Sorry to hear about the broken collarbone, hope you can heal quickly and get back on that horse.
Coincidentally, I had one of my worst ever otb crashes a couple weeks ago. I was taking a connector trail which is really just an old ranch jeep road and just cruising along not paying much attention. The trail goes for maybe a mile gradually uphill, then another mile back downhill. I was just cruising the downhill section doing maybe 15-20 mph when all of a sudden I came to an abrupt stop, went over the bars, and hit the ground so fast I didn't even have time to get my arms out to break my fall. The tall grass totally hid a root that I didn't see and launched me.
I landed on my head, face, and shoulder. I was a little stunned and lay there for a couple minutes and then took inventory thinking surely i had a couple broken bones. Somehow I escaped that with just cuts and bruises and a really sore neck for a few days. I still had about 10 miles to ride back home and it was somewhat painful plus the bike wasn't shifting worth a shit after that.