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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Drops Sept 6. From the guy who did War on Terror.
  2. In Vegas later this week. Rain and 80s over the weekend. Shit is really sideways.
  3. Major league record set last night. Rangers have faced 11 position players pitching this season, breaking Atlanta's record from '21. Lots of white flags.
  4. Good point(s). Water was seen as a refuge but just delayed the inevitable for more than a few.
  5. Been almost 100 days since we've (airport measurement) seen any sort of significant rain (> 1 inch).
  6. Thanks for posting. That's a tough read that captures the terror and onslaught of the hell that was endured.
  7. Anyone but the Red Cross. We know a lady / artist that sells shirts outside our timeshare so at least we know directly where the money is going. Like so many others, she lost it all.
  8. That toll was from early this morning so I'm sure we'll see a revision pretty soon, unfortunately.
  9. The Maui police chief was quoted late yesterday that only a tiny piece (3%) of the search area had been covered by cadaver dogs. So yeah, unfortunately, that could be the case.
  10. His HOF jacket (and all '23 inductees) was designed by Carlton Dixon. The same one who played under Penders in the mid 90's.
  11. Tuckers hits a 60-yard FG. Ravens get 24th preseason win in a row. The ML parlay twin that keeps on giving.
  12. 89 dead, and counting. Dear lord. https://apnews.com/article/maui-hawaii-fires-lahaina-destruction-evacuation-38ec0d6a5c610035a0a72b804fcdffe0
  13. Training every 2nd week with Pablo Sandoval.
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