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  1. cool. i guess he has a habit of imitating professional photographers as a form of homage
  2. I was watching the other day and there is a scene featuring Eli in a magazine cover. Skip to 15: https://www.buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/things-you-missed-in-the-royal-tenenbaums?utm_term=.iegXkJ8LG#.hfd8zadMB I saw that it is almost identical to a picture taken by Avedon in the Amon Carter in Fort Worth. http://fortworth.culturemap.com/eventdetail/amon-carter-museum-american-art-avedon-texas/ I then found this blog that equated the two photos: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wkIBG5zX9QA/SnzrInM-3AI/AAAAAAAAANs/2jGqOUKAUBo/s1600-h/de+donde+saca+la.jpg In the blog site, the artist is erroneously named as Lartigue, when i nactuality it is Avedon. The interesting bit is that Owen Wilson's mom was a photography assistant to Avedon when he took the photo. I'm almost certain this is the inside joke. Anyone else ever noticed or heard of this this?
  3. The Outsider with Jared LEto (i had no idea this existed) is a pretty good, dark ,violent, little thriller.
  4. I don't know if you are fucking with everyone bc it was not a marvel movie, but Logan was just excellent. I loved every second of it.
  5. when there is no risk of anyone dying, there is no fun. Marvel should fuck with everyone and make one of their standard movies and kill the lead, (and i don't mean the infinity war) Like Antman three he should fucking die and wasp should get her arms torn off or something. That would be awesome. This post got dark fast. PS if they don't kill a main character in the infinity war, then the world of cinema is lost forever. or something. (i assume a certain older metal boye will bite the dust, but i dont know)
  6. So true about Winter's soldier's tension feeling organic and earned. It just felt like natural. Black panther was so busy world building that they forgot to build any characters. It was flat. It was "business as usual" and im sick of it. I don't know if you watch Red Letter Media or not, but I think i have, what they call, Blockbuster Fatigue. I can only see the same thing so many times. I have officially reached my limit. I wouldn't know about Black Panther'd third act because i walked out but i assume there is some fighting and some comedic quips and black panther wins? I don't care really. The third act of Annihilation was everything i wanted it to be. I was in AWE. I was on the edge of my seat. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Fuck, I didn't even know what was happening when it was on screen happening in front of my face. It was like a breath of fresh air. Wanted to go see it again in the theater but of course it bombed and was only around for a couple of weeks. The theater probably had to make room for more fucking marvel movies!
  7. I walked out of Black Panther. They had a car chase in Korea for no reasons and there was some CGI and i realized that i just no longer gave a fuck what happened. i had seen Annihilation the week before and i think it ruined me. It was pure art; it was everything that cinema can be. It blew my fucking mind. This marvel shit is just shit. Over produced shit. I've had enough. No more star wars or marvel for me (at least in the theater) ever again. Harrumph. I mean, i loved winter soldier, I loved GoTG and Ragnorak but these seem to be exceptions to the rule.
  8. Winter soldier is by far the best of the Marvel movies. It's like a bad ass 90s action film.
  9. it was so gosh darn good...until the final episode where many beds were shat
  10. maybe its 52?
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