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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. the funniest bit is how all yall act like yall are moderated in any real way.
  2. i agree with you 100% but biden has fumbled this issue away because he thinks other issues of his have his priority. but letting Republican governors shape the narrative is weak af
  3. biden fails on the border and immigration for goddamn sure
  4. pretty sure someone at some point got their shareholder value though long as that shareholder value is protected in the short term, fuck long term business success
  5. lol at the torchys stans in here. talk about pinche gringo tacos.
  6. I'm going to start suspending people who start posting names without links or evidence because this shit is fixing to get fucking b a n a n a s
  7. jesus. but i had to laugh at that bowling alley video. the person that gets under the score table - they must teach that. when i was there i experienced one "major" 4.7 earthquake. i was teaching a kid and the earthquake hit. his mom was waiting in the waiting room. did she come get him? no. she got under the fucking table haha
  8. yes. I'm suggesting that we look at this issue with solution oriented goals, not those made up as barriers just because. I'm suggesting we merely come from a perspective of humanity and sympathy not hard hearts. I'm simply asking what if we decided to do the good thing and begin with the baseline assumption that these hordes are actually human beings seeking a better life. can we help them find that? why don't we?
  9. game should be over jesus fucking christ
  10. actually that does give us a second 1st down so 40 extra seconds...
  11. yeah that was like a "oops I'm supposed to be throwing the game" miss
  12. someone needs to review posts more closely that's for sure. we probably aren't too far off. I'm saying take these supposed millions, these hordes of...people?; anyways let's suppose they are indeed human people, and let's let them in. sure we might need to ask some questions, check for guns or disease or whatever, you know create a process by which these millions of hordes can gain entry into our nation with super low unemployment and a humming economy? we can do that about our laws and processes right? they are OUR processes that WE create amd WE enforce right?
  13. I'm not saying we should have "illegal aliens pouring across the border. " what I'm presupposing is that... maybe we make them legal?
  14. right? we could disperse 10 million immigrants into hundreds of thousands of communities throughout the us and nobody would even notice. whose system is it? who makes those laws? we could do this if we really wanted to. instead people feel better bitching that "nobody wants to work anymore" because...? I do not know. evidently we have "record numbers" of people who want to work but i guess no, because...? (
  15. hell, i am too. i have a crazy fucking idea. stick with me here because it's real fucking complicated. what if we just let them in?
  16. yeah pretty much the opposite. find the way to fuck over every one else as much as possible for more. that's it. that's the ethos. pretend your employees matter. throw pizza parties. do whatever. but when that big ugly quarterly pr annual number comes, better juice it any way possible and fuck the long term business metrics because I'm making so much in one year as an executive that i could live 5 lifetimes in 5 years but only if that shareholder fucking value is strong qoq
  17. we are getting clowned by new fucking mexico
  18. stick with me here but what if their plan is to make that illegal labor....legal? lol. but arbeit macht frei and shit.
  19. so i had a thought on my bro text group that i thought I'd share with yall. i think it's stagnation largely for a generation who missed the world changing as it passed them by. trump represents a safe time that makes sense to them. but it wasn't safe except mostly for them from a financial standpoint. they could work hard and get an education and a house and with for the same company and actually retire and shit. most of them are retired now. they are the marks. they always have been and they can't admit it to themselves. trickle down doesn't work but they somehow got theirs so their use case must be universally true. they've been convinced to vote against their own self interests because they can and it's easy. these are the people who couldn't program their goddamn vcr clocks in the 80s and they haven't done much to better themselves in the intervening decades. i really think there's something to the vcr clock thing. a lack of curiosity that results in entrenched stagnation
  20. kayfabe? face turn? WORLDS ARE COLLIDING
  21. hayden_horn


    your last line is basically true for any insecurity. the thing people generally complain about the loudest in others is the thing they most hate about themselves
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