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hayden_horn last won the day on July 17 2019

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  1. lol trump gives fuckall about guns remember pre covid post whichever shooting when he sat there and said they could take the guns. I remember
  2. i mean one of yall should've told him that Yolanda shirt was a fucking terrible idea
  3. it's driven me crazy from the jump He says and does so many evil things, and this is the one you focus on? fuck his campaign must have been ecstatic
  4. I'm wondering honestly if you'll regret this post. I'm guessing not. You got yours right?
  5. Nah. Democrats are fighting wtf bronze against nukes. Now we can all be anti nuke but agree we can move from bronze through iron into steel gunpowder and beyond without nuking the planet. dems think rough is nuclear because that's how republicans act. and then democrats have their purity tests. THESE PEOPLE ARE FASCIST but my litmus paper turned red teacher fuck you
  6. It's grim. I'll say it. Goddamn I had some hope. Like a lot of it. I guess it's time to feed my inner entropy gleedemon as society is slowly taken apart by these evil sociopathic rich fucks
  7. the type of person that does this is actually voting against people as opposed to for them
  8. i've been meaning to chime in on this - wife and i went to chilis last weekend as a nostalgia thing. got the skillet queso, chips and salsa, blah blah, and jesus christ the skillet queso was basically soup with meat waved over it, and the rest was extremely mid. like more mid than usual chilis mid. i guess i'm saying it was bad. it was awful. i agree with you sir. but that salsa still fucking slaps
  9. i was trying to figure that out, then i realized that i haven't signed my actual signature on anything since my mortgage or my passport and i'm an older middle ager.
  10. yeah, trump ain't winning virginia or north carolina with those outstanding votes
  11. i'm fine with the "wait till the polls close" sort of thing, but new york is est right now and it's past 9pm. are the polls still open there? we know that's blue. we know texas is red. calling them both at the same time makes sense. but i guess no
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