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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. 100% agree. Rip, Chug, Release. Or go home.
  2. They got a new album coming out this year I think, they'll be back for it.
  3. I was debating it as well. Weirdly enough I saw them live with the current singer back in 2011 with six feet under, thought it was a pretty great replacement.
  4. I encourage a bunch of aggie lawyers to try and win a libel case. Might push Depp/Heard for ratings.
  5. Lol you need to spoiler that.
  6. Maybe he thought they were asking about his ex wife.
  7. Trevor Strnad died. RIP.
  8. Japanese Carcass is pretty gud.
  9. Getting 2011 vibes when I would fall asleep and wake up at 1 am with the game still going somehow.
  10. I was just at Denny's. Some dude that looked like Blake Gideon was mean mugging me and whispering "Mathis to Texas."
  11. ESPN says it's on NBAtv.
  12. I hope King is making NLI off that.
  13. Rick Barnes “Vince McMahon” walks into the the chat.
  14. Next you'll be trying to convince me "tuff juice" isn't a thing.
  15. Saw them with Aborted and Cryptopsy I believe.
  16. He actually had about the sameish stat line on the mavs, we just expected more from him for the price.
  17. Yeah, has some very Corpse songs, some changeups though, liked it.
  18. Been digging this, oddly super chill. Can't stop listening to this one either.
  19. If not, just shitfaced drunk.
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