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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Lots of sloppy control. Not encouraging
  2. drt

    Bidet Meta Threas

    Finally installed one in the master. Glorious. Now I just have to make sure the 2 year old never gets interested in the silver knob on the side of the toilet.
  3. I don't know what the pregame instruction to Morgan was but her runs have been awful for the way spain has been playing.
  4. Baby horse needs to start diving to get on the end of some of these.
  5. I just turned on the sprinklers, so cross your fingers.
  6. drt

    USMNT 2019

    10 for T&T is quite good
  7. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Regression to the mean is a bitch
  8. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Zardes has been reading surly
  9. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Well that was a better free kick than I was expecting
  10. Any recs on what part of town to stay in?
  11. I'd prefer state or federal. CoA is planning on 9mil initial site investment + 2mil yearly operating costs for 100 beds. Estimated chronically homeless in Austin is 2k, with another ~8k on any given night. Multiply that out and that's a ton of freaking money for municipalities to spend to make any sort of reasonable dent in housing/treating a number of people that is growing in every major city in Texas. This is a big enough problem state/nation wide that a few million here or there isn't going to cut it.
  12. You ever help with the clean up? You might be more likely to see needles at that point. I notice you didn't say you hadn't seen feces. There have been 15 assaults or robbery by assault in the last year within 2000 feet of sunrise church. That is from the CoA crime map. It does not take into account the beating that resulted in the guy being murdered at the bus stop last year. It also doesn't include the woman that was sexually assaulted walking home from Camino south side. It was a homeless guy that was arrested for exposing himself to kids leaving Joslin. I may be overreacting. But I'm just tired of this shit, and don't trust the city to manage this with any reasonable duty of care towards the rest of us.
  13. This is my first significant interaction with the neighborhood associations that I’ve always heard such terrible things about. Holy shit it’s absurdity in human form.
  14. Wait, have you not been there before?
  15. https://www.mountainproject.com/v/110367242
  16. Honduras are a very distasteful team, so this halftime score pleases me.
  17. Ya since our first was born we've stopped walking to Radio because that area is now dangerous. Besides the feces, needles, intoxicated people there, there has also been a few sexual assualts, 1 stabbing, and at least one case of indecent exposure towards the elementary school that I can think off offhand. Our kiddo just turned 2, so it's been a pretty steep nosedive and we've been in the neighborhood around 5 years. We were so pumped when Radio and El Chilito went in for the walkablity factor, but we just don't go to either unless driving. Shit like this is why people leave for the burbs.
  18. You're giving CoA a lot of credit for foresight and working hand in hand with other gov't agencies, namely AISD. Glad to see you're an optimist. On a serious note, the only of the 4 that might be on the chopping block is St. Elmo per the NA chat; but that got pretty significant pushback from the over-involved in our neck of the woods for the reason Lobo mentioned.
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