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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Surprised this had happened in recent years. It may have. It's a circus with all those kids. Instead of 100 running around all over the place, just put 3 or 4 in each area. Yeah, we wouldn't have 100 winners of some contest but too bad.
  2. Ward / Clements and Elling look to be the only locals now on 102.7. It will be interesting to see who makes the jump from the Horn. Hogan and Babers are the only ones who deserve consideration. The rest of that crew on the station really is bad.
  3. Good watch. Debuted last night. Now on Peacock.
  4. https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/37989188/report-larry-nassar-stabbed-multiple-s-federal-prison
  5. Oh, Steiner. "Follow me. Follow me to freedom." The network has went into the toilet but its SportsCenter commercials will always be entertaining and stand the test of time.
  6. Yeah, at least there's (apparent) engagement and responsiveness to constituents and a presence in the city. Like I mentioned above, Ellis is fucking useless and won't return calls, emails, requests from carriers pigeons or anything. Next time we see her out in the community will be on milk carton at HEB.
  7. Bucky was infinitely better on radio when his 2nd home was the Trudy's bar in Brodie Oaks.
  8. His only gig needs to be with IMG doing pxp. That's it.
  9. I want to see the same with tiga shark.
  10. I don't know how underrated it is. Seems like, justifiably, it's considered one of HBO's best shows. So good in so many respects.
  11. Dunno about the others but Ellis may as well be a corpse.
  12. When Arties's nose owns a 2:27 trailer about Jackie then you know that thing deserves its own zip code.
  13. Standing strong yesterday at Q2 Stadium. 90 years old. 50 picnics deep. God bless this man.
  14. He looks like someone who doesn't go any way.
  15. Mayweather-like slip there. Few inches and the guy would have been delivering forecasts from ICU.
  16. Never knew she was the inspiration for the song. Waylon was in Ft Worth in '69 and saw an ad promoting Tina. Waylon joined Willie In the middle of a poker game. And from there the lyrics went. Learn something new every day.
  17. Yeah, we drove up that Tuesday. Worked directly across the Blanco from where the Porsche ended up on the house's slab. Just an insane night that Saturday was. Blanco rose 36 feet in less than 4 hours, five feet every 15 minutes from 10:45P to 11:45P. The Charba and McComb kids were never found I think. Agree that the Cypress devastation did and still stands out as much as anything. It really was hard to imagine.
  18. Add grilled onions and we're complete.
  19. All you need to know about Disney is that it is throwing money at that clown McAfee and Desmond somehow continues to be employed. The latter Is an incompetent, unbridled buffoon who adds absolutely nothing but idiocy to Saturdays. The below pretty much summarizes his ineptness but his bottomless bag of stupidity goes way back to a detail analysis of DeSean Jackson matched up against Aaron Ross in the Holiday Bowl, Jevean Snead's transfer and McCoy's injury and how they could impact Cal's preparation for the game. Except Cal was playing A&M. Imagine, somehow, confusing A&M with Texas. Just an example. Makes total sense that the guy is still employed by ESPN.
  20. And now that the dust has settled on the layoffs there can be little doubt that Desmond has pictures, and apparently lots of them. There is no other explanation how a clueless buffoon like him continues to be employed.
  21. Jackson is such a beating. We will know Disney is completely out of its mind if Mark Jones isn't shown the door.
  22. In other news Disney still sees fit to pay that unbridled clown McAfee.
  23. Yeah, same question. I drive it often and don't recall seeing this / anything close to it.
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