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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. Back in 2018 we pulled a permit for adding a bath and rearranging interior walls to fit (no new sq ft). They said it qualified as a major remodel, removed our homestead cap, and upgraded our condition on the house to being the same as all the new construction in the neighborhood. The resulting tax bill was based on a valuation at least a hundred thousand above the cost of the remodel even if I hadn't done the vast majority of the work. That made our taxes almost more than our mortgage. All for a little 1300 sq ft starter house. I didn't know the tax code above so we just got fucked until we moved (to a new house where our homestead started higher...yay!). Its definitely a strategy and they're deliberately going after money they shouldn't, hoping they don't get called out on it. Now if they'd just value commercial halfway intelligently, they wouldn't have to do any of this shit. As it stands this is just one of the reasons Austin is un-fucking-affordable.
  2. Yeah, you pull a permit with any decent amount of work, TCAD generally says fuck you, pay me. (ie your house is now PRACTICALLY NEW!…except it’s not) This is why people don’t pull permits. At some point someone is going to die because of shitty work directly related to this practice. I don’t know if the lawsuits will make it all the way back to TCAD, but they should.
  3. TCAD just said thanks for e-filing but we think our initial appraisal of market value was accurate. Now I have to go look at their evidence packet and crunch some numbers to see if it’s worth my time to go to the informal next week. Yay.
  4. drt

    USMNT 2022

    Jordan Morris means we’re done here.
  5. drt

    USMNT 2022

    Clowning fools.
  6. drt

    USMNT 2022

    We have better midfielders than Mexico.
  7. drt

    USMNT 2022

    Goddamnit. Work the keeper.
  8. drt

    USMNT 2022

    We’re the better team.
  9. Got my 3rd Texas Cares Draw the other day. Results are...confusing. Spike was 1102 in late August, 711 in late Nov, and now 141 in late Feb. My first shot was late Feb last year, 2nd was late March. I'm still negative for N antibodies despite my wife and 2yo having PCR confirmed cases in mid December. I was taking care of them so no distancing or masking measures in the house. I never tested positive with PCR or rapid tests so I was boosted 2nd week of January, all of my shots have been Moderna. I had a pretty intense 12-18 hours after then 2nd shot, and the 3rd one kicked my ass for a full 24. I even had the covid armpit swelling in the lymph node which I hadn't had 1st or 2nd go around. So I'm not sure if they just mixed my sample up with someone else or what the fuck is going on with the numbers.
  10. It’s like living in the 3rd world, but without the low cost of living!
  11. It’s a good thing my better half had PTSD from last year and filled every water bottle we own a few days ago. Looks like fucking Signs on our kitchen counter. Fuck you Austin Water.
  12. Seriously considering walking around in a full face respirator tomorrow. Fuck this shit.
  13. They used to office at 15th and Guad. They moved office buildings a month or two ago and she’s obviously really good with directions, addresses, and transportation in general.
  14. At this point she knows if I ask that question I expect an answer in terms of N, S, E, W. Which is why she dodged the question first time, because she actually had no clue. And point taken about known destination. But I wasn't the person that was going to be late to a meeting due to shitty directions.
  15. Apologies for longcat, but this is actually a condensed version. Wife ran out of gas on the way to take the kids to daycare. Less than 2 blocks away. She also drives an older Prius. I was on a work call already so didn't see her text, so she marches the kids home, grabs my keys, and drives the kids over. By this time I'm off the call, so instead of her taking an Uber into the office downtown I offer to drive her. She pulls in the driveway and was super confused when I walked to the driver's side, gas can in hand. Wife: "What are you doing?" Me: "Driving you to the office. Changing drivers is a pain in the ass downtown. Where am I headed towards?" Wife: "Oh, head towards Mopac." Me (thinking): "No shit, from southwest Austin to get to downtown I should go up Mopac..." Me: "What cross streets is the office on?" Wife: "Take the 5th street exit." Me: "Well, at least you didn't get very far and could walk home. Sorry I didn't see your text. How'd you run out of gas?" Wife: "Oh, the gas gauge hasn't been working for a while, it never reads more than 2 out of 8 bars. So normally I get 360 miles to the tank, but I was only at 320 today before the screen flashed *PROBLEM* and the check engine light came on, and the engine stopped. Also, the low tire light is still on. I've never run out of gas before." Me (thinking): "Sweet. That would have been good to know prior to this happening. Hope the battery didn't get run down to the point of being toast. Don't tell her she probably could have driven home. Battery will get toasted next time." Me: "Ok, I'll get some gas in it and get it home, I don't have any more calls this morning. I just filled up the tires last weekend so I'll make sure there isn't a leak." Wife: "Oh, turn here, turn here!" Me: "I thought you said take 5th?" Wife: "No, the other one....to the right." Me: "Cesar Chavez?" Wife: "Yes, that one. Sorry, that's why I wanted to you to get over one lane." Me: "What cross streets is your office at, again?" Wife: "8th and Congress. No, don't turn here!!!" (as I make a left on Lavaca). Me: "Oh, I thought I'd skip that traffic at the Congress light and head up to 7th. Shouldn't be any line to turn left on Congress up there. What corner is your office on?" Wife: "I never go this way." Me: "What corner is your office on?" Wife: "Northeast." Me: "What time is your last call? Did you want me to try and pick you up before I get the kids, or are you going to Uber home?" *At this point I pulled over at the northeast corner of 8th and Congress* Wife: "It's not over til 4:30, so I'll Uber. (She looks up from her phone) This isn't my office, it's over there (points at southwest corner of 9th). Oh well, I can walk I guess." I had a very relaxing drive home listening to a podcast. I then was able to put 10 gallons of gas into what is normally an 8 gallon fill-up. Cleared the check engine light, took the car for a test drive, battery looked like it was at about 80% prior to the test drive so should be OK there. Checked the tires, all were right where I filled the to the other weekend. Tried resetting the monitoring system, problem light still flashes on key on for 1 min prior to light staying on. Google it, says it needs further diagnosis by a tech, usually a sensor. via text: Me: "Hey, car is fine. I got it fueled up and home. Tire pressure was ok. There is probably a bad sensor, that happens sometimes when tires get rotated or the sensor battery gets old." Wife: "Told you I need a new car." Me: "You need a new car because a $3 sensor went bad?" Amazingly I didn't hear any further response.
  16. Believe this correct. So Abbott’s statement is spin.
  17. Harbor freight sells 5 gallon gas cans. I’m considering buying 4 just for that reason.
  18. KDB places a sidefooted effort into the bottom corner, water is wet.
  19. and his record of dropping games he shouldn't, and his team's penalty stats, and, and, and...
  20. Except that against teams like Kansas where they haven't been able to throw downfield all season, he still played it to hide our weakness vs. take away their very few strengths. And did it all game, and got torched. Scipio said it better than I could. He's just not a good coach based on this year's evidence.
  21. As someone who lives in a different Goodwin managed HOA in Austin, this would make people flip shit here. Apparently we've only recently hired them, and most of the older folks in the neighborhood are pretty pissed with the ticky-tacky shit and lack of communication already.
  22. I read that as PK runs a system that is much like Gary Patterson's was at TCU. Pretty simple for most of the players, and is made effective by players having limited choices so they can react rather than think. The back 2 levels of the defense being taught by coaches from different philosophies really screws with what makes the thing go. If it's me, I pick 1 of the 3 coaches, or none. You can't keep all those dudes and tell me they all somehow get on the same page in year 2. Also it points to their overall quality as teachers and evaluators. If you can't vanilla things down to get everyone on the same page to stop the bleeding, you're not an above average coach. And we don't have time for players to spend years learning a system because the coach can't teach outside their comfort zone.
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