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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. Lol, they still don’t have an answer for Doncic.
  2. I need it to at least be lunchtime to be this hard.
  3. I'm from Buenos Aires, I say kill em all!
  4. I never put 2 and 2 together that it was LSU QB Brandon Harris.
  5. It'll at least keep you hammered for a week or two.
  6. Sucks when they’re like really really good.
  7. So if he didn't get Rona he wouldn't have died?
  8. I hear ya, but Fecal Shedding is still my winner for 2020.
  9. I tried, I said "humor me", I couldn't get past when he gets into the Matrix.
  10. Well, ~40% don't realize we've been showing reruns for the past four months.
  11. And I've been rocking the fuck out to the new Necrophobic single.
  12. Really surprised this hasn't made it here yet.
  13. Easily, months.
  14. Kobe Boyce stepping away from football to deal with mental issues?
  15. I read all the book titles, I've probably read more than anyone, ever....they've written books about how many book titles I've read.
  16. Today I learned, if you test negative, you also recovered. I might just get a test today for the good feels.
  17. I prefer the meaningless stat.
  18. I for one welcome our new Casino overlords.
  19. Not sure if "2007" serious or "2007" sarcastic.
  20. Pence probably drinks a warm glass of milk after taking a shit.
  21. As an Italian who is related to most of south Portland, I laugh at your stupidity.
  22. Life is real when every gas station has Faygo.
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