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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. According to 247 no. I know we had someone go JUCO in the Charlie years and as soon as they didn't make it in the class value changed.
  2. They need Ellison and Mowry to both not make it in, to retroactively fall to 5th behind LSU.
  3. Freeze recommend him?
  4. Depends on what you want to do. Stereo, do yourself. Speaker replacement and door lining, do it yourself. If you have an easy path to the battery from the rear of the car or under the seat, sub and amps aren't bad. Anything more, probably better to have someone else do just on the amount of time alone. I've done all my own work, but if i did it all at once, I'd pay someone to do it.
  5. Whatever you say Ashley Schaeffer.
  6. It was the norm growing up hearing tornado sirens multiple times a year in north Dallas. Totally agree I don’t miss it.
  7. In all fairness my clutch blew cause I was going 60 on Ben white when the engine blew and I had to drive it off. The new one has been great with zero sign of wear. I’m stuck on wether to get an access port and tube or live out the engine till my next car.
  8. Oil changed every 3 months, changed the oil after the first 1000 as well, i have 45k on it today from 7 years. It was never once low before an oil change.
  9. Did it blow because of oil starvation? Blew cause of ringland failure. I'm guessing it might of been oil vapor intake, I didn't run a catch can or anything, stock car. Lots of things due to the design of the 2.5L that could lead to ringland failure. https://www.comeanddriveit.com/engine/subaru-ringland-failure
  10. Mine was a 2012, followed maintenance to a T.
  11. Ya, the 2009-2014 wrx's had an issue that would cause the engine to blow. They were more than happy to replace mine. Buddy told me who knows some of the mechanics at Subaru and Infinity that there are just blocks laying around over at the Subaru mechanic bays. It's been a champ since, which was 2013?
  12. I'll say Subaru Austin has been great to me. No hassle there, only tell me I might want to do something if it truly needs to be done. And I had a new engine and clutch put in at around 10k miles due to a common vehicle problem. Engine was covered under warranty but clutch was just out of warranty. They gave me the number at Subaru America to call and told me specifically what to tell them about the cars issue. Subaru America decided to cover the clutch, total bill was like 11k. Signed off, didn't pay a dime, drove home. Even told me I didn't need new brake pads on my fronts yet, but I wanted to get them done at the same time as the rears.
  13. There are worse things you can spend money on.
  14. All the the thugs they've seen were in the movies.
  15. Primetime shitting the bed.
  16. I don’t know why but this makes me like zingis more.
  17. It just looks like Dr. Pol is gonna come out of that thing and tell me the baby cow made it.
  18. Cupboard is bare and Jumbo needs bread.
  19. There was an article on the athletic debating if the Saints want to take on another “project”. That’s when I stopped reading.
  20. Lots of names beginning with Os. /katfid
  21. If it's the same as it was in the mid 2000s, you aren't actually in CS until you apply your sophomore year after completing some weedout classes, you're kind of pre-CS. I think it was a philosophy class that was the pre-CS one where tons of people bailed? Then there are like 3 more weedout classes in the major itself.
  22. I do love little darlin as well.
  23. If I'm not walking to Skull Mechanix or St Elmo, you'll find me at Bender or 04 lounge.
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