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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. so I'm sitting in an office park outside an appointment for my son. this office park is a typical one off ben white surrounded by oaks big and small. this time of year as yall know, is fall for live oaks so those little bastard leaves are everywhere. i have been sitting here watching a lawn crew of probably 10 hard worker dudes using leaf blowers for...reasons I cannot detect. near as I can tell they are blowing the leaves back and forth. there is no attempt being made to bag them, nor is there a noticeable difference in the leaf volume in this parking lot in the past 10 - 20 minutes except the appearance of industry and the noise pollution that accompanies it. seems all leaf blowers are out do to is move this problem from here to there. most lawn crew just blow the leaves into the street...where they blow right back into your to someone else's lawn. but rarely is there an attempt to solve the fucking leaf problem by raking and bagging them. this got me thinking about the ethos of leaf blowers as it pertains to our American life. why do we spend so much of our time simply moving problems around instead of trying to solve them? i know the easy answer is nimby but leaf blowers are right in your fucking yard blowing everything back into the pool. I don't get this mentality. is it purely an American thing or is it more of a human thing?
  2. @Bozo_Casanova is doing a truly terrible job of trying to say that policing doesn't mean arresting. Kidding bozo sorta. this is part of the problem with "data driven solutions." there is no real effective way to "measure" compassionate policing. seems the only way we know how to measure it is by arrests made, successful prosecutions, cracked skulls, etc.
  3. hey just wanted to say that I'm glad to see you back around - your voice is important around here and was missed for awhile
  4. oh man I'm dead hahaha
  5. that is so fucking stupid much much better to spray paint a swastika
  6. she was my dream girl around that time too
  7. I usually am though so that's a safe assumption. also Rex is just being rex; I have no idea why anyone engages him any longer. it was obvious what was being communicated but he just had to be him
  8. well for her it was a career beginning move so....
  9. spot on. maximizing revenue just because you can in the short (or medium even) term, through layoffs, debt restructuring, refusal to give appropriate payraises/promotions, whatever, to answer to some faceless shareholder today rarely results in long term business success.
  10. police priorities? lol they are working in shifts!
  11. i learned how this happens in astronomy 301 when the conventional math breaks and a black hole is the impossible but only explanation. this feels the same as doing those equations in between the daily texan crossword. with the same dismal result of suck
  12. Uhhhhhhh sorry but that dude is the only target as a ceo because people can't hunt down shareholder value. share holder value is destroying society
  13. It's not just botox. it's part of the uniform a woman has to put on to be in trumpworld. it's part of his continuing need to have women capitulate to his abuse. they literally have to disfigure themselves and change their face shape to be identical. Compare noem to guilfoyle to any woman in trump's orbit. he gets off on them capitulating into cartoon character versions of their former selves.
  14. I don't think there's ever a wrong thread for some sepultura
  15. i dunno yall i am starting to think this guy might be on some hard drugs
  16. that will feed your baby before eating your baby
  17. yall taking about midnight taco? true genius before its time
  18. this whole exercise is really bizzare
  19. livelier lol. I've definitely experienced a lively go round a couple times.
  20. Limes were 25 cents a piece at heb yesterday. let's see what happens by next Friday to that
  21. I'm mostly just thinking that @Da Fino and @Spankytoes might want to request some post deletions? this is getting a bit too real?
  22. i have no idea what is going on yall wanna get (more) high?
  23. i don't know what all is going on here but I think I'm going to give you 48 hours to hopefully get it together
  24. "right lane closed ahead" EVERY FUCKING MAJOR STREET
  25. i imagine no matter the real explanation, this was always going to be the official explanation. "routine, training OOPS"
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