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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. Our company just sent out an email letting us know we still can’t upgrade to Catalina.
  2. Great series, I've listened to all of them on Audible. Got book 16 and 17? on preorder already. Definitely would help to start from the beginning, I think Death Masks is the fifth in the series.
  3. Anyone else not able to get to any 247 boards?
  4. Yup, the 45 bumpers are fat, then plate 45s.
  5. Still got nothing on Fapple Mountain Dew.
  6. I mean, how else can you get a party to 150%? Dr pepper and bud light alone?
  7. Honestly, guy in the car probably acted more rationally than I would have in that situation.
  8. Not sure if serious?
  9. Today is the day, on the cusp of 100k.
  10. Can we talk about cheese, kate or something else? Draft picks over the past 10 years is too depressing.
  11. He passes the eyeball test of 3 bills.
  12. I honestly only think there would be a consensus in the US on anything, if it had to deal with electronic devices/services not being available.
  13. You ever fart, and it like, wasn't a normal fart? You're compromised.
  14. I wanna say an article at some point said Bowman has a 4.4-4.5 range unofficial 40. Which should line up with his official 100.
  15. Can't find Stowers?
  16. Just won the whisky exchange raffle for 20 yr pappy.
  17. Lol, makes me think of my grandparents trash bags in Farmers Branch. I don't even know if they use them anymore. The giant paper ones from the city?
  18. I'm pleading with my house to have no issues for the rest of the year. We already need to rip out the faux wood and underneath linoleum in the front of our house sooner than later.
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