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Fattersons FUPA

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  1. I used to use these guys when I was in boat finance. They were outstanding and their premiums are very hard to beat. They'll probably send you to Chubb for inland lakes though. ASIC mainly focuses on coastal areas.
  2. My mom's family are pretty much all in Payson and Star Valley. I spent every summer and a few winters as a kid out there at my grandparents place. That's where we plan to retire as well. You could definitely do worse than that area. Both of my grandmother's sisters still live there. They're 99 and 94 and are still getting around like mountain goats. There's something to living in that clean air, elevation and terrain that leads to long life. And no pics, you nasty motherfuckers.
  3. Those old silos are really cool. My old man maintained the Titan II's that surrounded Tucson in the 70's. He says that's where he learned to dip snuff and not spit,.
  4. Not a Dr but sounds like motel elbow.
  5. We had a new express cruiser 36 at the show for $369k. 2 staterooms, full head, galley, retractable roof, twin diesels, joystick, Onan gennie, raymarine electronics. $315k for a Nautique...Christ I'd hate to explain that depreciation in a couple years.
  6. Be careful with that one. That picture is misleading. To my knowledge, they don't offer what the picture suggests with all the colors included. They offer perfect match gel that will match your hull perfectly less the sun fade. Spectrum makes the gel coat for several Brunswick brands nowadays. It is good shit.
  7. Sounds like this guy: https://www.westmarine.com/buy/evercoat--match-n-patch-gelcoat-repair-kit--1934454
  8. You might look into Navigare Yachting, a lady at work handles this for our dealership. They have a fleet of Fountaine Pajot cats available and are pretty reasonable.
  9. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/yallcatchin/videos/276236193088055/&ved=0ahUKEwiF58aChM7hAhVBSK0KHeX6Bk4Q_-MBCIgBMAk&usg=AOvVaw0lQRV98tFCBKzz3E_KKEvt&cshid=1555191587405
  10. You keep that up you'll be a winner
  11. Pixel 2 here. I love it. I like that it runs my Citrix app for work flawlessly, which my old Galaxy had issues with.
  12. Can someone point me toward the 2018 shart thread?
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