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Certifiably Surly
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About Bigpoppapump

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  1. Nothing has been keeping my interest the past two months with new stuff except this 3 song piece from a split that Tribal Gaze did, it's good shit.
  2. Uh, got a notification of Gafford playing well in the 3rd, why is there a game on?
  3. Fantastic.
  4. Wasn’t here last year but watching the game at Mannings is pretty dope.
  5. I have a ticket to the game, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm selling it and going to NOLA. I'm sure lots of people already made holiday plans.
  6. Album cover and logo are dope. Here's the full album stream.
  7. Been a crazy concert announcement week. Just bought Meshuggah, Poison the well and Undergang tickets.
  8. Alright Texas fans, let’s get that energy up! “People equal.. shit!, people equal.. shit!”
  9. 100% agree. They are not metal and that is ok.
  10. I don't get the Gafford starting hate. He's not as gifted as Lively but he does seemingly all that right things with fight. Nothing but a good example for Lively.
  11. Ahh, love me some early Volbeat.
  12. Sodom was a headliner last year, sorry for the confusion.
  13. Me and some friends got Hells Heroes tickets for 25'. + Sodom was awesome last March.
  14. Max Cavalera and Igor Cavalera playing Beneath the Remains/Arise is in my top 10 shows ever.
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