within two code cycles (6 years…which is fast for the industry) to heavily discourage vented attics in wildfire prone areas.
  7. Dewpoint in Austin is 10. Don’t know I’ve ever seen it that low.
  8. For carp? Sure. Bass, they’re assholes.
  9. I have used incandescent work lights to add heat to the garage in the past. Put it next to the water heater and the plants we bring in. Granted I’m in Texas so it’s not often but it works surprisingly well.
  10. The cost of training all the people that will be fired because of this might cost more than the plane
  11. This has convinced me to add a standalone dehumidifier. Goddamnit I’m done with this shit.
  12. Every time this thread hits the top half the page it makes me want a damn blizzard. I think the one off Stassney will be getting a visit so my kids can appreciate the greatness this week.
  13. I dunno, I think it’s more likely he jumped off the building because of something he did. Weird series of events, in any case.
  14. Blue Ford here…cabs? AC? What are those?
  15. I grew up riding around on the tractor and was driving it as soon as I could stand up and reach far enough to push in the clutch. First time I drove the truck without anyone in the cab with me was because the cattle got across the creek that served as the back property line. We got all the cows back in the trailer and shuttled to our pasture easily but the bull was not happy. Plan was to open the gate to the trailer and start rolling so we’d get some distance quickly from the bull. Dad told me “pop the clutch and give it gas, it’s a diesel so you can’t kill it. Don’t stop until the bull stops chasing us. I don’t want to get hurt.” I was somewhere between 10 and 12. Farm life was fun and a hell of a lot of work. My kids don’t get exposure to that, unfortunately.
  16. You’re ignoring the obvious elephant in the room. If Russia is rewarded for their bad behavior in starting this war, what would make you think they would adhere to any treaty that was signed? They’ve told you who they are. Believe them.
  17. While I agree with you on excessive sentencing, for me to feel 5 years to be appropriate for murder I would have to believe we had a successful rehabilitation program in place.
  18. I would assume they have not enough pilots for the airframes they're getting, and will keep those that they do real close to the vest. I guess it also depends on the standoff distance of the ordinance they have. If we give them some of the fun stuff, maybe that kicks stuff off when the ground freezes.
  19. Yeah, I've known several folks that have had it last 3-4 weeks. I got the Novavax this time around, I hadn't been boosted in a few years. I had not much more than a sore arm, which is nice because Moderna always gave me fever and chills the night following the shot.
  20. Expecting perfect messaging from anyone when they’re dealing with a huge issue they have very little experience with is unrealistic. They were doing the best they could and weren’t perfect. Let it go.
  21. What’s the use case for that? Give it to every kid just in case? Or would the plan be for folks who plan to have risky behaviors seek out the vaccine, basically meaning they don’t have to carry narcan
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