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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Full credit and comped nights for the future. Go to the hotel GM if you have to. Ultimately, you'll get what you want if you keep rattling cages.
  2. Three seats to Howard's left is a poor man in stage-3 dementia ready to stroke out at about any moment. It's ongoing, and one of the most uncomfortable stages on television we've seen in a long time. A real ratings grab, no doubt. There are smart people doing cable work. But smart people still are blind and / or make dumb decisions. Cases in point.
  3. If ESPN cared about optics it wouldn't have buffoons like Desmond on its Game Day set.
  4. Yeah, it's really weird. So he makes an innocuous pick on the Game Day set and it's going to influence his analysis on the game, ok.
  5. It's amazing that Cole's annoying, clown-like schtick was allowed so long in the PA role. He's insufferable and that's putting it mildly.
  6. Fuck that piece of shit. No interest in protecting citizens but wants his own security around the clock. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/investigations/defenders/law-enforcement-guarding-travis-county-district-attorney-jose-garza-home-security/269-a2116823-7b0f-4738-8811-3408e7ce62db
  7. Florida games are always interesting when 449 lb. Desmond Watson sees defensive snaps. (No, he's not a DB.)
  8. Galindo. Pretty hard to miss that shit yet somehow I did.
  9. Complete tv schedule and broadcaster listing: https://506sports.com/ - No surprise that Mark Jones has been assigned to Boulder so he can auto fellate Sanders. - Devin Gardner has been sentenced to the same booth as that buffoon Tim Brando. And someone else now has to deal with Tillman. - Gus has gotten out of control encapsulated by his ongoing "THE World Famous Ohio State University" nausea. His partner is the best in the business but Gus has gotten sideways. Herbsteit and McElroy are also solid on color. Jordan Rodgers is underrated. He and Tom Hart are a great pair. - Fozzy should be a good listen on SEC Net. - And no Beth to be found in Week 1. There is a God.
  10. Honest answer. The same people at ESPN who continue to watch Desmond Howard and and think "this guy should remain on Game Day".
  11. Should have ran OJ through the oven, while he was still alive, via PPV. Proceeds could have paid off all the Goldman debt and there still would have been leftovers for the family.
  12. Lulz. The entire stadium is and has been whored out for years. Nothing is going to impact that given at this point.
  13. This Thursday thru Saturday. https://twinliquors.com/pages/dollarsale
  14. El Borrego on Congress / Ben White. Los Jaliscienses on Airport. Great tacos, both. When it comes to Dona, these are so damn good. Side note for Los Jaliscienses. Used to be just east of Manchaca on the south side of Ben White (below). Strange place. Great food. Move further east on Ben White across from Walmart for a year, then done. New restaurant there now. The old LJ location east of Manchaca has an "Open" neon going all day, it seems. No one knows what is going on in the building - meth, Plonsky safe house, fresh fruit and vegetables, Ron McElvey's new home, blood draws / organ transplants, otherwise. Big mystery, all around. No interest seems interested in finding out.
  15. La Escondida on Ben White. Across from Discount Tires. Bars on the window. No one speaks English (except Sundays) Tortillas done on the spot. Check, check, check. If need be point to what you want, especially the Migas. Recommending Taco Deli or Torchy's in Austin is high comedy.
  16. Discard the uselessness that is Howard and McAfee and just make it Davis, Saban and Herbstreit, and you'd have a really good Game Day..
  17. Recommend a guided tour of Town Lake including a late night swim. Request "Nicole" for your guide.
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