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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. Not bad but doesn't quite touch the original.
  2. James is a diva but a fantastic basketball player. He does everything and does it so well. At 38. Curry is simply incredible. 6'1". 35 years old. And he still toys with everyone. The Barry Sanders of the NBA. A must watch, at every turn. Second only to Jordan. The ratings for this series will be big. Very big.
  3. 4:58 PM Almost pitch black in 35
  4. Mayfest in Ft Worth. Early May 1995. 10.000 - 15,000 people outdoors on a Friday afternoon. Softball-sized chunks of ice fell from the sky at over 100 MPH. Upwards of 75 people hospitalized. I think there were no fatalities, somehow.
  5. This one means bidness, more by the hour.
  6. Great athlete, along with Vick the best running QB in the history of the game. But the latter does Jackson no favors when it comes to his long term health. And, more and more, deeper in Jackson's career we've seen you can't trust his arm and especially the decision making in big moments.
  7. That was a crazy gathering for We Are The World. Had never seen this picture.
  8. Tapeworm piece-of-shit DA. I do understand this animal was told he wouldn't get a lollipop when leaving court. So there, take that. Dude should have his fucking nuts severed. AUSTIN, Texas - Tuesday, Antonio Cordero-Rios was sentenced to 10 years probation for aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury and injury to a child. His victims packed the courtroom after waiting years for this day. "Your sentence is too lenient. You got off easy for what you did. I have heard no remorse from you. I have heard no apology," said Lynn Isaak, a victim. On June 30, 2021, Isaak became the first of 10 victims. She spoke after her perpetrator’s sentence was read. "You are a monster, and I don’t forgive you for what you did to me," she said. That day, Isaak was attacked while on a run by a stranger in a mask. Her Apple Watch captured the chase and struggle which lasted seven minutes. After being told by police it would be tough to find the person who did it, Isaak went on Nextdoor and found out other women had encountered the suspect. "While you were hiding, all your victims were piecing together the clues to find you. In the end, it was you who helped us," said Lynn. Those victims were able to piece together the make and model of the car as well as the license plate. They even created a map of where all the incidents happened. These efforts eventually lead to Cordero-Rio's arrest. "This, in my opinion, is such an incredible story as women in our community coming together, using social media in a way that's positive," said Kelsey McKay, victims' attorney/founder of Respond Against Violence. Even though Isaak was the only victim who spoke out, the other victims were right there in support. "We were very lucky to come together and bring all the women together to support each other," said Lynn. On top of 10 years of probation, the judge announced Cordero-Rios must stay away from all victims and children and register as a sex offender. Cordero-Rios’s attorney, Jorge Vela, told FOX 7 his client felt remorse for what he did. "My client, in pleading guilty, recognizes his actions," Vela told the news station. "He’s accepting responsibility."
  9. DPS should take over drunk driving enforcement as that unit of APD got sliced a couple years ago.
  10. Big weekend coming up in Calif. In another day an Abbott Panther halfback.
  11. It never gets old saying just how great Harlan is on pxp. Even an hour after the game was completed.
  12. Periodic PSA on the great resource that is Hydromet. https://hydromet.lcra.org/
  13. Some more development out west...maybe us deprived souls down south will get something.
  14. May need to go back to Costa Rica for a redo.
  15. KXAN saying nastiness is likely early this evening, with hail as large as basketballs. Or maybe they said egg-sized. Either way, PSA.
  16. Good for OP in getting this going. Go to the AHH if you can. It does a great job on this (called the HeartSaver CT scan). Easy, quick and painless procedure. The ARC even has coupons occasionally for 1/2 off on this. Even without one the thing is dirt cheap and pays off infinitely with the peace of mind you get from a clean result, or the followup needed to address an issue. Either way, it's a win.
  17. Probably could care less that you're pointing out his ineptness.
  18. Simple is fearful that the Mavs may fall into the obyss.
  19. Give it a couple hours, top. We'll see the pic in the Town Lake serial killer thread.
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