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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. A&M should see if JC has any eligibility left and, if so, can play DB.
  2. Detailed background on Cocina del Sur off Anderson Lane, where Buffet's first margarita in '76 ended up changing his life in a way he could have never imagined. https://www.bowlhighfive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/TheRestofTheFrozenStory_20220610.pdf
  3. Need to keep Raymond away from sharp objects.
  4. Yeah, Jones is a clown. Birth certificate says 60-plus but he's still stuck on trying to be 28.
  5. Dear lord. Is that a one or (combined) two season total?
  6. Just to confirm, you'll win a bet if CU wins <6 games? I have to confirm in such circumstances.
  7. Great pic. Doesn't matter who's playing.
  8. Great site for schedule and broadcaster listing: https://506sports.com/ncaaf.php All kinds of newness with the re-org, both network and booth-wise. McDonough and McElroy my favorite crew. Blackledge to NBC with Ian Eagle's kid. Jesse Palmer moves into the booth with Tessitore. Nessler and Danielson doing Big 10 work at 2:30. Flemming and Osweiler are a very good crew. The latter sees the game really well. Interested in hearing Chris Simms on color. We'll see if Wischusen can (semi) keep RG III in his lane. And Beth lives...
  9. Shocking, no strategy? Get after it, surly. You too can draw $150K / year doing absolutely nothing. Resumes@cityofaustin.org
  10. Some really good ABs in the last 2 to 3 innings. Even Heim on that called 3rd strike had a nice AB fighting off pitches. Come on Garcia.
  11. Hell yeah, let's go. Great base running Semien.
  12. Come on Garcia, fucking step up. Or at least make contact....
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