Picking up my plywood right now to board up my windows and doors. Thanks to this thread, I have been ahead of this as much as I possibly can be. As a bar owner, this is very difficult. I have taken drastic ass measures these last few weeks to try to keep my patrons safe. See list below . I am certain I will not be open in the end of this week. And have been prepared for it, as much as possible, mostly because of this thread
started buying extra bleach/sanitizer/hand wipes/every extra of Everest cleaning product back in February. Not hurting just enough stock to accommodate my bar.
I have been lysoling and bleaching the fuck out of my bar for the last three weeks.I’m talking every surface anything anybody touches, pool cues, mouse for the sweepstakes games, doorknobs, any handles, backs if seats, every goddamn thing I could think of that people touch. (I realized yesterday I had forgotten the goddamn pens )
Switch to plastic instead of glassware prevent spreading.
Several other things. Bars and restaurants are usually pretty strict on their hygiene anyway. I upped cleaning mine because of the virus and hopes are not being Ground Zero in Jarrell
That being said, nobody here gives a fuck. truly, I’ve been told by every fucking customer that comes in here that I am over reacting, and being ridiculous. It’s just a fucking cold they say. The denial is ridiculous!
I embrace the quarantine now. As I was dreading it two weeks prior, I want it to happen sooner than later It will kill me financially. I think I have a program in place to recover. Either way it’s going to happen
Also, people stole my sanitizer from my restrooms. Two huge bottles gone