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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Meant to add this as well as the church prepares to re-open on December 7 & 8. Simply fantastic to see and outstanding work by all Parisians involved. https://www.barrons.com/news/post-fire-notre-dame-prepares-to-regain-past-glory-0a282e19
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/08/world/video/notre-dame-bells-ring-ldn-digvid
  3. I'm guessing Sarkisian's tolerance level for such is pretty low given the focus on culture. In other words, the anti-Cowboy approach where you can miss 3 or 4 team meetings and still be consider a cornerstone of the locker room.
  4. Doesn't surprise me that douche Galindo would refer to a score as a "tuddy". Right up his alley.
  5. Well, at least the local electorate wasn't stupid enough to bring that unbridled tapeworm Garza back as DA. Oh wait.
  6. Tessitore on PxP Saturday. Such a beating. Off tackle runs in the middle of the field for two yards are "huge momentum swings!!!".
  7. Forcefield on IR tonight.
  8. Best tv theme song of all time courtesy of Jones.
  9. Gus has been bad for a long time and has moved on to another level, which is simply being weird. Nonsense like the "world famous Ohio State Buckeyes" is a prime example.
  10. Bearded guy with a post-Tase dance only Elaine Benes would appreciate. It's too bad he didn't have a Tebow jersey on. I'd have enjoyed his beatdown even more.
  11. Gus has become such an unbridled beating.
  12. Sucks to hear. She was so good on Letterman and one of the very few that could and would put Dave in his place. DIdn't realize she was diagnosed with MS over 20 years ago.
  13. Damn. Most all of that footage is new and the police body cam video is an especially difficult watch, particularly when a distraught Cash is giving Wilson CPR. Thanks for posting.
  14. Holy shit. And I only watched the first 3 or 4 minutes.
  15. Meh, give it a day or 10. GM is tied up the next several days prepping.
  16. Fucking idiotic roughing penalty that epitomizes how stupid this team is.
  17. Were his shoulders not squared or some bullshit?
  18. Blew a TO. Team that is just not buttoned up.
  19. Fuck Day. If he stays this pissed he's going to need more dye on his beard before the game is over.
  20. So damn impressive, IU. Roarke out, no big deal. Just manhandling Washington.
  21. Love the El C. Not sure about the renovations they're doing. No need to play around with something that's really good as is.
  22. Oh my. That's two different zip codes we're talking about. Maybe more.
  23. Those aren't "probably". They'll get dismantled by all three teams. Michigan is a team that should now be soliciting students to try out at QB. It will be lucky to beat Michigan State this weekend as that's where expectations for a mediocre to bad team are. And that's what Michigan is.
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