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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Got outscored 100 to whatever in the Houston series and lost to that garbage Oakland right afterward. Pretty much left for dead but bounced back. Nothing wrong with some impressive resiliency. Should be an interesting final 17 games.
  2. We spent Christmas week there last year. Crowded, even by NYC standards. Just expect that. She'll like the Rockettes. It's their Christmas show. It's Radio City. It's the big marquee and all that, and once inside certainly a show she'll never see in a town of 5,000. Like 100,000 things in NYC she's never seen. But I'm quite sure she'll really enjoy it. One Vanderbilt is a must do - a really cool place to see the city. Not your standard 1,400 feet viewing experience in NYC. Skating at Rockefeller Center was perhaps the biggest cluster of the week. Just wall to wall people. As noted above, consider Bryant Park instead. Rise NYC was a lot of fun. We did all the other standard stuff (Statue of Liberty, Park, 911 Museum, Times Square) but sounds like you're on a tight schedule so will have to pick and choose.
  3. Ordering multiple kinds of breakfast tacos, putting them in one bag and not labeling. Nothing better than unwrapping foil and playing seek and find as part of a unplanned team building exercise.
  4. Liston had enough. Clay (Ali) had shown up at his house at 1A with a bullhorn. And then he tracked down Liston at the Desert Inn. Again, in the middle of a craps game. Ali ultimately got the best of him in both fights. But Liston had mob ties and wasn't averse to scaring the shit out of people, even outside the ring. Ali was such a great character, the greatest. Above and beyond his fighting prowess.
  5. Messing with a man during a craps heater is a bad idea. Messing with Sonny Liston during a craps heater is a worse one. Blast from the past, literally.
  6. We're in a drought. Do your part asswipes. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/steiner-ranch-residents-water-shut-off-ongoing-violations
  7. Double digit runs 24 times this season but (had) been almost a month since the last time.
  8. A&M should see if JC has any eligibility left and, if so, can play DB.
  9. Detailed background on Cocina del Sur off Anderson Lane, where Buffet's first margarita in '76 ended up changing his life in a way he could have never imagined. https://www.bowlhighfive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/TheRestofTheFrozenStory_20220610.pdf
  10. Need to keep Raymond away from sharp objects.
  11. Yeah, Jones is a clown. Birth certificate says 60-plus but he's still stuck on trying to be 28.
  12. Dear lord. Is that a one or (combined) two season total?
  13. Just to confirm, you'll win a bet if CU wins <6 games? I have to confirm in such circumstances.
  14. Great pic. Doesn't matter who's playing.
  15. Great site for schedule and broadcaster listing: https://506sports.com/ncaaf.php All kinds of newness with the re-org, both network and booth-wise. McDonough and McElroy my favorite crew. Blackledge to NBC with Ian Eagle's kid. Jesse Palmer moves into the booth with Tessitore. Nessler and Danielson doing Big 10 work at 2:30. Flemming and Osweiler are a very good crew. The latter sees the game really well. Interested in hearing Chris Simms on color. We'll see if Wischusen can (semi) keep RG III in his lane. And Beth lives...
  16. Shocking, no strategy? Get after it, surly. You too can draw $150K / year doing absolutely nothing. Resumes@cityofaustin.org
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