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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. Modular PSU? I'd agree with test PSU first.
  2. I had a freakout yesterday. We are in self quarantine after I had 3 degree indirect contact with someone who was positive for covid. The wife has not been very helpful. Had one friend drop off some paper towels (they had extra and we burn through a ton with our dogs) and another friend drop off a 8 pack of guiness. Felt much better after that.
  3. I've been learning for 9 years now, I'm probably nearing an associates degree.
  4. Double Dipity Posty
  5. Seriously, I'll lose complete track of what my father in law is saying from time to time. I feel like an idiot when I can't understand him.
  6. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ You can drill down by country as well.
  7. My condolences to your ass. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Jesus did pollen and cedar decide to bomb the city as well too.
  9. Or the green stuff.
  10. I had that bullshit last year too. I was getting so tired from the waking up several times during the night.
  11. How do they relate to football?
  12. Got friends that work at SXSW and friends that own local businesses. Not going to get into specifics, but many many places factor in SXSW for yearly financials as well as prep for large commitments during SXSW that will not be reimbursed in any way. This is word of mouth from the source, support local businesses during the SXSW time frame if you can.
  13. Be prepared for lots of small businesses to possibly close. This is brutal to the Austin economy. I think it's the correct decision, but I feel for all the people who will suffer financially from this.
  14. If you got an Audi, I think you'll be alright.
  15. Wait, did Trump spray tan oil around a facemask?
  16. I mean didn't it have a much lower reproductive rate and was only transmittable via body fluids? Not being airborn is a huge difference alone.
  17. It's impossible for me not to touch my face subconsciously, so I'm just assuming I already have it.
  18. Love me some Flor de Cana.
  19. TL;DR 200mg is the proper dosage to kill off the Coronavirus.
  20. Man, dying by contracting coronavirus from a fart has to be up there with the saddest ways to go.
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