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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. My favorite rendition of that will forever be the WWE insider at the 2015 Royal Rumble. The timing and text are glorious.
  2. Didn't we trade back so we had enough salary to go fishing for a big FA? Or am I thinking of a different year?
  3. Could you imagine the melt if kawleo wanted to come to Dallas.
  4. Got a orange dry fit zipdown Nike hoodie from jcpenney after Xmas for cheap. Walked by today and they still have lots of Texas stuff on sale.
  5. I can’t stop laughing at Boulder Boyz. Seriously.
  6. Honestly, any medium to larger dog with a deep bark will pretty much keep everything at bay. Bonding with the family will give the dog a sense of protection. The police laughed at me when our home alarm went off (cause of dogs barking) and they met me at the house. They immediately said no one would be dumb enough to enter our house with the amount of barks. I had to kennel all the dogs just for them to do a check inside.
  7. Open container Downtown, Open container Downtown, Open container Downtown, Open container Downtown, Open container Downtown
  8. Wow that trade looks amazing if KP is healthy. Kinda lopsided too. They really want DSJ and FN?
  9. I do love DSJ btw, and don't want to trade him. But this is one of the more intriguing trades to me still. http://www.espn.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=y9eqkyp2
  10. Luka keeps going SS3 in games, it's nice to see DSJ go nuts.
  11. Carefully avoiding attempts, or yards per pass, or yards after catch, and blanketing with total passing yards. It's nice pretending all offenses are 50/50 2 dimensional.
  12. I agree with Vic, AD overrated, forearms too thin.
  13. Put me in the not surprised if every NFL player isn't using designer steroids pool.
  14. That’s some hardcore Millennial shit right here. We coincidentally have watched dogs and cats for people so this hits close to home. Tapatalk can kiss my ass right now.
  15. 4hands outlet off Anderson is great if you're in Austin.
  16. 3 5 stars and a bunch of jags. What’s so hard to understand. (Besides spiller and Wright)
  17. That’d be a hell of a pwo
  18. The price is dumb, and they are only guaranteed 1 episode of an original show a week, started with titans now the 3rd season of young titans. They have a shitload of comics though, and I think might premier them there. But ya, that’s why I did the 7 day trial.
  19. So I did the 7 day trial for the DC Universe online thingy and ran through this show then cancelled. It was pretty damn dark and violent, like the Netflix Punisher series with less drama. Anyone else watch it? I enjoyed it.
  20. No, he like Owens are getting criticized because the internet isn’t behaving the way they want it too. A rating service isn’t coming out with Luigi 64 class A ratings that put us with the 12th worst class in the bdf. If you question everything you gain nothing, the aggy way.
  21. All hail the new cuck overload! Praise be the portal!
  22. Calzone you stupid fucking sip!
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